Odds Comparison Tool - Need your input to help build...


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Help me build it - your feedback is needed

I hired a student in computer engineering on an internship program to help me out with a few things technical.

As a project, I'm going to have him build an application to grab various sportsbook odds and offer a report view of the odds comparison with some features and tools to make it simple and efficient for the end user (me and you) to use. Yeah - its been done before and you can find them anywhere online, but what I want to do is to take this to the next level whereb...
A) your feedback will contribute to building it
B) Offer it to others at (no cost) to those who contribute their expertise to build and test it.

Here's what I got. Please post below with anything you would find as a major value-add or a must-have if you were to have your own...which you will, cause I'm going to share it with whoever contributes to it.

1. Data:
- Grab sporsbook odds across 5 to 20 sportsbooks covering your typical North American sports, and others as soccer, rugby, horses, etc.
- Cover point spread, moneyline, totals, puck line and run line

2. Features
- filter the data by date, sport, league, odds format, bet type and sportsbook

3. Tools:
a) Bookmark - allow you to save or bookmark a specific game to view later?
b) Alert - a notification system to alert you if there is a line movement on a game that you choose

I'm stuck here...guys, anything else to add, wish-list or must-haves?

Oct 31, 2004
Best thing would be if you could log into the sports book from inside the program so you can place the bet at the same time at the same place you are viewing the lines. Nobody has ever offered that before.
Also has to be very mobile friendly

Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-galunga.
Jan 1, 2001
alerts for games where there is significant variation in the line across books
alerts for m/l scalp opportunities and a quick calculator to help you figure out how much to put at each book
a way to customize it so you can order it by books you have funds/accounts at
alerts for movements across key numbers
adjustments to standardize for books that show a diff line with high juice....+3.5 (-135) when it is +3 (-110) everywhere

New member
Sep 20, 2004
The key is the easy of use and to get the information Mobile

New member
Feb 22, 2011
Solid feedback guys..I may PM you to clarify some items here, especially exploring the 'Alerts' feature. Keep the feedback coming as I document all of these to explore more.

New member
Feb 22, 2011
1. Odds Data
- I'm 90% complete acquiring the odds across NFL, NCAAF, NHL and soon NBA, NCAAB and MLB to start. Afterwards, I'll focus on soccer, horses, rugby and possibly cricket (big sport, but unsure of its betting weight vs. others). Next week I'll be applying almost 10 years worth of odds data against this too.

2. Tool - Web Based
- Will begin the build / development very soon, and starting next week with its framework to make it responsive for mobile, tablet and desktop. But before I get the development fully invested, I'll wait a few days to collect as much feedback from you guys on your 'must-haves' and 'wish-list'. Again- contribute with something valuable to say, and I'll give you a copy or full access (whether its an app. or web-based strictly) at no cost/charge. Thanks guys.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Best thing would be if you could log into the sports book from inside the program so you can place the bet at the same time at the same place you are viewing the lines. Nobody has ever offered that before.

This is a great idea

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Ability to select certain games you want to track and have only those games displayed. A "my games" kind of thing like you can do with the various scoreboards out there.

Ability to pre-set alert parameters. "Alert me if this line on this game reaches 7"
Oct 26, 2003
I was on the ground floor of watching guys trying to implement ways to grade games on a computer back in the 80s.......this stuff you are trying to do is a grade above my pay level.....There are some really smart and intelligent programmers out there......

Another reason I am where I am today.....offshore with its collective wisdom with math geeks and computer knowledge will always be one step ahead of old time bookmakers.....that's why books like CRIS are able to survive.....

Best of luck SportsGuyUSA......

New member
Feb 22, 2011
Appreciate the support guys. @Viegjo - I also have 'offshore' access, so its a resources I can tap into very quickly.

My intention here is to build this not just for self-interest, but its about f***ing time something was built from the ground-up from the people who use it - not just some techno-geek building a product cause his rich boss thought it had a cool-factor or ego fulfillment. If there were rolling credits to this, it would have everyones names on it.

Noteworthy I'm ecstatic to see this feedback. I matches and goes beyond what I had originally envisioned.

Anything more guys? Love it if you guys can help spread the word to other forum threads so I can get as much feedback by Tuesday so I can formulate the requirements documentation and begin translating it over to a solution design for the developer to begin building within the next 1-2 weeks. Spread the love...spread the word.

New member
Feb 22, 2011
Guys - see my thread here http://www.therxforum.com/showthread.php?t=1001066

I've got the opportunity to build / developer an odds comparison web-based (and mobile) tool which will include NFL, College, MLB, NBA, etc.

I'm going to have this built from the ground-up based on your input and feedback, so if you compare odds at the books or use any tools for your betting, see the thread for my concept and post anything you would make this a killer app or tool. Those who contribute with valuable feedback/input, I'll give you a copy or access once its done. I need all feedback by Tuesday.

Thread http://www.therxforum.com/showthread.php?t=1001066



Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-galunga.
Jan 1, 2001
I would consider just focusing your efforts on major sports at first and then building out from there
would be nice if you could link to your phone so you get a text when one of your alerts was triggered
if you could place bets from the ap....the ability to make an auto wager when a line hit a certain # could be huge

New member
Aug 30, 2012
What language will the application be written in?
What type of server infrastructure will you use to support the application? Physical, VM, etc.
Will you have any type of load balancing?
What infrastructure will the data reside in? Oracle, mongodb, mysql, ms-sql, etc.
Where will you backup your data to?

All questions you should be thinking about, along with the functionality of the application.

New member
Feb 22, 2011
The integration of a sportsbook will unfortunately be a bit out of scope, although something I'll put in phase II to consider. To many unknown variables and reliance on 3rd parties (ex. sportsbooks) for the account integration. Beautiful idea - so I'll park that one feature for a later date and get the MPV off the ground first.

- Looking at C# or built on existing framework of PHP codeigniter
- MYSQL dbase
- Server: Virtual and if load balance needed, I can push to the cloud like Azure. A good problem to have if this takes off.
- Backups: Oui.

I've now begun development on a php codeigniter framework, and bootstrap for responsive on mobile. If this got traction I may invest into a dedicated app., but for now responsive for iphone and android. Only value for the app. then would be push notifications vs. email for alerts, and getting it into the Apple or other providers marketplace. More big picture thinking - but for now, going the route of responsive web app. so its friendly with desktop, mobile and tablet.

Guys - its now in motion. Mockups are done and my resources are now starting to build this week. If there is anything / features not mentioned above, please include now, or forever hold your peace until I launch the MVP of this.

Curious - I'll give you guys free access to this, but do you think others would pay to have such a tool? If they were willing to part their hard earned dollars, at what price would be viewed as fair....aside free? More curious than anything.



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