Are they paid to do it? Some of the Violent "ANTIFA" Blackclad & Masked Protest Terrorists?


Nov 4, 2009
In regards to the violence perpetrated in Berkley this past weekend, an attendee of the protest said:

If we look at who are doing these attacks, who are stomping conservatives on the ground and bloodying them, they are mostly non-students. There are actually violent gangs coming up from Oakland, conscripted by Antifa, to hunt Republicans in the streets,”

Is it possible that the violence & hatred we're seeing from this "Antifa" group (Nationally) is to some degree due to people being paid to do this?

If so, (which would be "wild" like: Really Really Crazy & totally FUBAR messed up), Who, in your opinion, is paying them?

Organizations? Political Action Groups (PACs)?, could those financing this even be "Nation-States"? In Middle East or elsewhere that might want Instability in USA?

All or some of the above? Another entity not included up there?

If some of these Brats are just doing it cuz they're being paid to be there and Stomp People & Break stuff, Deface Statues etc.

Who is Paying them to do this?

What do You feel like is REALLY "going on" with this "Antifa" stuff & Violent Anti-Whatever behavior?

Ashton Whitty:




Aug 15, 2017
Agreed. I definitely don't agree that they're being paid by someone though. There are plenty of people crazy enough to do this type of shit on their own

New member
Apr 13, 2011
There was a discussion on linkedin about this and a guy was talking about seeing these posts for paid demonstrators on craigslist and through other websites.

Nov 4, 2009
Agreed. I definitely don't agree that they're being paid by someone though. There are plenty of people crazy enough to do this type of shit on their own

OMG Mattattack is over here?!? Get Your Post Count up to 50, Dude, so you can play in our RXNFL Contest and also the NCAA one....if you want.

( I should watch out what I Wish For lol.....Mattattack is a dangerous Contest Entrant.)

Bring 'em all over!!!! All The Guys. :toast:
Dec 19, 2011
You better believe they are paid protesters out there. Here is the main man!

[FONT=&quot][h=1]Federally Indict George Soros for funding various terrorist and cartel groups.[/h]

Bill Wilson[COLOR=#737273 !important] United States


George Soros is an international multi-billionaire who uses his money to gain influence, in turn using that influence to make radical changes in the fabric of American society - to the extent of subverting the American political system and force his dangerous interests into American legislatures - sometimes by directly bribing American politicians. Soros spends millions on perpetuating mindless violence in the United States, for example George Soros provided funding to some groups that engaged in Ferguson-related riots.
It is well documented that George Soros practices tax evasion with his several offshore businesses located in Bermuda, he also has been convicted of a felony in France for insider trading.
His company known as the Open Society Institute is a regular donator to the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) which actively supports militant Islamic terrorism by publicly defending suicide bombers. George Soros is also documented as an active donator to the La Raza mexican cartel group - notorious for countless murders, for smuggling illegal drugs into the United States, and spreading their violence onto American soil.
Please sign this petition to urge the CIA to indict and arrest George Soros so that he may be brought to justice for perpetuating violence, terrorism, and illicit drug trade and related violence on American soil.
No Sorrow for Soros.


New member
Nov 21, 2013
Of course everyone who publicly opposes fat little donnie is on Soros payroll.

I have been cashing weekly checks since last summer and receive a $2 bonus for each RxForun post I make that includes my chippy signature line
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Nov 4, 2009
Aw C'mon Sgt you're better than that. I wasn't saying: "ALL of them". Seems obvious that SOME of them are, out there paid to perpetrate Violence. Interviewed they often can't even locate words to articulate what they're protesting, what they're mad about.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
There was a discussion on linkedin about this and a guy was talking about seeing these posts for paid demonstrators on craigslist and through other websites.

Of course they exist...These are the same type of groups that helped Barman's parents arrange to have people at his birthday parties when he was youngster...And he uses them now for social situations such as cookouts etc...
Dec 19, 2011


[FONT=&quot]The upper portion of this page is devoted to organizations that are funded directly by George Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF). The lower portion of the page focuses on organizations which do not receive direct funding from Soros and OSF, but which receive money from one or more groups that do get direct OSF funding.


Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Foundations

By Discover The Networks

Organizations that, in recent years, have received direct funding and assistance from George Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF) include the following. (Comprehensive profiles of each are available in the "Groups" section of[/FONT]

  • Advancement Project: This organization works to organize "communities of color" into politically cohesive units while disseminating its leftist worldviews and values as broadly as possible by way of a sophisticated communications department.
  • Air America Radio: Now defunct, this was a self-identified "liberal" radio network.
  • Al-Haq: This NGO produces highly politicized reports, papers, books, and legal analyses regarding alleged Israeli human-rights abuses committed against Palestinians.
  • All of Us or None: This organization seeks to change voting laws -- which vary from state to state -- so as to allow ex-inmates, parolees, and even current inmates to cast their ballots in political elections.
  • Alliance for Justice: Best known for its activism vis a vis the appointment of federal judges, this group consistently depicts Republican judicial nominees as "extremists."
  • America Coming Together: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to coordinate and organize pro-Democrat voter-mobilization programs.
  • America Votes: Soros also played a major role in creating this group, whose get-out-the-vote campaigns targeted likely Democratic voters.
  • America's Voice: This open-borders group seeks to promote “comprehensive” immigration reform that includes a robust agenda in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens.
  • American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy: This organization "opposes laws that require employers and persons providing education, health care, or other social services to verify citizenship or immigration status."
  • American Bridge 21st Century: This Super PAC conducts opposition research designed to help Democratic political candidates defeat their Republican foes.
  • American Civil Liberties Union: This group opposes virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by the U.S. government. It supports open borders, has rushed to the defense of suspected terrorists and their abettors, and appointed former New Left terrorist Bernardine Dohrn to its Advisory Board.
  • American Constitution Society for Law and Policy: This Washington, DC-based think tank seeks to move American jurisprudence to the left by recruiting, indoctrinating, and mobilizing young law students, helping them acquire positions of power. It also provides leftist Democrats with a bully pulpit from which to denounce their political adversaries.
  • American Family Voices: This group creates and coordinates media campaigns charging Republicans with wrongdoing.
  • American Federation of Teachers: After longtime AFT President Albert Shanker died in in 1997, he was succeeded by Sandra Feldman, who slowly “re-branded” the union, allying it with some of the most powerful left-wing elements of the New Labor Movement. When Feldman died in 2004, Edward McElroy took her place, followed by Randi Weingarten in 2008. All of them kept the union on the leftward course it had adopted in its post-Shanker period.
  • American Friends Service Committee: This group views the United States as the principal cause of human suffering around the world. As such, it favors America's unilateral disarmament, the dissolution of American borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, the abolition of the death penalty, and the repeal of the Patriot Act.
  • American Immigration Council: This non-profit organization is a prominent member of the open-borders lobby. It advocates expanded rights and amnesty for illegal aliens residing in the U.S.
  • American Immigration Law Foundation: This group supports amnesty for illegal aliens, on whose behalf it litigates against the U.S. government.

New member
Jan 4, 2007
i think there's a lot of manipulation going on by a separate entity just trying to antagonize both sides
#harveylootgang might be real in harvey, but there are a lot of twitter accounts legit just out there to troll people [you can tell by the twitter handles they are whack and obv would not be selected by actual thugs]

it's really an unfortunate situation

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
saw the vids of the black-masked peace-loving libs grabbing the water bottle off the wheelchaired vet and squirting him in the face with it. stay classy california

Nov 4, 2009
Agreed. I definitely don't agree that they're being paid by someone though. There are plenty of people crazy enough to do this type of shit on their own

Big Thing that supports your opinion that they're not being paid to create conflict, wreck stuff & beat up people is that if there were people getting paid to agitate we'd see people admitting to this in interview, with FOXNEWS.

Thing that argues against your take is: wasn't it established that there WERE people paid to start fights at trump rallys during the campaign?

And hasn't it been established as Fact that Soros & and that other Rich Guy, Amway Money or something like that....Paid people to tear up Ferguson & Baltimore?

Wasn't this established to be true or did I dream that?

Fact that we ain't seeing "Admissions" from Paid Agitators though....thats Yuge. Cuz if this was widespread, totally bums would be talking...spilling the beans.

Jan 15, 2010
These aren't real liberals, they're commies. Commies are scum of the earth, and have long failed ideology of being anti-private property through violence.

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Got my weekly Soros check......used it for a threeteamparlay later tonight
Dec 19, 2011

Row 1: (left to right) Brittany Mooreman, Emily Gillespie, Harlan Paknau. Row 2: James Dominic, Joshua Phillips, Kristopher Wyrick [not a member of antifa], Levi Smith. Row 3: Rachael Lea Moore, Sean Hines,
Seth Vasquez, Yesenia Mendez. (Photos/Alameda County Sheriff)

Berkeley Police released mugshots Tuesday of 11 of the 13 persons arrested at Sunday’s violent political riots in the California university town.Charges include assault with a deadly weapon, felony assault and various municipal code violations.
The rallies Sunday saw approximately 4,000 “antifa” agitators and other leftists shut down a “No to Marxism” rally and prayer vigil being held by about 400 conservative Christians. The leftists took over Martin Luther King Jr. Park near the University of California Berkeley campus and beat several of the anti-Marxist protesters.
One officer was injured while making an arrest, and several others were struck with paint and bottles.
The San Francisco Chronicle, which had reporters on the scene Sunday, referred to the antifa crowd as anarchists:
“The masked counterprotesters, often referred to as antifa or antifascists, significantly outnumbered the people who had come for the rally, many of whom wore red clothing indicating support for President Trump. The anarchists chased away the right-wingers, and in one case four or five pummeled a man with fists and sticks before a radio host for Reveal, Al Letson, jumped in to shield the victim. Anarchists also attacked reporters who documented their actions.”
The average age of the 13 people arrested is 30.
Clare Lopez, vice president of research and analysis for the Center for Security Policy, said the mugshots reveal that the people behind the antifa masks were mostly professional agitators, not local college students.
“With an average age of 30, those arrested during the violent Berkeley riots of Sunday 27 August do not fit the profile of the average college undergrad,” Lopez told WND.
“In fact, they more closely fit the profile of professional off-campus thugs,” she said. “And once we understand that antifa is a motley collection of Marxist-Leninist anarchists, the direct descendants of the 1920s and 1930s communist street fighters in Europe, the better we will be prepared to realize why these hoodlums so violently targeted a ‘No To Marxism’ rally. Antifa was there to defend communism and plunge America into chaos.”
War cry wish for erasure of USA
Antifa’s war cry, caught on video during the rally, was no less than the total destruction of American society.
“No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!” they chanted.
Watch video of antifa members chanting their wish for an end to America’s existence as a nation:

ANTIFA Chant: "No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All!

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Red State author Teri Christoph wrote:
“No, it’s not surprising that these be-masked thugs hate the USA and that Berkeley is their home base for their hatred. The city has welcomed them with open arms and should now be considered occupied by an enemy state.
“Make no mistake, though. Donald Trump is just today’s convenient excuse for anti-Americans to be anti-America and thugs to be thugs. This kind of nonsense pre-dates Trump and will still be around after Trump if we don’t name this evil and fight back against it.”
Philip Haney, a retired Homeland Security officer and co-author of the book “See Something Say Nothing,” said today’s hardcore left mimics the tactics of the Islamic jihadists with whom they are allied.
“The Islamists say Islam is a religion of peace, but they won’t condemn the jihadists and attack anyone who does as Islamophobic. In the same way, the Democrats say, ‘We believe in peace, equality, diversity and inclusiveness,’ but they won’t condemn antifa and anyone who disagrees with them politically is a fascist,” Haney said.
“These are hardcore people,” he said. “They are totally sold on this thing and willing to take it to the brink.”
Lopez said it’s also clear where their funding is coming from – the likes of George Soros-affiliated foundations, the Tides Foundation and other cash-rich foundations and NGOs.
The names, ages and places of residence for the 13 arrestees Sunday are as follows [cities of residence are in California unless otherwise noted]:

  • Seth Vasquez, 25-year-old male from Berkeley.
  • Mark Misohink, 23-year-old male from Berkeley.
  • James Dominic, 23-year-old male from Oakland
  • Kristopher Wyrick, 39-year-old male from Alpine, who has contacted WND and said he is not and never has been an antifa member but was protesting as a “patriot.”
  • Harlan Pankau, 38-year-old male from Jamul.
  • Levi Smith, 32-year-old male from Sparks, Nevada.
  • Sean Hines, 20-year-old male from Santa Rosa.
  • Brittany Moorman, 26-year-old female from Oakland.
  • Yesenia Mandez, 22-year-old female (unknown city).
  • Emily Gillespie, 24-year-old female from Berkeley.
  • Sean Dougan, 47-year-old male from Portland, Oregon.
  • Rachel Moore, 40-year-old female from Oakland.
  • Joshua Phillips, 26-year-old male from Oakland.
Blogger James Woods responded immediately Tuesday to one of the first mugshots released of an antifa criminal suspect with this sarcastic tweet:
<twitterwidget class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" id="twitter-widget-2" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: block; transform: rotate(0deg);"></twitterwidget>
This #AntifaGoon screamed she didn’t want her picture taken while being arrested. Please respect her privacy. Do not retweet 10,000 times.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 29, 2017
Tom Trento, president of the United West organization, which defends Western values against Shariah and leftist aggression, posted an alert on his website Tuesday titled “Democrats: Jumping the Shark, Losing their Minds.”
“Not content with just getting high and living in squalor, the rag-tag group of disgruntled children, wearing Halloween masks, donning Marxist clothing and calling themselves, ANTIFA, have organized to such a degree that the dopey Democrat elected leaders now praise this gang of terrorists as the second coming of America’s Founding Fathers!
“We only have two problems with that arrangement. First, the Antifa scum are truly dedicated to violent overthrow of capitalism and will ‘jump-the-shark’ to use any event to shock America into listening to their disturbed voices. Second, the Democrats are endorsing this insanity, thus a full-frontal attack against the foundations of American culture, social organization and political stability is developing right before our eyes.”
James Simpson, author of “The Red-Green Axis,” said antifa consists of a loosely affiliated network of communists, Marxists and anarchists who are anything but shy about their goals. He believes they should be declared a domestic terrorist organization.
“Communism is the polar opposite of free market capitalism. It cannot compete honestly. It thrives on envy and destroys everything it touches. Communists are the evolutionary endpoint to human depravity,” Simpson writes in an essay for
“Even the communists themselves do not believe the ‘racist, sexist, xenophobe’ narrative they constantly spew,” he added. “The true goal is to destroy our credibility through intimidation and shaming. The reality of this strategy is demonstrated by its history of use.”
Vladimir Lenin, the father of Soviet communism, may have been the first to lay out this strategy, Simpson said.
Lenin said: “We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth. … We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”

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