Moral compass question for those who claim they will no longer watch football.


Nov 17, 2004
I'm just curious how your moral compass works.

The NFL has had numerous domestic abuse issues involving wife/girlfriend beaters, a dog killer, multiple DUIs, players with illegal firearms, and players involved with killings, and yet you still watched football. And yet, if someone protests the national anthem, now you're so appalled you will no longer watch the games. Why?

Spare me the legalese (I'm not asking anything about 1st Amendment rights) and spare me the "last straw" nonsense as I'm not buying that you'd stop watching if there was another wife beater incident. Also, I'd appreciate your comment instead of letting some Op/Ed do your talking.

New member
Jun 29, 2016
I have not said I am not going to watch, but if you will allow me I would like to chime in. I believe people feel personally offended by this kneeling. Their daughters/sisters, dogs etc were not targeted so it is "easier" to ignore....but now these players are disrespecting something that IS near and dear to them.

I am a white male and feel as though the black players (and others) are saying this country is not equal and feel like they are blaming me as a white person. I still gotta ask WHAT IS NOT EQUAL?

Jul 14, 2007
Most of that other stuff is just digested by people differently. It doesn't really lend itself to a strong emotional reaction.

If a player does 1 of those things, it isn't all over the TV usually (atleast not close to this), it isn't a huge culturally polarizing issue and the stories tend to go away over time. This story is an offshoot of the political climate in this country which is white hot with polarization right now. It's just gonna elicit a different type of reaction than a guy getting a DUI or beating his wife/girlfriend. You can explain those away as isolated incidents.

Also, there is a basic agreement by everyone involved that all of those things are clearly bad and immoral. With this there isn't, some people think the players are right to protest, some don't. But if you think they are out of line and are appalled, the only way you can really express that is through boycotting.

I think that probably goes a long way towards answering your question.

Jul 14, 2007
There is also an accumulation effect. Pro football doesn't really jibe (not jive people, jibe) with the modern attention span and entertainment options are more expanded than ever. A lot of people had 1 foot in and 1 foot out as far as viewership already because of all the commercials, injury timeouts, flags, etc. This was becoming a thing before all the protests.

This is just icing on the cake, the straw that broke the camels back.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
If anyone thinks people aren't serious about not watching then simply get on twitter & facebook & watch all of the videos of people burning all of their tickets & memorabilia collections.

These ppl aren't playing around.

Ppl didn't think Trump could win & the those fed up proved them wrong.

Ppl didn't think others would stop watching the NFL (and more sports to come) due to all of this & they're being proven wrong again...

Nov 17, 2004
If anyone thinks people aren't serious about not watching then simply get on twitter & facebook & watch all of the videos of people burning all of their tickets & memorabilia collections.

These ppl aren't playing around.

Ppl didn't think Trump could win & the those fed up proved them wrong.

Ppl didn't think others would stop watching the NFL (and more sports to come) due to all of this & they're being proven wrong again...

This thread isn't about questioning if anyone is serious. Let's stay on topic.

But thank you to the rest of you. So do you guys think the action of kneeling is more heinous than the other things I mentioned?

Dec 12, 2006
This thread isn't about questioning if anyone is serious. Let's stay on topic.

But thank you to the rest of you. So do you guys think the action of kneeling is more heinous than the other things I mentioned?

I think post #3 summed it up.

New member
Feb 5, 2007
This whole thing is stupid to me..kneel, lay down, moon the flag who cares. Everyone all of the sudden is some super patriot. Why do you stand? Why do you take off your hat? Its cuz you don't want to be "that guy". Everyone falls in lockstep and are sheep led to slaughter..its herd mentality not "patriotism"

Aug 20, 2007
I'm just curious how your moral compass works.

The NFL has had numerous domestic abuse issues involving wife/girlfriend beaters, a dog killer, multiple DUIs, players with illegal firearms, and players involved with killings, and yet you still watched football. And yet, if someone protests the national anthem, now you're so appalled you will no longer watch the games. Why?

Spare me the legalese (I'm not asking anything about 1st Amendment rights) and spare me the "last straw" nonsense as I'm not buying that you'd stop watching if there was another wife beater incident. Also, I'd appreciate your comment instead of letting some Op/Ed do your talking.

I think that is a valid question.

and I think it could be the way the situation is handled. Everyone knows there are bad apple athletes, guys that are just awful role models. But we watch them play sports and that use to be the extent of it. They would do interview a quick Q&A before or after the game (which many people never watched) and that was it. Their off the field troubles and causes were their business.
Now how much screen time, conversation and commentary is focused on what the athlete "believes in" or what cause they are fighting for. We watch sports for the entertainment, which is being lost in the current trend. There is now too much focus on what happens when the game is not being played than when the game clock is running.

Sep 5, 2010
This whole thing is stupid to me..kneel, lay down, moon the flag who cares. Everyone all of the sudden is some super patriot. Why do you stand? Why do you take off your hat? Its cuz you don't want to be "that guy". Everyone falls in lockstep and are sheep led to slaughter..its herd mentality not "patriotism"

You got it.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
I'm just curious how your moral compass works.

The NFL has had numerous domestic abuse issues involving wife/girlfriend beaters, a dog killer, multiple DUIs, players with illegal firearms, and players involved with killings, and yet you still watched football. And yet, if someone protests the national anthem, now you're so appalled you will no longer watch the games. Why?

Spare me the legalese (I'm not asking anything about 1st Amendment rights) and spare me the "last straw" nonsense as I'm not buying that you'd stop watching if there was another wife beater incident. Also, I'd appreciate your comment instead of letting some Op/Ed do your talking.

Excellent point.

I support the player's right to protest and generally support this particular protest, so this isn't my issue.

It was much more egregious to me that Ray Lewis continued to play in the NFL and then was hired as a TV personality (obviously OK'd by the NFL) after he clearly tampered with evidence of a double murder and was not forthright in telling the truth about what he knew of that double murder.

May 27, 2007
Excellent point.

I support the player's right to protest and generally support this particular protest, so this isn't my issue.

It was much more egregious to me that Ray Lewis continued to play in the NFL and then was hired as a TV personality (obviously OK'd by the NFL) after he clearly tampered with evidence of a double murder and was not forthright in telling the truth about what he knew of that double murder.

I don't at all.

Let's say you walk up to the counter at McDonald's and order a quarter pounder, large fry and a coke. The cashier smiles and says "That will be $7.50 and by the way, Make America Great for Donald Trump."

How many minutes would it be before the cashier got fired for doing that at work?

May 27, 2007
Donald Trump is playing all Democrats like fools here. He's literally sitting back and laughing at all of you. He's the only one that can't lose here in this situation.

1) The owners lose.
2) The players lose.
3) The fans lose.

Trump laughs all the way to reelection.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
This whole thing is stupid to me..kneel, lay down, moon the flag who cares. Everyone all of the sudden is some super patriot. Why do you stand? Why do you take off your hat? Its cuz you don't want to be "that guy". Everyone falls in lockstep and are sheep led to slaughter..its herd mentality not "patriotism"

How many times are we actually tested about our patriotism ? not that often... Its happening right now ! enough don't like it.. What difference does it make why someone is offended or put off by it ?that's all that matters. Its happening.. now the repercussions are here.
Dec 11, 2006
Protesting the national anthem is anti-American and disrespectful to all those who combined with sweat and diligence and discipline and blood and life itself to make this country great and defend it's greatness. From those who risked their lives crossing the vast ocean to pursue their religious beliefs in the new land. To those who harrowed fields out of wild, rocky, tree strewn forests, to those who crossed the country by horseback and foot pioneering through the great unknown - mountains, and rivers, and plains inhabited by animals they had never seen and Indians who would have their scalps.

And those who worked tirelessly to invent all manner of things fueled by the burgeoning capitalist political economic system that would advance the standard of living at a pace never before seen in all previous world history. People died building the infrastructure that would facilitate the industrial revolution, taking risks for the betterment of the collective society. People had a common spirit. They were virtually all religious and morally sound living in the fear of God. There was a common mindset. Right and wrong were clear and understood by all. Societal goals were pretty much constant.

And men fought in wars. From the American Revolution, to the Civil War (the one glaring example of differences of opinion amongst the American people), to WW1 to WW2 to the more recent wars of Vietnam and the Wars on terror. There have been 12 wars where Americans fought and lost lives. Over a million American soldiers lost their lives to preserve the tenets of the Constitution. How many more of their loved ones suffered the consequences of those deaths? That doesn't even count the soldiers who returned home maimed for life.

I could write a book about what the Anthem means to so many people in this country. But it's meaning is real and deeply felt. Maybe those who don't understand and feel at least some emotional attachment to the flag and the anthem can't understand why it is so sacred to many of us. But for those of us who get it and have shared this reverence with countless generations who preceded us, it is blasphemous to disrespect the anthem and the flag.

To compare what the desecration of these hallowed symbols to some dastardly individual deeds is simply inappropriate. Millions of men lost their lives fighting for that flag. Hardly the same as some thug roughing up his girlfriend or plugging another homey.

I refused to turn the Patriots game on on Sunday. And I'm hoping to hold out. I love the NFL. But I love the country that gave me opportunity more.

May 27, 2007
The NFL absolutely needs to retain the casual NFL fan. They have us. They have gamblers no matter what. They don't have Mary Jane in Idaho who turns the game on every once in awhile. If this protest continues, Mary Jane will run from the NFL and the NFL needs Mary Jane.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
This whole thing is stupid to me..kneel, lay down, moon the flag who cares. Everyone all of the sudden is some super patriot. Why do you stand? Why do you take off your hat? Its cuz you don't want to be "that guy". Everyone falls in lockstep and are sheep led to slaughter..its herd mentality not "patriotism"
reminds me of that george carlin skit about taking your hat off during the's good stuff, look it up

somehow though you missed the whole part about the kneelers and tunnel-boys being the true herd mentality here and, as you put it, sheep led to the slaughter.

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