Duplicate thread: Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization documents in Russia probe


Sep 22, 2007

Lol, Bend over, you Fat, Felonious Fuckwad, here comes the CHOO-CHOO!:devilex: Whatever happened to Ty Cobb and other members of Twittler's crack legal team saying the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving...then Christmas...then the New Year? Also, how come no Righty Whack Job has ever explained why Mueller, a Republican, working for Rosenstein, a Republican, doing the bidding of a Republican controlled Congress would have an axe to grind against Twittler? Anybody?:think2:Shush()*popcorn-eatinggif In other, possibly related news, Fat Boy is FINALLY imposing those sanctions and grudgingly admitting that, maybe, just MAYBE, the Russians may be "bad actors," lol.

Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization documents in Russia probe

By Pamela Brown, Evan Perez and Eli Watkins, CNN

Updated 3:16 PM ET, Thu March 15, 2018

Washington (CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization for business documents, a source familiar with the matter told CNN on Thursday.

The New York Times, which first reported the development, said the subpoena included documents related to Russia. The reports mark the first publicly known time that Mueller has demanded documents related to President Donald Trump's businesses.
The subpoena is a sign that the Mueller investigation continues to pick up steam, even as Trump decries remaining questions about potential coordination between his associates and Russia and denies any wrongdoing. Trump has said he would view any investigation of his or his family's personal finances that didn't involve Russia as a "violation" by Mueller that crosses a red line.
CNN reported in January that the company had voluntarily provided documents on a range of events, conversations and meetings from Trump's real estate business to Mueller and congressional investigators, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The source who spoke to CNN on Thursday said the subpoena's intention was to "clean up" and to ensure that all related documents are handed over to the special counsel.
White House special counsel Ty Cobb had no comment. Alan Futerfas, an attorney for the Trump Organization, said in a statement that Thursday's reports are "old news and our assistance and cooperation with the various investigations remains the same today." White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to comment on the subpoena, reiterating the administration's position that there was "no collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia and referring further questions to the Trump Organization.


Mudd: One of the biggest losers is Devin NunWashington (CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization for business documents, a source familiar with the matter told CNN on Thursday.

The New York Times, which first reported the development, said the subpoena included documents related to Russia. The reports mark the first publicly known time that Mueller has demanded documents related to President Donald Trump's businesses.
The subpoena is a sign that the Mueller investigation continues to pick up steam, even as Trump decries remaining questions about potential coordination between his associates and Russia and denies any wrongdoing. Trump has said he would view any investigation of his or his family's personal finances that didn't involve Russia as a "violation" by Mueller that crosses a red line.
CNN reported in January that the company had voluntarily provided documents on a range of events, conversations and meetings from Trump's real estate business to Mueller and congressional investigators, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The source who spoke to CNN on Thursday said the subpoena's intention was to "clean up" and to ensure that all related documents are handed over to the special counsel.
White House special counsel Ty Cobb had no comment. Alan Futerfas, an attorney for the Trump Organization, said in a statement that Thursday's reports are "old news and our assistance and cooperation with the various investigations remains the same today." White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to comment on the subpoena, reiterating the administration's position that there was "no collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia and referring further questions to the Trump Organization.
The Times, citing two people briefed on the matter, said the subpoena was delivered "in recent weeks."
The Times said special counsel witnesses had been asked recently about a potential real estate deal in Moscow, and that investigators have questioned witnesses about the flow of money from the United Arab Emirates to the United States.
CNN has reported that George Nader, a Middle East specialist tied to secret meetings between the UAE and Trump associates, is cooperating with Mueller.
The Times report said the subpoena is related to records prior to Trump's run for office. CNN reported in January that the Trump Organization had provided documents largely from the period after Trump announced his run up to his inauguration.
Lawyers for Trump said last May that over the past decade, Trump's unreleased federal tax returns do not show any income from Russian sources "with a few exceptions."
Sources previously told CNN that Mueller's investigators had been asking witnesses about Trump's business activities in Russia prior to his presidential run, including an unrealized attempt for a Trump Tower in Moscow. Last week, as he took to national airwaves for a series of interviews claiming he would defy a grand jury subpoena in the probe, former Trump aide Sam Nunberg told CNN he suspected investigators wanted to know more about the 2013 Miss Universe pageant Trump hosted in Moscow.

News of the subpoena broke shortly after the Trump administration announced a new raft of sanctions on Russia, including Russian nationals previously indicted in the special counsel probe.
His former campaign chairman Paul Manafort faces more than 300 years in prison if he's convicted of charges stemming from Mueller's investigation that are unrelated to alleged Russian meddling in the election.
Meanwhile, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee moved earlier this week to close their investigation, saying they found no "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia, as well as denying that Russian efforts to interfere in the election were done to bolster Trump, a central tenet of the US intelligence community's conclusion about the meddling.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Lol, Bend over, you Fat, Felonious Fuckwad, here comes the CHOO-CHOO!:devilex: Whatever happened to Ty Cobb and other members of Twittler's crack legal team saying the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving...then Christmas...then the New Year? Also, how come no Righty Whack Job has ever explained why Mueller, a Republican, working for Rosenstein, a Republican, doing the bidding of a Republican controlled Congress would have an axe to grind against Twittler? Anybody?:think2:Shush()*popcorn-eatinggif In other, possibly related news, Fat Boy is FINALLY imposing those sanctions and grudgingly admitting that, maybe, just MAYBE, the Russians may be "bad actors," lol.

Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization documents in Russia probe

Pamela Brown, Evan Perez and Eli Watkins, CNN

Updated 3:16 PM ET, Thu March 15, 2018

Washington (CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization for business documents,
a source familiar with the matter told CNN on Thursday.

The New York Times, which first reported the development, said the subpoena included documents related to Russia. The reports mark the first publicly known time that Mueller has demanded documents related to President Donald Trump's businesses.
The subpoena is a sign that the Mueller investigation continues to pick up steam, even as Trump decries remaining questions about potential coordination between his associates and Russia and denies any wrongdoing. Trump has said he would view any investigation of his or his family's personal finances that didn't involve Russia as a "violation" by Mueller that crosses a red line.
reported in January that the company had voluntarily provided documents on a range of events, conversations and meetings from Trump's real estate business to Mueller and congressional investigators, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The source who spoke to CNN on Thursday said the subpoena's intention was to "clean up" and to ensure that all related documents are handed over to the special counsel.
White House special counsel Ty Cobb had no comment. Alan Futerfas, an attorney for the Trump Organization, said in a statement that Thursday's reports are "old news and our assistance and cooperation with the various investigations remains the same today." White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to comment on the subpoena, reiterating the administration's position that there was "no collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia and referring further questions to the Trump Organization.


Mudd: One of the biggest losers is Devin NunWashington (CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization for business documents, a source familiar with the matter told CNN on Thursday.

The New York Times, which first
reported the development, said the subpoena included documents related to Russia. The reports mark the first publicly known time that Mueller has demanded documents related to President Donald Trump's businesses.
The subpoena is a sign that the Mueller investigation continues to pick up steam, even as Trump decries remaining questions about potential coordination between his associates and Russia and denies any wrongdoing. Trump has said he would view any investigation of his or his family's personal finances that didn't involve Russia as a "violation" by Mueller that crosses a red line.
reported in January that the company had voluntarily provided documents on a range of events, conversations and meetings from Trump's real estate business to Mueller and congressional investigators, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The source who spoke to CNN on Thursday said the subpoena's intention was to "clean up" and to ensure that all related documents are handed over to the special counsel.
White House special counsel Ty Cobb had no comment. Alan Futerfas, an attorney for the Trump Organization, said in a statement that Thursday's reports are "old news and our assistance and cooperation with the various investigations remains the same today." White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to comment on the subpoena, reiterating the administration's position that there was "no collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia and referring further questions to the Trump Organization.
The Times, citing two people briefed on the matter, said the subpoena was delivered "in recent weeks."
The Times said special counsel witnesses had been asked recently about a potential real estate deal in Moscow, and that investigators have questioned witnesses about the flow of money from the United Arab Emirates to the United States.
has reported that George Nader, a Middle East specialist tied to secret meetings between the UAE and Trump associates, is cooperating with Mueller.
The Times report said the subpoena is related to records prior to Trump's run for office. CNN
reported in January that the Trump Organization had provided documents largely from the period after Trump announced his run up to his inauguration.
Lawyers for Trump
said last May that over the past decade, Trump's unreleased federal tax returns do not show any income from Russian sources "with a few exceptions."
previously told CNN that Mueller's investigators had been asking witnesses about Trump's business activities in Russia prior to his presidential run, including an unrealized attempt for a Trump Tower in Moscow. Last week, as he took to national airwaves for a series of interviews claiming he would defy a grand jury subpoena in the probe, former Trump aide Sam Nunberg told CNN he suspected investigators wanted to know more about the 2013 Miss Universe pageant Trump hosted in Moscow.

News of the subpoena broke shortly after the Trump administration
announced a new raft of sanctions on Russia, including Russian nationals previously indicted in the special counsel probe.
His former campaign chairman Paul Manafort
faces more than 300 years in prison if he's convicted of charges stemming from Mueller's investigation that are unrelated to alleged Russian meddling in the election.
Meanwhile, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee
moved earlier this week to close their investigation, saying they found no "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia, as well as denying that Russian efforts to interfere in the election were done to bolster Trump, a central tenet of the US intelligence community's conclusion about the meddling.


Sep 22, 2007

Do you ever take a break from being a moron?

You claimed racist pedophile Moore prosecuted KKK murderers, and did so when he was a teenager.

You yelled "Fake News" about Bannon's anti-Twittler comments, hours before they were confirmed by Twittler firing Bannon.

Now, this: the White House has already confirmed the subpoenas, you fucking idiot:


White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders came to Thursday’s press briefing with a well rehearsed soft-shoe in anticipation of questions on The New York Times report that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had subpoenaed the Trump Org for docs pertaining to Donald Trump’s business dealings and Russia.
Related Robert Mueller Has Subpoenaed Docs From Trump Organization: NYT

Asked if this was indeed the potential red line that Trump referenced in a Times interview last July, Sanders began the dance:
“As we have maintained all along, and as the President has said numerous times, there was no collusion between the campaign and Russia. For specific questions regarding the Trump Organization I would refer you to them.”
Pressed further as to whether Mueller’s subpoena is the red line Trump mentioned in July, Sanders continued to not take the bait:

“We’re going to continue to fully cooperate, out of respect for the special counsel. We’re not going to comment. For any specific question about the Trump Organization, I would refer you there.”
In other White House Chaos news, Sanders got asked whether the Trump’s cabinet purge was creating an “air of chaos” that leaves the country “vulnerable” as POTUS prepares to go mano-a-mano with North Korea ruler Kim Jong Un. In the past few days, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was fired via Twitter and Trump’s chief economic adviser Gary Cohn resigned, but Trump has promised more to come.
Huckabee Sanders scoffed at the “vulnerability” notion, insisting the storyline here is that Trump “wants the right people in the right places for the right time” as he moves into this second year of his tenure after his “incredibly successful” first year in office.
Sanders liked that “right people in the right places for the right time” line so much she repeated it two more times before she was through, to make sure it made its way into coverage of the briefing.

Apr 14, 2006
Oh boy...>DasFool still holding on.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
I see Joe did good work

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Eat shit DaBitch

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Keeps posting bullshit like this that he even doesnt believe himself... and I am even giving him 5-1 odds AND out of the masses of people that worked for Trump on the campaign, transition team and his admin, that 0 of them will be charged with Russian interference/meddling/collusion .... all that has to happen for him to win is 1 or more people get charged with it... thats it, once one person is simply charged (not even convicted), he wins. And I ban myself from here for 10 years... if he loses he only has to ban for 2 years.

Yet he runs like someone is trying to hand him some work boots and a job application

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Lol, Bend over, you Fat, Felonious Fuckwad, here comes the CHOO-CHOO!:devilex: Whatever happened to Ty Cobb and other members of Twittler's crack legal team saying the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving...then Christmas...then the New Year? Also, how come no Righty Whack Job has ever explained why Mueller, a Republican, working for Rosenstein, a Republican, doing the bidding of a Republican controlled Congress would have an axe to grind against Twittler? Anybody?:think2:Shush()*popcorn-eatinggif In other, possibly related news, Fat Boy is FINALLY imposing those sanctions and grudgingly admitting that, maybe, just MAYBE, the Russians may be "bad actors," lol.

Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization documents in Russia probe

By Pamela Brown, Evan Perez and Eli Watkins, CNN

Updated 3:16 PM ET, Thu March 15, 2018

Washington (CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization for business documents, a source familiar with the matter told CNN on Thursday.

The New York Times, which first reported the development, said the subpoena included documents related to Russia. The reports mark the first publicly known time that Mueller has demanded documents related to President Donald Trump's businesses.
The subpoena is a sign that the Mueller investigation continues to pick up steam, even as Trump decries remaining questions about potential coordination between his associates and Russia and denies any wrongdoing. Trump has said he would view any investigation of his or his family's personal finances that didn't involve Russia as a "violation" by Mueller that crosses a red line.
CNN reported in January that the company had voluntarily provided documents on a range of events, conversations and meetings from Trump's real estate business to Mueller and congressional investigators, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The source who spoke to CNN on Thursday said the subpoena's intention was to "clean up" and to ensure that all related documents are handed over to the special counsel.
White House special counsel Ty Cobb had no comment. Alan Futerfas, an attorney for the Trump Organization, said in a statement that Thursday's reports are "old news and our assistance and cooperation with the various investigations remains the same today." White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to comment on the subpoena, reiterating the administration's position that there was "no collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia and referring further questions to the Trump Organization.


Mudd: One of the biggest losers is Devin NunWashington (CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization for business documents, a source familiar with the matter told CNN on Thursday.

The New York Times, which first reported the development, said the subpoena included documents related to Russia. The reports mark the first publicly known time that Mueller has demanded documents related to President Donald Trump's businesses.
The subpoena is a sign that the Mueller investigation continues to pick up steam, even as Trump decries remaining questions about potential coordination between his associates and Russia and denies any wrongdoing. Trump has said he would view any investigation of his or his family's personal finances that didn't involve Russia as a "violation" by Mueller that crosses a red line.
CNN reported in January that the company had voluntarily provided documents on a range of events, conversations and meetings from Trump's real estate business to Mueller and congressional investigators, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The source who spoke to CNN on Thursday said the subpoena's intention was to "clean up" and to ensure that all related documents are handed over to the special counsel.
White House special counsel Ty Cobb had no comment. Alan Futerfas, an attorney for the Trump Organization, said in a statement that Thursday's reports are "old news and our assistance and cooperation with the various investigations remains the same today." White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to comment on the subpoena, reiterating the administration's position that there was "no collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia and referring further questions to the Trump Organization.
The Times, citing two people briefed on the matter, said the subpoena was delivered "in recent weeks."
The Times said special counsel witnesses had been asked recently about a potential real estate deal in Moscow, and that investigators have questioned witnesses about the flow of money from the United Arab Emirates to the United States.
CNN has reported that George Nader, a Middle East specialist tied to secret meetings between the UAE and Trump associates, is cooperating with Mueller.
The Times report said the subpoena is related to records prior to Trump's run for office. CNN reported in January that the Trump Organization had provided documents largely from the period after Trump announced his run up to his inauguration.
Lawyers for Trump said last May that over the past decade, Trump's unreleased federal tax returns do not show any income from Russian sources "with a few exceptions."
Sources previously told CNN that Mueller's investigators had been asking witnesses about Trump's business activities in Russia prior to his presidential run, including an unrealized attempt for a Trump Tower in Moscow. Last week, as he took to national airwaves for a series of interviews claiming he would defy a grand jury subpoena in the probe, former Trump aide Sam Nunberg told CNN he suspected investigators wanted to know more about the 2013 Miss Universe pageant Trump hosted in Moscow.

News of the subpoena broke shortly after the Trump administration announced a new raft of sanctions on Russia, including Russian nationals previously indicted in the special counsel probe.
His former campaign chairman Paul Manafort faces more than 300 years in prison if he's convicted of charges stemming from Mueller's investigation that are unrelated to alleged Russian meddling in the election.
Meanwhile, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee moved earlier this week to close their investigation, saying they found no "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia, as well as denying that Russian efforts to interfere in the election were done to bolster Trump, a central tenet of the US intelligence community's conclusion about the meddling.








Sep 22, 2007
Keeps posting bullshit like this that he even doesnt believe himself... and I am even giving him 5-1 odds AND out of the masses of people that worked for Trump on the campaign, transition team and his admin, that 0 of them will be charged with Russian interference/meddling/collusion .... all that has to happen for him to win is 1 or more people get charged with it... thats it, once one person is simply charged (not even convicted), he wins. And I ban myself from here for 10 years... if he loses he only has to ban for 2 years.

Yet he runs like someone is trying to hand him some work boots and a job application

Don't tell me what I believe, you stumpy legged, lard assed, boulder headed runt. You're a fucking proven welcher, cocksucker, plus you're a fucking moron, one of the people who worked for Twittler on the campaign has ALREADY been charged with Russian interference, in the form of lying to the FBI about them: that would Papaop, you lying ****. Go do a 69 with your new boyfriend, Mr. Short Bus himself, Greenboob. Whatever happened to Ty Cobb and other members of Twittler's crack legal team saying the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving...then Christmas...then the New Year? Also, how come no Righty Whack Job has ever explained why Mueller, a Republican, working for Rosenstein, a Republican, doing the bidding of a Republican controlled Congress would have an axe to grind against Twittler? Anybody?:think2:Shush()*popcorn-eatinggif

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Don't tell me what I believe, you stumpy legged, lard assed, boulder headed runt. You're a fucking proven welcher, cocksucker, plus you're a fucking moron, one of the people who worked for Twittler on the campaign has ALREADY been charged with Russian interference, in the form of lying to the FBI about them: that would Papaop, you lying ****. Go do a 69 with your new boyfriend, Mr. Short Bus himself, Greenboob. Whatever happened to Ty Cobb and other members of Twittler's crack legal team saying the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving...then Christmas...then the New Year? Also, how come no Righty Whack Job has ever explained why Mueller, a Republican, working for Rosenstein, a Republican, doing the bidding of a Republican controlled Congress would have an axe to grind against Twittler? Anybody?:think2:Shush()*popcorn-eatinggif

You see....Hes stalking me


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Don't tell me what I believe, you stumpy legged, lard assed, boulder headed runt. You're a fucking proven welcher, cocksucker, plus you're a fucking moron, one of the people who worked for Twittler on the campaign has ALREADY been charged with Russian interference, in the form of lying to the FBI about them: that would Papaop, you lying ****. Go do a 69 with your new boyfriend, Mr. Short Bus himself, Greenboob. Whatever happened to Ty Cobb and other members of Twittler's crack legal team saying the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving...then Christmas...then the New Year? Also, how come no Righty Whack Job has ever explained why Mueller, a Republican, working for Rosenstein, a Republican, doing the bidding of a Republican controlled Congress would have an axe to grind against Twittler? Anybody?:think2:Shush()*popcorn-eatinggif

you stumpy legged, lard assed, boulder headed runt. You're a fucking proven welcher, cocksucker, plus you're a fucking moron

My god you have filthy mouth

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Creepy,weird,pursue,follow,track down

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Don't tell me what I believe, you stumpy legged, lard assed, boulder headed runt. You're a fucking proven welcher, cocksucker, plus you're a fucking moron, one of the people who worked for Twittler on the campaign has ALREADY been charged with Russian interference, in the form of lying to the FBI about them: that would Papaop, you lying ****. Go do a 69 with your new boyfriend, Mr. Short Bus himself, Greenboob. Whatever happened to Ty Cobb and other members of Twittler's crack legal team saying the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving...then Christmas...then the New Year? Also, how come no Righty Whack Job has ever explained why Mueller, a Republican, working for Rosenstein, a Republican, doing the bidding of a Republican controlled Congress would have an axe to grind against Twittler? Anybody?:think2:Shush()*popcorn-eatinggif

Im a proven welcher??

Who am I refusing to pay?

Obviously you know nothing about the definition of WELCHING....

Lets have a WELCHING WAGER ok?

Whoever can post the most proof of the other person welching wins... loser bans for life.

If I post more proof of you welching more... I win. If you post most proof of me welching you win.

Easy bet for you to win right?

BTW.... I expect more deflection.

Can you post the definition of WELCH in which I am "proven"?? Ill wager you cant

New member
Aug 28, 2012
you stumpy legged, lard assed, boulder headed runt. You're a fucking proven welcher, cocksucker, plus you're a fucking moron

If you can prove any one of those I will self ban for life... if you cant, you self ban for 2 years.


Sep 22, 2007
Im a proven welcher??

Who am I refusing to pay?

Obviously you know nothing about the definition of WELCHING....

Lets have a WELCHING WAGER ok?

Whoever can post the most proof of the other person welching wins... loser bans for life.

If I post more proof of you welching more... I win. If you post most proof of me welching you win.

Easy bet for you to win right?

BTW.... I expect more deflection.

Can you post the definition of WELCH in which I am "proven"?? Ill wager you cant

"Lets have a WELCHING WAGER(after I again pointed out that you're a welcher)." ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you, Tolouse? Answer the questions, you stubby legged psycho: Whatever happened to Ty Cobb and other members of Twittler's crack legal team saying the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving...then Christmas...then the New Year? Also, how come no Righty Whack Job has ever explained why Mueller, a Republican, working for Rosenstein, a Republican, doing the bidding of a Republican controlled Congress would have an axe to grind against Twittler? Anybody?:think2:Shush()*popcorn-eatinggif

New member
Aug 28, 2012
"Lets have a WELCHING WAGER(after I again pointed out that you're a welcher)." ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you, Tolouse? Answer the questions, you stubby legged psycho: Whatever happened to Ty Cobb and other members of Twittler's crack legal team saying the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving...then Christmas...then the New Year? Also, how come no Righty Whack Job has ever explained why Mueller, a Republican, working for Rosenstein, a Republican, doing the bidding of a Republican controlled Congress would have an axe to grind against Twittler? Anybody?:think2:Shush()*popcorn-eatinggif

BTW saying someone is a welcher without proof, is just an accusation. Which is all you have.... I can prove you have welched.

Cause Im not a welcher.... I pay my debts.

Just another example of you accusing people of what YOU actually do.

I can prove you have welched DOZENS of times.

Want to wager that I can prove that you have?

(Why do you always deflect so much... we are talking about welching... try and stay on topic)

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
BTW saying someone is a welcher without proof, is just an accusation. Which is all you have.... I can prove you have welched.

Cause Im not a welcher.... I pay my debts.

Just another example of you accusing people of what YOU actually do.

I can prove you have welched DOZENS of times.

Want to wager that I can prove that you have?

(Why do you always deflect so much... we are talking about welching... try and stay on topic)


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