Dailykos - Lets write an article saying that "Republicans are "Vile and Racist" ... without showing an example of that at all in the story LMAO


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Stacey Abrams remains focused in Georgia governor's race as Republicans remain vile and racist

Right now it feels tough to focus on anything other than Donald Trump and the chaos and political unrest he is fomenting for the nation and the world. But this is when Democrats need to multitask—because midterms are rapidly approaching and now’s the time to put energy into electing progressive Democrats wherever we can.

Much attention has been paid to the Georgia governor’s race. Since winning the primary in May, Daily Kos endorsed Democratic nominee, Stacey Abrams, has been focused on voter outreach and trying to turn the state blue. She recently secured the endorsement of Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms. Lance Bottoms made her announcement on Sunday during service at the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church. According to BuzzFeed, as she gave her endorsement, Lance Bottoms reminded the crowd that they have they opportunity to change the world with this historic election in November. She reportedly said:

"So it’s not enough that we have elected African-American mayors across this country. [...] I’m not going to get the church in trouble, because I know it’s something about [getting political] from the pulpit. But what I will say is this: When you go and vote, remember there’s a woman on the ballot named Stacey."

Though not unexpected, it’s wonderful for Abrams to have the endorsement of one of Georgia’s most up-and-coming and talented black female politicians—especially given that some in the state’s Democratic establishment was split during the primary between Abrams and her opponent. It is particularly poignant that at a time when Georgia could potentially elect the nation’s first black female governor, Lance Bottoms’s endorsement was given in the very church which was the pastoral home to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. If Abrams wins, it will certainly reflect the changing demographics in the state and be a reminder that Democrats can win, even in the South, if they do the work of turning out their base and appealing to a diverse coalition of voters. This is exciting and something to look forward to at a time where things feel dismal and uncertain.

Please donate $3 to help elect Stacey Abrams as Georgia’s first black woman governor and turn the state blue!

Abrams will finally know who she is running against after next week’s Republican run off on Tuesday, July 24. She will face either Secretary of State Brian Kemp or Lt. Governor Casey Cagle. Early voting in that race ends on Friday, July 20, and by all accounts it is a close race. According to The Red & Black, a recent poll shows Kemp slightly ahead of Cagle at 44 percent to 41 percent with 15 percent of voters undecided.

To be clear, neither candidate is good for the state. You may remember that during the primary, Kemp had a series of very warped campaign ads that he thought were funny and showed that he was proudly politically incorrect. In one, he threatened to round up undocumented immigrants in his pick up truck. In another, he pointed a shot gun at a teenage boy who was supposed to be dating his daughter. Meanwhile, Cagle was caught on audio tape during an endorsement meeting where he admitted supporting policy he didn’t agree with just to receive funds. As reported in Red & Black:

The original excerpt released by Tippins included Cagle saying he had supported an education bill even though it was “bad public policy” in his words, in hopes that political action committee the Walton Family Foundation would not donate money to another GOP primary rival, former State Senator Hunter Hill.

In the same tape, Cagle also confessed that the GOP race was essentially about who could be the worst of the worst, saying the primary came down to “who could be the craziest.”

Georgia voters deserve so much better. Instead of focusing on policies that will improve the lives of individuals and families, the GOP is trying to win votes by saying the most vile, outrageous and racist thing. They are not serious about governing—only about winning. And if we know anything about the GOP these days, its that they can’t be trusted to do right by the people of their respective states or the country as a whole. They are firmly the party of their traitorous president. It’s time for Georgia to usher in a new era of hope, change and progressive values. That’s why it’s important for Stacey Abrams to win in November. Let’s work together to help Georgia elect a leader who actually cares about the people in her state!

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Seems they are already playing all the cards in the deck as usual during an election. They need to get a real strategy

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Their target audience is a bunch of fucking idiots, they know that

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