Why do other Supercontest Proxies feel the need to LIE to get business?


New member
Aug 28, 2012
One now saying "The first to eliminate commission fees on contest winnings" ... whats weird is I was on the scene two years before, and NEVER charged a commission on winnings, so how are they the first to eliminate it?!

And one thats pushing it "One of the industry’s latest submission times"... BUT NOT the one with the latest submission times, since mine is several hours later than theirs.

LMAO... just a rant at how bad and desperate the Proxy business is starting to become out there.

Not surprisingly, its the same one who copy and pasted stuff from my website to theirs, word for word a few years back....

New member
Jul 26, 2008
Next season will be my first time using a proxy service and I live in Las Vegas. The lost time of driving downtown and the coat of any valet or parking just makes it something I am willing to try.

I tend to cheer against all players who put their picks in at the last second. The steam chasing late picks are the ABSOLUTE WORST thing about the contests in Las Vegas. So the picks that come in during the last couple hours are all the same regardless of player. It makes the contest a betting contest and not a handicapping contest.

That was a tangent.

The contests themselves are run so poorly it boggles the mind. They change the rules as they go. Hard to invest but I probably will again.
Dec 11, 2006
Could you further elaborate on this, clowncar?


Also, two questions for NFL Trends.

- Are there any monthly contests like we have here?

- are there any Baseball contests?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Could you further elaborate on this, clowncar?


Also, two questions for NFL Trends.

- Are there any monthly contests like we have here?

- are there any Baseball contests?

No monthlys yet in the casinos, and no MLB ones. BUT there is a March Madness one thats taking off which is held by the Westgate!

New member
Jul 26, 2008
Could you further elaborate on this, clowncar?


Also, two questions for NFL Trends.

- Are there any monthly contests like we have here?

- are there any Baseball contests?

Not sure which part you want elaboration so I will elaborate on both, and in the context of the GN contest, rather than the Hilton. But some of this applies to the Hilton.

* The card for the contest comes out at a particular time on a particular day.
* Then the player has X number of days to get their picks in before the deadline passes (Window).
* As the contest card will have a set line (that is to say that it is static and does not move during the entire window), but the actual line does often change, there is the ability of the contest player to play the steam. Example: Jets -1 at home to Buffalo on the contest card. Friday afternoon the same game has a line of Jets -3.5 to Buffalo (using an extreme example). The player can then play the Jets -1 in the contest knowing they have huge value. I call this steam chasing.
* The Steam chasers plays are generally put in as late as possible so they can get the best value and because the line could move back the other way. Most, but not all, of these players couldn't pick their nose on their own.
* You particularly see this strategy by the leaders. If you are going to catch the leaders, you will have to make up ground by doing better than what the market says were the best plays of the week. No easy task.
* The selections (at least in GN) are time stamped so you can see when they get put in. All the late plays are basically the steam chasers playing the same games.
* These players, while using good strategy for the contest, appear to be one trick ponies however (most anyway). As an example, on the last week of the GN contest the people from 11-20 all played steam. Overwhelmingly so. In other words, knowing that the people above them were steam chasers (mostly) and were going to chase steam again, rather than going directly opposite or avoiding steam so they could move up into a big pay position, they STILL played steam. Ridiculously stupid of them but they almost all did it. You can look at the contest results from the week prior to the end of the year and the final picks. It was hilarious. The top 5 had to be celebrating because they were going to be hard to catch because they shared so many of the plays of the people below them. So if the steam does really good, the 11-20 spots don't gain much, if anything, but if the steam ran bad that week, they fall out of the money position. The risk reward calculation was pathetically bad by those players. As it turned out, the steam ran amazingly good (again) the final week of the year. So those people largely did ok ... but I have to wonder if they asked themselves why they couldn't make up ground on those above them when they went 5-2 or 6-1 .... durr ... cause you have the same side as the people above you.
* In any event, the static line with a long window to make plays makes the contest pretty stupid, really.

Now, to further elaborate on the contest being poorly run ...

1. The rules are not stated clearly.
2. The contest does not follow its own rules. Games within the window for being available to bet per the rules were not offered the final week but games outside of the window for being available to bet per the rules were offered the final week. Think about that for a second. After 17 weeks or whatever it was, they changed the rules arbitrarily on the FINAL week. That takes an idiot of monumental proportions to do that or someone with really big balls.
3. The contests are way too top heavy.
4. The contests are very poor at maintaining interest if one falls out of the running for the pay positions. In the GN contest for instance, once you are basically eliminated from contention, there is no reason to submit plays anymore. There is no late season prize, or 2h prize or anything along those lines for that person to get their money worth of entertainment from the contest.
5. In the case of the GN they were extremely slow at providing the picks after deadline. You often didn't get to see opponents picks until an hour before kickoff.
6. There is no transparency for Weekday games. No, you read that correctly. They do not post players picks of games on the weekday games until Saturday with the rest of the plays. That is almost unfathomable, as transparency to integrity is absolutely essential.

I could keep going ... they just run the contests so half-assed that it is frustrating to participate.

Other than the final week, I could have given you 10 games and known the leaders would be on those sides in overwhelming numbers. I couldn't have done it the final week because I gave those people credit for having more than one single strategy (aka one trick ponies), when they didn't.

Hope that helps.

Nov 21, 2006
I'm not sure what you are saying on #2. Which games were not available to play?

New member
Aug 22, 2018
The fact is, everyone can take advantage of the line changes by submitting late......so where's the beef?

Jul 14, 2007
The fact is, everyone can take advantage of the line changes by submitting late......so where's the beef?

His point is it makes it more about taking advantage of stale lines/rogue numbers rather than straight handicapping. Which is obviously very true.

It doesn't create an unfair advantage, it creates a game that deviates from its intent. Not sure how you would go about fixing that without making tradeoffs though.

Nov 21, 2006
His point is it makes it more about taking advantage of stale lines/rogue numbers rather than straight handicapping. Which is obviously very true.

It doesn't create an unfair advantage, it creates a game that deviates from its intent. Not sure how you would go about fixing that without making tradeoffs though.

Exactly, that's the issue. The only way would be to release the lines on Friday when the market is more efficient and have them due on Sat morning. The tradeoff would be a lot less entries with such a small timeframe to handicap/get the picks in.

Jan 15, 2010
I think eventually it will all be done on the app

New member
Jul 26, 2008
The fact is, everyone can take advantage of the line changes by submitting late......so where's the beef?

It isn't a beef with regard to an unfair advantage, if that is what you mean. Anyone can do it. I did it on a few games in the NFL (I am a college handicapper) myself.

My point is that it is not a handicapping contest at that point. There are, of course, other moments when the contest would not be about actual handicapping (but only because of stale lines or betting games with hedging in mind - MNF or whatever the last week). For instance, the last week, most of those people in spots 11-20 should have done the EXACT opposite of what they did, which would still have been an example of it being about the contest itself rather than the games themselves. I am merely pointing out the fact that stale lines make the contest a real bore. I could predict exact plays from some of the better players in the contest before they made them, repeatedly. Who was that multi-winner? Mucked Nuts or something like that? I don't remember his name but he basically just played moves. Fezzik when he was winning the hilton contests was basically just playing the moves.

There are legit reasons a contest wouldn't want to change their system with regard to this .. for instance, the one trick ponies will no longer saddle up and buy in because they have no ability to win if they had to pick the games themselves. They have to ride the coattails of the good bettors who move the lines for them to direct them to the stale line that has value. That's it. So there is the fear of lesser number of entries. There is also the problem of a shorter window creating greater problems with people more likely to miss getting their picks in on a given week. Again that could lead to less entries, or crowding at the window to get picks in and being shut out, etc. .....

So someone said there are trade offs and they are right, I am just saying that it makes it a stupid contest, in my personal opinion (which will buy you less than one item at the dollar store). And it makes it a boring contest.

As for the comment someone made about games not available.. .the Georgia Tech vs Minnesota bowl game should have been available to bet on per the rules. That game was omitted from the card. Perhaps more egregious was that games beyond the Monday cut off per the rules were included. A bunch of them. It was ridiculous, uncalled for, and infuriating, not to mention unfair. For instance, if I had a specific amount of time to handicap the games, and proceeded to handicap the games that would be eligible and excluded handicapping the games that would be ineligible per the rules, I would have handicapped the GT/Minny game and not capped the ten (not going back to look at the actual number so estimating) games that were ineligible. Instead you are left in a really bad spot, particularly if you wanted to use an early game in the week. Just so brutal and unnecessary and unfair. It was awful. Disgraceful. It was half-assed at best, corrupt at worst (I think half-assed fwiw).

If you think I am ranting, I am to a degree but it isn't my real intent. My intent is to try and find solutions to REAL problems with these big contests/tournaments, as I see them.

Incidentally, I am not the only person who has these complaints about the contests. I know quite a few people who enter that have the same beefs, several of whom have done very well in the contests.

It's all we got and it is a lot of fun for small entry fee. I guess I should be happy for what we got.

Oh ... one more thing ... the main (only?) reason totals were dropped from the contest was due to stale lines. So even the contest runners themselves realize it is a problem.

Nov 21, 2006
It isn't a beef with regard to an unfair advantage, if that is what you mean. Anyone can do it. I did it on a few games in the NFL (I am a college handicapper) myself.

My point is that it is not a handicapping contest at that point. There are, of course, other moments when the contest would not be about actual handicapping (but only because of stale lines or betting games with hedging in mind - MNF or whatever the last week). For instance, the last week, most of those people in spots 11-20 should have done the EXACT opposite of what they did, which would still have been an example of it being about the contest itself rather than the games themselves. I am merely pointing out the fact that stale lines make the contest a real bore. I could predict exact plays from some of the better players in the contest before they made them, repeatedly. Who was that multi-winner? Mucked Nuts or something like that? I don't remember his name but he basically just played moves. Fezzik when he was winning the hilton contests was basically just playing the moves.

There are legit reasons a contest wouldn't want to change their system with regard to this .. for instance, the one trick ponies will no longer saddle up and buy in because they have no ability to win if they had to pick the games themselves. They have to ride the coattails of the good bettors who move the lines for them to direct them to the stale line that has value. That's it. So there is the fear of lesser number of entries. There is also the problem of a shorter window creating greater problems with people more likely to miss getting their picks in on a given week. Again that could lead to less entries, or crowding at the window to get picks in and being shut out, etc. .....

So someone said there are trade offs and they are right, I am just saying that it makes it a stupid contest, in my personal opinion (which will buy you less than one item at the dollar store). And it makes it a boring contest.

As for the comment someone made about games not available.. .the Georgia Tech vs Minnesota bowl game should have been available to bet on per the rules. That game was omitted from the card. Perhaps more egregious was that games beyond the Monday cut off per the rules were included. A bunch of them. It was ridiculous, uncalled for, and infuriating, not to mention unfair. For instance, if I had a specific amount of time to handicap the games, and proceeded to handicap the games that would be eligible and excluded handicapping the games that would be ineligible per the rules, I would have handicapped the GT/Minny game and not capped the ten (not going back to look at the actual number so estimating) games that were ineligible. Instead you are left in a really bad spot, particularly if you wanted to use an early game in the week. Just so brutal and unnecessary and unfair. It was awful. Disgraceful. It was half-assed at best, corrupt at worst (I think half-assed fwiw).

If you think I am ranting, I am to a degree but it isn't my real intent. My intent is to try and find solutions to REAL problems with these big contests/tournaments, as I see them.

Incidentally, I am not the only person who has these complaints about the contests. I know quite a few people who enter that have the same beefs, several of whom have done very well in the contests.

It's all we got and it is a lot of fun for small entry fee. I guess I should be happy for what we got.

Oh ... one more thing ... the main (only?) reason totals were dropped from the contest was due to stale lines. So even the contest runners themselves realize it is a problem.

I like your insight but now you are combining different contests into your post. This was about the NFL contest which had all lines available. That was the confusing part.

Sep 21, 2004
Next season will be my first time using a proxy service and I live in Las Vegas. The lost time of driving downtown and the coat of any valet or parking just makes it something I am willing to try.

I tend to cheer against all players who put their picks in at the last second. The steam chasing late picks are the ABSOLUTE WORST thing about the contests in Las Vegas. So the picks that come in during the last couple hours are all the same regardless of player. It makes the contest a betting contest and not a handicapping contest.

That was a tangent.

The contests themselves are run so poorly it boggles the mind. They change the rules as they go. Hard to invest but I probably will again.

We've been proxying for a few guys locally for many years that don't want to deal with traffic for the Golden Nugget Friday Deadline and don't want to go to the Westgate Saturday morning to submit plays because they feel it takes away from their early weekend routine and handicapping. A lot less hassle in my opinion.

Sep 21, 2004
One now saying "The first to eliminate commission fees on contest winnings" ... whats weird is I was on the scene two years before, and NEVER charged a commission on winnings, so how are they the first to eliminate it?!

And one thats pushing it "One of the industry’s latest submission times"... BUT NOT the one with the latest submission times, since mine is several hours later than theirs.

LMAO... just a rant at how bad and desperate the Proxy business is starting to become out there.

Not surprisingly, its the same one who copy and pasted stuff from my website to theirs, word for word a few years back....

I understand your irritation and frustration with different issues especially if people are copying and pasting info from your site and using it as their own. I wouldn't waste time or energy on it as there's no real set of rules out there and there's no real way to control it. You have lots of positives, you have a good social media presence, you proxied the winner and have built things over time. Spend your time building your social media stuff, knock on doors and network with others getting on radio, podcasts ....etc.... Lots of business coming your way if you want it the way Sportsbetting will open up with the news laws ...etc...

Sep 24, 2006
So what proxy gives you the most time to turn picks in for Westgate and GN?

New member
Jan 4, 2007
earlier submission times would introduce more variance
personally i wish all plays would be due friday

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