Some good news about coronavirus the media won’t tell you. Coronavirus scientific breakthrough not making the news


May 17, 2015
If you are like the rest of Americans, you are probably afraid and tired of hearing the gloom and doom news about the coronavirus. The airwaves are filled with news about corona apocalypse. Contrary to the headlines in the mainstream media, the first case of coronavirus happened on November 17, 2019 (not December 2019) when a 55 year-old from Hubei province contracted the virus, according to a new report from the South China Morning Post, citing unpublished Chinese government data it obtained.

However, instead of hearing more about the works many research organizations are doing to find cure for the virus, the media spends most of their time exaggerating the impact of the virus, endangering lives and causing panics and anxieties. Yes, coronavirus is lethal and ten times more deadly than the regular flu. But that does not mean there is no silver lining in the midst of despair. Scientists and researchers are daily making progress in finding cure for the virus.

Below are some of the good news the media is not telling you about. We plan to update the list as the new breaks.

* Saturday, March 28, 2020: Italian doctors said that a 101-year-old Italian man who survived the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and World War II, recovered from COVID-19. At 101 he contracted coronavirus but recovered and returned home. To make it known is the vice mayor of Rimini, Gloria Lisi. “This morning – he writes – I was given a little news: a man from Rimini, positive at Covid-19, was discharged from the ‘Infermi’ hospital in Rimini and returned home, to his family”.

*Wednesday, March 25, 2020: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a board-certified family practioner in New York, treated 350 coronavirus patients with 100% success using Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate.

*Monday, March 23, 2020: Top 50 U.S. Doctors Join The Call to Use Hydroxychloroquine to Combat Spread of COVID-19. Federal and State governments should immediately direct public policy towards increasing production, storage and establishing a distribution protocol and regimen for HCQ to ameliorate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This was the conclusion reached by U.S. academic studies in response to French infectious disease specialist Dr. Raoult’s peer review study, saying HCQ has a strong potential as a prophylactic measure against the severity of COVID-19, 50 U.S. doctors said in a public release.

*Thursday, March 19, 2020: FDA approves compassionate use of anti-malaria drug chloroquine for the treatment of coronavirus. Stephen Hahn, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), said that allowing COVID-19 patients the “right to try” would provide the FDA with additional data on the effectiveness of the drugs against coronavirus, potentially speeding up its release to the public. Hahn said drugs like remdesivir are “going through the normal process,” but will be made available for “compassionate use,” allowing doctors to have emergency access to the drugs if requested.

*Thursday, March 19, 2020:
‘Pandemic’ series scientist, Dr. Jacob Glanville, is developing antibody therapy drug to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) patients. Dr. Jacob Glanville and his team at Distributed Bio, are working on creating antibody to treat people that are already sick. Their idea behind the antibody his team is working is to bioengineer antibodies to fight COVID-19 by evolving known antibodies against SARS coronavirus that caused a pandemic scare about 20 years ago.

*Thursday, March 19, 2020: Bayer donates 3 millions of tablets of chloroquine for the treatment of coronavirus. Bayer today announced it is joining the U.S. Government’s fight against #COVID19 with a donation of 3 million tablets of the drug #Resochin (#chloroquine phosphate).

*Thursday, March 19, 2020: Reknowned French researcher Didier Raoult says there are more encouraging results in preliminary use of Hydroxychloroquine in treatment of coronavirus on 36 COVID-19 patients. His the team found that the percentage of patients testing positive for COVID-19 who received hydroxychloroquine fell to 25% versus 90% for those who did not receive the treatment (a group of untreated COVID-19 patients from Nice and Avignon).

*Thursday, March 19, 2020 (9 Doctors in the United States are now saying two anti-malarial drugs Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine show early promising results in coronavirus treatment. “There is evidence that chloroquine is effective when they looked at SARS in vitro with primate cells,” said Dr. Len Horovitz, a pulmonologist and internist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. “The theory of the experiment with primate cells was that chloroquine could be for preventing viral infection or as a treatment for viral infection after it had occurred. In vitro in these primate cells, there was evidence that viral particles were significantly reduced when chloroquine was used.”

*Wednesday, March 18, 2020 (9:30PM EST): New controlled clinical study conducted by doctors ​in France shows that Hydroxychloroquine cures 100% of coronavirus patients within 6 days of treatment. A recent well controlled clinical study conducted by Didier Raoult​ M.D/Ph.D, et. al in France showed that 100% of patients that received a combination of HCQ and Azithromycin tested negative and were virologically cured within 6 days of treatment. In addition, recent guidelines from South Korea and China report that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are effective antiviral therapeutic treatments for novel coronavirus.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020: Hydroxychloroquine is found to be more potent than chloroquine in vitro treatment of coronavirus, new study published by NIH shows. We have another piece of good news to share with you.A new study by the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) shows that the sister drug hydroxychloroquine is more potent in killing the virus off in vitro (in the test tube to not in the body). The result of the study shows that Hydroxychloroquine was found to be more potent than chloroquine to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.

*Wednesday, March 18, 2020: Hopes of a coronavirus vaccine rise as three major biotech companies make progress. Just in the last 48 hours, three major biotech companies, BioNTech, CureVac and Moderna, have been thrust into the spotlight for their promise to develop an immunization against COVID-19. The three companies specialize in messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics. The mRNA molecules are used to instruct the body to produce its own immune response to fight a range of different diseases. This type of vaccine can potentially be developed and produced more quickly than traditional vaccines.

*Tuesday, March 17, 2020: Israel biopharmaceutical company Kamada is developing ‘passive vaccine’ for treatment against coronavirus. Kamada, an Israel-based biopharmaceutical company that is focused on plasma-derived protein therapeutics for treatment of individuals with rare diseases, today announced that it has started to work on developing a blood-plasma derived treatment against the virus. The Rehovot, Israel-based biopharmaceutical company, said it is working to collect plasma in different facilities from people who have recovered from the viral disease.

*Tuesday, March 17, 2020: Clinical trials for COVID-19 are expected to complete by the end of April. There is more good news this afternoon that the results from clinical trials for COVID-19 could start to roll in any day, with antimalarials coming through first, according to a report of BioCentury’s analysis of study completion dates in public databases. Based on the data obtained from and, clinical trials for COVID-19 are expected to complete by April 2020.

*Monday, March 16, 2020: A new academic study reveals over-the-counter anti-malaria pill Chloroquine may be highly effective at treating coronavirus. According to a new academic study presented by Thomas R. Broker, (Stanford PhD), James M. Todaro (Columbia MD), and Gregory J. Rigano, Esq., in consultation with Stanford University School of Medicine, UAB School of Medicine, and National Academy of Sciences researchers, shows that over the counter anti-malaria pills Chloroquine may be highly effective at treating coronavirus COVID-19.

*Monday March 16, 2020: NIH has begun clinical trial of investigational vaccine for COVID-19. A Phase 1 clinical trial evaluating an investigational vaccine designed to protect against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has begun at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (KPWHRI) in Seattle. The vaccine is called mRNA-1273 and was developed by NIAID scientists and their collaborators at the biotechnology company Moderna, Inc., based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) supported the manufacturing of the vaccine candidate for the Phase 1 clinical trial.

*A new preliminary study shows that coronavirus epidemic may be slowed by warm weather. A new study conducted by Chinese researchers shows that high temperature and high humidity reduced the transmission of COVID-19. If true, the warm weather would bring the much needed relief while we are waiting for the coronavirus vaccine, which is still about 12 months away. In a paper published in Social Science Research Network (SSRN), a repository and international journal devoted to the rapid dissemination of scholarly research in the social sciences and humanities, Chinese researchers investigates how air temperature and humidity influence the transmission of COVID-19 and analyzed how the epidemic evolved in various Chinese cities taking into account the weather in each.

*In February, we published a story when Israel scientists announced breakthrough in coronavirus treatment. “After 4 years of research funded by Israel’s Ministry of Science & Technology, MIGAL’s researchers have developed an effective vaccine against avian coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV), to be adapted soon and create a human vaccine against COVID-19,” the group said in a press release.

*Just two weeks ago, as we reported on this site, German researchers have identified existing drug with potential to treat coronavirus Covid-19. A team of scientists led by infection biologists from five German research institutions made a startling discovery about potential drug that could treat coronavirus Covid-19. They found that an existing drug camostat mesilate might protect against COVID-19. They identified a cellular enzyme that is essential for viral entry into lung cells: the protease TMPRSS2. A clinically proven drug known to be active against TMPRSS2 was found to block SARS-CoV-2 infection and might constitute a novel treatment option (Cell).

*A team of scientists from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha has develop a drug to treat the virus and now ready to conduct a clinical trial. Participants are asked to come to 11 in-person study visits and four phone visits over a 14-month period, including one initial screening visit, two vaccination visits, and eight follow-ups. Patients will receive two injections of the vaccine in the upper arm with doses given 28 days apart.

*Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute announced today it has received a green light from the government to begin its vaccine trials, the first of its kind. Its research team is enrolling 45 healthy people, ages 18 to 55, from the Seattle-area over the course of 14 months.

*Chinese scientists say coronavirus vaccine may be available and ready next month. As we reported last week, Zheng Zhongwei, China director of the Science and Technology Development Centre of the National Health Commission (NHC) announced that the country is making progress and that a new coronovirus vaccine may be ready for emergency use next month. Zheng said that a new synthetic messenger RNA (or mRNA) nucleic acid vaccine is the leading candidate for a vaccine to combat COVID-19.

*Doctors in India have been successful in treating Coronavirus. Combination of drugs used: Lopinavir, Retonovir, Oseltamivir along with Chlorphenamine. They are going to suggest same medicine, globally. Italian elderly Italian couple currently undergoing treatment for coronavirus (COVID-19) at a hospital in Jaipur have been administered a combination of two drugs, commonly used controlling HIV infection. This is the first time that this combination has been used to treat the deadly virus amid mounting cases in India. Following the success, the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) had approved the ‘restricted’ use of the combination of medications-lopinavir and ritonavir, which are second-line HIV drugs, before they were administered to the elderly couple

*Researchers of the Erasmus Medical Center claim to have found an antibody against coronavirus. A team of ten scientific researchers from the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam and Utrecht University say they are the first in the world to discover an antibody capable of fending off an infection by the Covid-19 variant of coronavirus. The discovery could lead to an antiviral medication, and the ability for people to test themselves at home for the presence of the virus. “I am too old to jump on a table,” said cellular biology professor Frank Grosveld to Erasmus Magazine. Their article is undergoing a peer review by other researchers on the online platform BioRxiv, and they believe it well then be published by top science journal Nature.

*A German biotech company has developed coronavirus test kits with 4 million tests since the outbreak began. TIB Molbiol Syntheselabor GmbH is a technology company you probably never heard of. Since 1990, Tib Molbiol, a Berlin, Germany-based biotech company that has developed tests for ailments ranging from swine flu to SARS. Dr. Landt and his team have produced 40,000 coronavirus diagnostic kits, enough for about 4 million individual tests.

*Gates Foundation Wellcome Trust and Mastercard joined forces to launch a $125 million Therapeutics Accelerator to combat coronavirus (COVID19) epidemic. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced that it is joining forces with Wellcome Trust and Mastercard to create the COVID19 Therapeutics Accelerator to identify, assess, develop, and scale-up treatments to the epidemic. The goal of the new initiative is to speed the development and access to therapies for COVID-19.

*A network of Canadian scientists are making excellent progress in Covid19 research.

*A San Diego biotech company is developing a Covid19 vaccine in collaboration with Duke University and National University of Singapore.

*Plasma from newly recovered patients from Covid 19 can treat others infected by Covid19.

In addition to the progress being made in the scientific. below is additional good news about the

March 16: Defense Secretary Esper announced today that U.S. military to provide 5 million masks from strategic reserve to help slow coronavirus outbreak. 1 million will be “immediately” available: Defense Secretary Esper

March 16: Amazon is hiring 100,000 new full-time and part-time workers in U.S. to keep up with the demand. The online giant announced it is hiring 100,000 new full-time and part-time 100,000 workers to keep up with online shopping surge caused by a surge in online shopping.
China has closed down its last coronavirus hospital. Not enough new cases to support them.
All 7 patients who were getting treated for at Safdarjung hospital in New Delhi have recovered.
Cleveland Clinic developed a COVID19 test that gives results in hours, not days.
Millions of coronavirus test kits are now available in the United States.
The number of new coronavirus cases from South Korea is declining.
Italy is hit hard, experts say, only because they have the oldest population in Europe.
There Maryland coronavirus patients fully recovered and able to return to everyday life.

March 15: Apple reopens all 42 china stores.

Overall, it’s not all bad news. It’s time to care for one another, stay focused and help the most vulnerable in our community. Let’s focus less on the problem and spend more time on finding the solution. We are going to get through this together.

Jul 14, 2007
I think we're at a point where there honestly isn't a ton of disagreement about COVID anymore. Yeah, there are some minor differences but it peaked maybe a week ago.

Few people addicted to partisan politics will try to suck some more content out of it but most people basically on the same page about it with minor differences.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
If you are like the rest of Americans, you are probably afraid and tired of hearing the gloom and doom news about the coronavirus.

Afraid. Not in the least.

Tired of hearing the gloom and doom news about the coronavirus. Absolutely.

Oct 12, 2008
good news out of italy and spain. :103631605Good news from New York (hopefully not premature). It's helped the market going into sky rocket territory

May 17, 2015
If you are like the rest of Americans, you are probably afraid and tired of hearing the gloom and doom news about the coronavirus.

Afraid. Not in the least.

Tired of hearing the gloom and doom news about the coronavirus. Absolutely.

There are some who post "sensational" or quote a paragraph to post as if it is a special news, then some people do not agree to jump in to fight back and in the end no one can find the answer.
It is also quite funny but often easy to cause hatred and contempt

May 17, 2015
April 3 Update: In an exclusive interview, Dr. Zelenko provides a major update about the results of his COVID-19 patients: 700 coronavirus patients treated with 99.9% success rate using Hydroxychloroquine, 1 outpatient died after not following protocol.

April 1 Update: New results of the first randomized clinical trial show hydroxychloroquine helps coronavirus patients improve.

March 31 Update: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko provides important update on three drug regimen of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Azithromycin (Z-Pak) he used to effectively treat 699 coronavirus patients with 100% success

May 17, 2015
APRIL 6, 2020: More doctors are seeing success with hydroxychloroquine and Zinc Sulphate in treating coronavirus patients

As mainstream media continues to downplay the effectiveness of malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as an unproven drug, more doctors are reportedly seeing success with hydroxychloroquine and Zinc Sulphate in treating coronavirus patients. One of those doctors is Los Angeles, California-based doctor said he is seeing significant success in prescribing the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc to treat patients with severe symptoms of COVID-19, according to a report from ABC News.

Dr. Anthony Cardillo, CEO of Mend Urgent Care, says “Every patient I’ve prescribed it to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free,” Cardillo said in an interview Sunday with KABC-TV. “So, clinically I am seeing a resolution.” He added that combining the drug with zinc has been the key to the success. The hydroxychloroquine, he said, “opens the zinc channel” allowing the zinc to enter the cell, which then “blocks the replication of cellular machinery.”

Dr. Anthony Cardillo, who is the CEO of Mend Urgent Care, which has locations in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys and Burbank, said he has seen very promising results when prescribing hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc for the most severely-ill COVID-19 patients. However, he said using hydroxychloroquine does not work.

Dr. Cardillo is not alone. Over the past two weeks, we also told you about other doctors who have seen positive results using a combination of hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and azithromycin. For example, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a board-certified family practitioner in New York, successfully treated 699 coronavirus patients using the same drug regimen. Also, results of the first 62 patient randomized clinical trial show hydroxychloroquine helps coronavirus patients improve.

Hydroxychloroquine has long been used for treatment of malaria and conditions such as lupus and arthritis. On March 30, the FDA issued emergency use authorization of anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine for treatment of coronavirus patients. The FDA is encouraging trials and has provided limited emergency authorization for its use to treat COVID-19 patients.

“Every patient I’ve prescribed it to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free,” Cardillo told Eyewitness News. “So clinically I am seeing a resolution.”

He said he has found it only works if combined with zinc. The drug, he said, opens a channel for the zinc to enter the cell and block virus replication. He added that the drug should not be prescribed for those who are presenting only mild symptoms, as there are concerns about shortages for patients with other conditions who need to take the drug on a regular basis.

“We have to be cautious and mindful that we don’t prescribe it for patients who have COVID who are well,” Cardillo said. “It should be reserved for people who are really sick, in the hospital or at home very sick, who need that medication. Otherwise we’re going to blow through our supply for patients that take it regularly for other disease processes.”

May 17, 2015
APRIL 5, 2020: New York coronavirus cases ‘dropping for first time,’ still accounts for about 40% of coronavirus cases in the U.S.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
There are some who post "sensational" or quote a paragraph to post as if it is a special news, then some people do not agree to jump in to fight back and in the end no one can find the answer.
It is also quite funny but often easy to cause hatred and contempt
[FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]I said in the beginning that we were overreacting compared to the seasonal flu.

I have yet to see a reason to change my opinion.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Where is Fauci now with his bullshit about Chloroquine does not work, it is not proven, we need to have studies

Disingenuous piece of crap that he is...
Feb 6, 2007
Where is Fauci now with his bullshit about Chloroquine does not work, it is not proven, we need to have studies

Disingenuous piece of crap that he is...

Probably trying to save lives. He knows how stupid the trump ride or die cult are

May 17, 2015
I said in the beginning that we were overreacting compared to the seasonal flu.

I have yet to see a reason to change my opinion.

You are right but that
it's not us, it's the left-wing media and the Democrats wanting to beat President Trump

May 17, 2015
APRIL 6, 2020 : American Thoracic Society backs the use of malarial drug hydroxychloroquine for treatment of coronavirus patients

With many doctors around the world sharing their success stories about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 patients, today, the American Thoracic Society issued suggestions Monday that counsel COVID-19 people with pneumonia get doses of the anti-malaria drug.

The medical group, which was founded in 1905 to combat TB, the ATS has grown to tackle asthma, COPD, lung cancer, sepsis, acute respiratory distress, and sleep apnea, among other diseases, said evidence about the impact of hydroxychloroquine is “contradictory” but it is worth experimenting with during a public health crisis to treat very sick patients.

“We believe that in urgent situations like a pandemic, we can learn while treating by collecting real-world data,” said Dr. Kevin Wilson, chief of guidelines and documents at the American Thoracic Society.

“To prescribe hydroxychloroquine (or chloroquine) to hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia if all of the next implement: a) shared determination-generating is doable, b) knowledge can be gathered for interim comparisons of sufferers who received hydroxychloroquine (or chloroquine) compared to those people who did not, c) the disease is adequately extreme to warrant investigational remedy, and d) the drug is not in limited supply,” the Thoracic Modern society claimed.

“We think that in urgent predicaments like a pandemic, we can master though managing by gathering real-earth data,” reported Dr. Kevin Wilson, chief of Recommendations and Files at the American Thoracic Modern society.

“There are in vitro scientific studies that recommend that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have activity in opposition to SARS-CoV-2019, the virus that triggers COVID-19,”

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Probably trying to save lives. He knows how stupid the trump ride or die cult are

Except I am not a Trump ride or die member lol did not vote for him or Hillary don't like either of them

To be honest do not like nor support many politicians at all

Thing I don't like is people fear mongering, stupidity, and the like...

You have to be getting paid to be on here and posting what and how you do
Like some other posters, must be getting paid to post how you do and act how you do
Normal, good, adjusted people do not act like that...

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Probably trying to save lives. He knows how stupid the trump ride or die cult are

Fauci is a do nothing, know nothing political hack.

He is compromised by big pharma, Bill Gates, Washington. Those are facts!

May 17, 2015
APRIL 6, 2020 : Tesla shows off its prototype ventilator made out of Tesla car parts and powered by Model 3 technology

As we reported late last month, Tesla is one of the many U.S. companies retooling its operations to make ventilators to help people with coronavirus. Yesterday, Tesla provided engineering update its prototype ventilator. In the video shared on Youtube, Tesla engineers showed footage of a prototype ventilator the company is trying to make with auto parts amid a shortage of the machines for coronavirus patient.

“We want to use parts that we know really well, that we know the reliability of, and we can go really fast and they are available in volume,” said Joseph Mardall, Tesla’s engineering directory. “We’ve used a lot of those.”

The device shown in the video includes a touchscreen display panel, the same used in Model 3 electric sedans, that track intake of oxygen and output of carbon dioxide, a Model 3 infotainment computer system, lithium-ion battery, as well as pumps, compressors, tubes and an oxygen mixing chamber.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
You are right but that
it's not us, it's the left-wing media and the Democrats wanting to beat President Trump
[FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]Oh I know that all to well. The only thing I can say is it is what it is and it will never stop.

I pretty much dismiss what I hear from the left. Their opinions are meaningless.
Feb 20, 2002
April 3 Update: In an exclusive interview, Dr. Zelenko provides a major update about the results of his COVID-19 patients: 700 coronavirus patients treated with 99.9% success rate using Hydroxychloroquine, 1 outpatient died after not following protocol.

"Updates from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: 700 coronavirus patients treated with 99.9% success rate using Hydroxychloroquine, 1 outpatient died after not following protocol [Exclusive Interview Video]TechStartups TeamPOSTED ON APRIL 3, 2020

May 17, 2015
APRIL 6, 2020 : Another hydroxychloroquine success story: Democratic Michigan Lawmaker who gets COVID-19, praises U.S. President Trump, says hydroxychloroquine saved her life
Over the past three weeks, we have been reporting about anti-malaria hydroxychloroquine and how it is effective in the treatment of coronovirus. Today, a Democratic state representative from Detroit is crediting hydroxychloroquine for saving her in her battle with the coronavirus, according to a report from Detroit Free Press.

State Rep. Karen Whitsett praised President Donald Trump who touted the drug on Twitter on March 21. State Rep. Whitsett who learned Monday she has tested positive for COVID-19, said she started taking hydroxychloroquine on March 31, prescribed by her doctor, after both she and her husband sought treatment for a range of symptoms on March 18.

“It was less than two hours” before she started to feel relief, said Whitsett, who had experienced shortness of breath, swollen lymph nodes, and what felt like a sinus infection. She is still experiencing headaches, she said.

Asked if she thinks Trump may have saved her life, Whitsett said: “Yes, I do,” and “I do thank him for that.”

May 17, 2015
APRIL 6, 2020 : French researcher Dr. Didier Raoult has now treated 1000 coronavirus patient with 99.3% success rate [Update]

We first wrote about renowned Dr. Didier Raoult after he and his team of French researchers conducted a study which showed that 100% of coronavirus patients that received a combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin were virologically cured within 6 days of treatment.

In a follow-up study, which has a larger sample size of 80 COVID-19 patients, the team found a clinical improvement in all but one 86 year-old patient who died, and one 74-year old patient still in intensive care unit. The team also found that, by administering hydroxychloroquine combined with azithromycin, they were able to observe an improvement in all cases, except in one patient who arrived with an advanced form, who was over the age of 86, and in whom the evolution was irreversible, according to a new paper published today in IHU Méditerranée Infection.

We now have new updates. Tonight, Dr. Oz said during an interview that Dr. Raoult is about to publish the results of his new study. Dr. OZ announced that Dr. Didier Raoult has now treated 1000 coronavirus patient with 99.3% success rate. Of the 1000 patients treatments, 20 patients went to the ICU and 7 patients died.

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