Who is riding the Gatti train with me?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I've been waiting for this baby to come around and am feeling pretty good about it. I'm on Gatti - no question. However, I dont feel awesome about it like I did a couple of months ago. However, I do still feel pretty good about it.
The judging is always an X factor and I'm concerned about it but am going after this anyway.

The best Gatti line I have seen so far is at Olympic which has him at -140. Does anyone know of a better line for Gatti bettors.

Spinch, what is your breakdown of this fight?
wish i felt stronger...last one was in the backyard of new england boy mickey ward(mohegan sun or one of those reservation casino`s in new england)....this one is in gatti`s backyard of atlantic city.....tread lightly...cuts could screw this one up...both are prone to them,but gatti more so...be back tomorrow with some info.....g.l.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Is this a 10 rounder again or a 12? It really should be a 12 rounder.
just talked to one of my sources and he told me that this fight is only 10 rounds....they were gonna have this be a 12 round i b f title eliminator,but,the sanctioning fees that these criminal organizations charge to sanction title fights and eliminators is so exorbitant that it would have eaten a good chunk of the 2 purses......

10 rounds is better....i just read that everyone in the media is all goo-goo eyed over all the muscle mickey ward has put on for this fight....does the name fernando vargas ring a bell?...i think that`s the best thing that could have happened for gatti....i have also heard that buddy mcgirt(probably the hottest trainer around and a pretty great ex-champ)is pounding it into gatti`s skull that all he needs to do is outbox ward...gatti did this for the first 3 rounds vs ward in the first tiff and was winning handily...there is no doubt in my mind that gatti is way more talented than ward...by a lot...but,if gatti reverts back and this turns into another life and death brawl,he`s gonna be in trouble....outline the factors in this fight

-more talented
-better boxer
-fighting on home turf with revenge
-has the better corner
-10 rounds favors gatti
-probably tougher and more durable
-gatti cuts
-gatti tends to brawl,playing into wards hands
-gatti gets hurt to the body

you can make a case either way

i`m leaning gatti to even the score this time and set up another big money bout(can`t discount that aspect-money talks))...gatti has home turf advantage this time,knows that if he keeps his head together and boxes he can keep this from being another hard fight...and when i hear that ward is bulking up,that clinched it for me....weights and boxing don`t mix...especially when you are 37 years old and never bulked up like this before...he will be slower and feel lethargic as the fight moves on...for gatti,quickness and boxing are the key...if he keeps it together,i think he can win easily....the downside is,he never seems to be able to keep it together....if he reverts to brawling again,ward will either hurt him to the body or cut him up...oh,those cuts...10 rounds gives us less time to worry about that stuff...can`t step out on this one because gatti is a hard head,and the cuts...i`m hoping mcgirt drummed it into that thick guinea skull of his this time that he has to box for 10 ROUNDS!...i can say that because i`ve got guinea and mick blood running through my own veins /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif.....a small to medium on gatti...afraid to go bigger....a big underdog that has possiblites comimhg down the road...g.l.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I got a dime sitting over at Olympic and think I'm gonna throw it down on Gatti. The max is $500.00 for boxing so I'm going to have to do 2 wagers. Do you expect the line on Gatti to decrease (even up a little) or increase?

I'm wondering if I should lay it at the -140 or if I should wait a little. Over under is 9 1/2 rounds but I dont think I'm gonna touch that. Unless you talk me into something, your the king of the prop bets.
to bet the over/under here....anytime you have bleeders in the ring,you`re taking a big chance...i couldn`t touch it...i honestly can`t bring myself to put a decent sized wager on this one,period...small to medium....to much crap can go wrong here...don`t let me change your mind...it`s your money,my friend...go with your best instincts...i wish you the best luck whatever you do...i expect some others will be weighing in here...we`ll probably get some compelling ward arguments before saturday...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gatti dropped to -135 at Olympic. What do you think Spinch should I take it now or do you think more Ward action will come along?
like the public remembers the last winner....problem is,gatti had a point deducted for a low blow and his knockdown round in the first fight was scored 10-7 by one judge ...if it was correctly scored 10-8 and their was no point deduction,we have a different result...many thought gatti won anyway......but,i don`t want to sound like i`m backing gatti big....i`m playing small...that 140 to 135 move was very small..i wish i had a crystal ball and could predict the line movement...the fact that this is almost a pick `em(-135 is very small odds for boxing)reflects a divurgence of opinion on this one...i really don`t know,almly...i see better values down the road....i hope more guys weigh in....check out madjacks also...i`m over there as gardenweasel(i`m sad to say /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif)....g.l.,bud.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I beg to differ with you two gentleman. This is
what Mickey has waited for all his life. He HAS
to prove that he is no fraud and he did'nt win
the first fight by default. If Gatti tries to play
hide and seek, Ward will walk him down and Gatti
will slug it out. You don't change a leopards spots. I'm not saying Gatti can't win a brawl,
just that if Ward's corner detects this they will
tell Mickey to press the action. If this occurs
and McGirth tells Gatti to stay away, the judges
will take note of Gatti's reluctance to fight.
I just don't see a technical boxing clinic here
for ten rounds. This will eventually get a little
ugly, unless there is an agreement of some kind
we are not aware of. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
with the fact that gatti is his own worst enemy....has very little in the way of boxing smarts...if he gets drawn into another brawl,definitely favors ward...guarantee you that ward will be looking to go to gatti`s body here....but,because this is in jersey,you may see ward penalized for low blows this time if he works the body relentlessly....that`s boxing....g.l. franks...hope it`s a good one...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Micky said 2 more fights after this one and he is done. He also said that if Gatti wins Ward hopes he gives him a rematch like Ward has done. I am taking that out of context but I do believe that Gatti is the hungry one this time. He is still furious about the decision last time. I'm throwin it down Saturday night but I have felt better about fights before. I really feel good about Holy being a 2 1/2 to 1 dog to Byrd in 3 weeks.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Go over to www.fightnews.com and scroll down to the Mickey Ward interview,if you haven't already
done so. He says he intends to turn this into
a free for all. This guy says something and he
means it. I agree Gatti may have his onions
twisted, but I think he lost the last fight. But
what the heck do I know?
this is about as much of a toss-up as i have seen in quite a while...reminds me of the russian roulette scene in deer hunter......you takes your chances...g.l. everyone

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gatti now at -130 at Olympic. Looks like I wont lay until Sat night.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I know, I'm pissed. It was -127 a few hours ago. I had my chance.
not quite as extrordinary as the first,but nobody embarrassed themselves...unbelievably,gatti boxed quite a bit,and HE worked the body.....ward is 37 and definitely on the other side of his best days....but,he`s tough as nails...how he survived the third i`ll never know...i hope they both made a bundle...and am very happy to see both leave the ring in relatively good shape...a fine night...our little boxing run continues....g.l.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Props to you guys on Gatti. I made the classic error of betting with my heart, but being human
this will happen from time to time. I enjoyed
the exchange of ideas and look foward to more
from you gents. How about Klitscho-McCline?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
$1050.00 got me $750.00 at -140 but I had the chance to take it at -127. Oh well. Good night. Lets keep it going. Probably will do a prop bet that Wlad KO's him. I think Mcline is gonna go to sleep. I am not a value play guy but might do it on Castillo at +300.

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