Some facts about the war agaist Iraq


New member
Sep 20, 2004
First of all some facts about Iraq:
2nd largest oil reserves of the world, currently producing 1.5 million barrel a day but it could be easily 6 million a day.
According to the "Cheney Report" released in 2001 the USA urgently needs access to new oil reserves. Furthermore it says that the US has to raise their oil import from 10.4 million a day now to 17 million in 2020. In case the import of oil would decline it would significantly hurt our economy. A former top manager of "MOBIL" said that the american lifestyle depents on the import of 20 million a day but only half of it is currently being imported. We are like a patient at the oil-dialysis and our life depents on raising the imports.
Until 9/11 the USA imported most of their oil from Saudi Arabia and Venezuela but due to the politic crises in Venezuela most of the importans came to a standstill and they furthermore do not trust Saudi Arabia anymore. They tried to get oil from Russia and Africa but the most easiest way is getting it from Iraq because the oil is right under the sand .

In an interview with the Boston Globe Powell said, being asked about the possibility of US companies getting control of the oilfields: "If we become into power there, it is kept for the well-being of the Iraqi people and related"

However the members of the US government do not seem to be completely united in this question.
From the offices of prominent Pentagon coworkers demands became loud to pay at least partly the costs for the war on Iraq by using the profits from the selling of Iraqi oil.
At least the daily costs of the planned 18-months long deployment, which is to lead to the establishment of a democratic system in the Iraq should be covered (according to vice-president Cheney).
Links of the US goverment to oil companies:
Bush 78-84 Manager of Arbusto/Bush Exploration
86-90 Harken
Cheney 95- 00 Halliburton
Rice 91-00 Chevron
Abraham sponsored by the automobile industry
Evans 79-00 Tom Brown
Norton advisor of energy companies

So do you guys really need any more facts why the US wants to get into war?

I can tell you that I will never ever travel to Spain again. They just want to have a slice of the cake. Their PM just wants to get involved into Saudi Arabia and Bush welcomes the move to waeken Europe and split it up. Even more as it is at the moment.
From my point of view Tony Blair won`t be the UK PM in 6 months from now anymore. Bush will save his next election by lowering the oil prices and controling the Arabian World. Spain is getting nowhere in Europe. You will see a strong European coaliton of France-Germany-Russia. The European Union won`t be the same anymore. Europe will just share their currency and they boarders. In Europe the UK has some Allies but will mostly being isolated. The USA will never get into war with North Korea but trying to regain the partnership with the opposing european countries as they most probably need them in the future because every expert says that someday in the mid-future China will face the USA and therefore the USA needs their Allies.
In 1991 the US could have taken over the entire middle east and took all the oil. Why didn't the US just do it then?

The US could take over Venezuela in hours and control all their oil. Why not just do that it's much closer than Iraq?

The Iraqi people will welcome the US troops with open arms, JUST WAIT AND SEE.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 20, 2004
2nd largest oil reserves of the world, currently producing 1.5 million barrel a day but it could be easily 6 million a day and furthermore the oil is right under the sand and easy to get.
That is the answer. According to intellegence sources Saddam ordered the citizens of Baghdad to stay in their houses and get snipers all around the city. What then? You can not destroy every house with tanks and kill innocents. Surely they will welcome the Troops but not in the beginning. That will take its time as they were used to Saddam since 76 and his power was never in question. You can not compare that to the Taliban regime. At the beginning they surely will defend Baghdad.
Btw in 1991 no one expected that the USA will be short in oil. That may be the reason.
Sep 21, 2004
The Iraqi people will welcome the US troops with open arms, JUST WAIT AND SEE.

i would have to be there to see it. I'll not trust a single doctored photo from CNN.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by outandup:
In 1991 the US could have taken over the entire middle east and took all the oil. Why didn't the US just do it then?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


BEcause we ****ed up!

1- I love you!
2- The check is in the mail!
3- I wont cum in your mouth!
1. why didn't the US just take the oil in Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in 1991? What Army was going to stop the US?

2. Why doesn't the US just take over Venezuela and take all the oil?

3. The people will not fight the US troops. The people will welcome the US with open arms. It's over for Saddam.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002
some troops will die, many less than 9/11. this will be quick and the average iraqi citizen will not fight. sure there will be pockets of Saddam troops and henchman loyal to him, they may hold out and kill a few of are troops, however make no mistake this is not going to be near as bad as the left would like it to be.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002
Sep 21, 2004
2. Why doesn't the US just take over Venezuelia and take all the oil?

This is the most ignorant thing I have read in a long time.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
despite the fact that it is a german website,1518,240685,00.html
click on the map.
Translation for Saddams Arsenal:
Anlagen in Betrieb means currenly working components
stillgelegt oder zerstoert means not in use or desroyed
Chemiewaffen = chemical weapons
Biowaffen= chemical weapons
Flughafen= airport
Verkehrsflughafen= civilian airport
Militärflughafen= military airport
Saddams Paläste means Saddams palaces
Saddams Ölfelder means Saddams oilfields
Öl means oil
ausbaufähige Ölfelder means possible imporoved oilfields
mögliche Fördermengen in Barrel pro Tag means possible daily production per day
produzierend Ölfelder means oilfields in use
Fördermenge in Barrel pro Tag means daily production
Saddams Volk means Saddamy citizens
how many people died in 9/11, WTC 93', USS Cole, Khobar towers?

How many soldiers died in Afganistan?

Was it worth it?

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002
If iraq war is only about the US controlling oil, Why doesn't the US invade Venezuela and take their oil?

Why is that so ignorant?

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 20, 2004
please tell me any links between Al Quaida and Saddam. Saddam is supporting the Palestinian suicide bombers. Nothing else.
A war against Iraq gives the USA the possibility of getting the Arabian world under their control and unlimited influence in the region.
At least you agree with 1 and 3. Not bad for a leftest.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 20, 2004
No army was prepared to but the US forces were not prepared for fighting in the streets of Baghdad as well as the equipment turned out o be not the proper one.
BTW some of our British troops (outandup you know that i am in the forces) have relatives deployed in Kuwait. Most of them handle the situation great but one female is in a deep depression and needs medical treatment because her boyfriend is down there.
Sep 21, 2004
all 3 are ridiculous. #2 in particular bothered me because Venezuela is a sovereign nation. If we abide by such bizarre logic now, it will be soon that another country's bombs are causing a shift in the ruins of our cities.
andy as you know Saddam signed a seize fire in 1991 to avoid losing the rest of his military as he was routed by the US in 1991. saddam has not abided by the seize fire agreemnet signed in 1991 and continues to build some of the worlds most dangerous weapons. that alone is reason to resume the previous war.

i think one of the clearest links to saddam and 9/11 is the commercial plane saddam had on the outskirts of bagdad that he was using to train terrorist to take over planes with razor blades and teams of 4-5 men along with defectors testimony stating they were not iraqi's trained on that plane.

The bottom line is I trust Bush and Powell over Saddam and Chirac. Soon we'll see who is telling the truth.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002
Maybe you're missing the point. I'm not suggesting the US invade Venezuela and take the oil. I'm saying if the Iraqi war is just about oil why go all the way to Iraq for their oil when we could just take over Venezuela? In other words the war for oil is just a bunch of BS.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002
Sep 21, 2004
not true.
Chavez isn't "evil" and the US would have more trouble convincing the world that he was (more so than a case against saddam)
Its obvious that its about more than oil, but just how MUCH more is the question.

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