Enough of Pat Tillman


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jesus christ...Did guy cure cancer or something ? All freakin' day I gotta hear about this guy . Now the NFL wants to dedicate a Season to him . What's next ...the Goddam Hall of Fame ? We all admire and respect you Pat ; But Nobody made you go over ...and for what ? What a waste of a great future . If I was his wife , I'd be PISSED . I hate to say it , while others Praise him , I almost get a sense that Pat was SELFISH and was searching to fulfill his Ego in some strange way . Again , I want to emphasize my admiration and sympathy for the man ...I'm just getting Tired of Everyone using Him for their political Correctness !

Sep 20, 2004
But I sortive see your point, he reminds me of the type of guy who is filthy rich but never enjoys his wealth, working himself to death....these type of people are hard for the average thinking man to figure out...

I have the utmost respect for anyone who is over in Iraq or where ever serving our country....its hard to knock the guy, but I do see what your saying..

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kimchee:
Jesus christ...Did guy cure cancer or something ?!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

very poor taste.....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I Know I sound Negative , But all I'm saying is ... the guy made a choice the average man could not ...let's Not Put Him on this Great Throne . You can admire his Passion and Heart , But Jesus Christ ...He Wanted to be a Maurder ...and he GOT it ! What average guy you know would walk away like from the NFL ? the guy had a Screw Loose and he pursued what he Wanted ...GOD Bless him wherever he's at ! I feel bad for his family and I do feel Sympathy for even his Choices . ...But you won't see me Kissing his Ass for his InSANE choices !

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Vega - come on you know better.


[This message was edited by wilheim on April 25, 2004 at 01:26 AM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Uncalled for - feel free to express your opinion in civil terms only.

Thanks wil.

[This message was edited by wilheim on April 25, 2004 at 01:27 AM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I was just expressing my opinion

come on wil, tell me you don't agree with me

the guy had it all: money, chicks, fame, etc.

and he got his head blown off for 18k a year and a bunch of oil for a corrupt administration

tell me you don't think the guy was a moron.

Sep 20, 2004
Kim Chee,

Hey are your from North Korea?....Why dont you just give it a rest and let this man's admirers and morners have their time to say goodbye and get over their lost....You need to relax.....Yes this man chose to do what he did....and yes I am sure that he knew the consequences, so what....No one is saying you have to kiss anyones ass.....Just let the people heal in their own way....C'mon guy, this guy is gone and even though he chose his own destiny, that doesnt mean that we should put him down for it just because we wouldnt have made that choice......I for one wouldnt have done what he chose to do, but I feel very sad because his lost is just tragic.....I dont think he ever asked anything from anyone, or thought he was anything special, and that you have to remember and respect.....Grow Up, because your kind of negative thinking will take you down....Believe That! Aloha CC.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Vega my opinion is not important. There is no need to disrespect an American hero regardless how you feel about the politics, or motives that are involved. Feel free to go into the politics forum and debate whether or not Afganistan is right or wrong, I have no problem with that.

Thanks, wil.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>congrats on post 11k wil

you wasted it on me <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

One short - sorry to dissapoint.

Sep 20, 2004
agree its in poor taste...you have to wonder what would make someone with so much going for him risk it all?

I would think Tillman was very spiritual to put his life on the line like he did...

I can honestly say If I were a single man with no kids I would be ready to enilist but when you have kids and or a wife back home, I just can`t see giving so much up...if there is no afterlife well....I won`t even go there...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Ok how about this ? He made his Choice and NOW he has to Live with It ...or DID have to live with It ? Believe it or not , if Tillman were alive today , He'd be HAPPY as HELL to have DIED for his country . I'm all for Patriotism , But this Guy had a Deathwish and THAT I can't completey PRAISE ! Journey said it , " he's the type that's never satisfied " . I hope you got what you were looking for , PAT . I'm SURE your wife was REEL proud of your Decision . I hope your 'cause was worth it 'cause in less then 10 years , history will prove how much of a FARCE this war was and the needless death for civilians and soldiers . How do you think your Wife is Feeling Now ? She's NOT Proud of you Dying ... All she wants is YOU Back and now she can never have that again .Damn shame for Her... now that's who I feel Sorry For .

New member
Oct 20, 2002

Is there a difference in Iraq and Afghanistan ? You can dispute Iraq all you want ....but there is a reason to be in Afghanistan.

Go hug John Walker Lindh ...he is more your type.

Sep 20, 2004

Dont forget to ask Jesus, to help you find some compassion, humility, and understanding.....

Quote from Marianne Williamson.

"We are not here to fix, change, or belittle another person. We are here to support, forgive, and heal one another."

GL to you, and tell Jesus I said Hi.....Aloha CC.
Sep 20, 2004
Frankly, I hope I never stop hearing about Pat Tillman. Hopefully someday my kids will be asked to write an essay about their greatest American hero and it will be Pat Tillman. No, it won't be about me their father, best friend, mentor, doctor, psychologist, teacher, etc. etc. It will be about an even greater man who sacrificed it all for his country. Protecting the men and women of the U.S. who have the luxury of enjoying their freedom in a comforting home. Hopefully my kids will write about a man who graduated summa cum laude in 3½ years from a major college with a 3.84 GPA and played professional football even though he was far from being the fastest and strongest man in the NFL. A man who was driven by more than money and greed. A man who chose to fight along side his brother. A man who risked his life in what has become a dangerous and dirty war, while the rest of us complain about $2-a-gallon gasoline. A man who was committed, determined, dedicated to a cause, and overachieved in life. In today's world of instant gratification and selfishness, here is a man that was defined by words like loyalty, honour, passion, courage, strength and nobility. He is a modern-day hero. Ah yes, I can never stop hearing enough about men like this, when their are so many others complaining about someone else instead of worrying more about themselves and what they can do to be a better person. As Bob Ferguson said, "Pat represents all that is good with this country, our society and ultimately the human condition in general."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
First off, excellent post sm; your post says what I hope most people are feeling about his untimely sacrifice.

As for you kimchee, you showed your true hand here. For you to criticize someone such as Ranger Tillman, and relegate his choice to serve as a trivial 'death wish' shows just how lackinig in class and character you are. He was searching to fulfill his Ego?? That's probably why he declined all but one interview(that one 2 questions only) before he left for basic. He was certainly fulfilling his ego when he left 6.1 mil on the table to stay in Arizona. Right. Why? Arizona gave the small guy with less than great speed a chance. How does he repay that? He declines to go to the Rams. That is integrity and class at the highest level. No death wish involved; certainly not a selfish decision; just a man with a moral fiber so salient to him that it obviously guided his life.

As for a marauder, and an average guy walking away from the NFL, we know he was no average guy: not with his scholastic achievements, not with the respect he had and has from his peers, and not with the way his family and friends talk about his drive to do the right thing. Cliche? Yes, for most. In this case? Absolutely not!

As for a marauder once again, that is an horribly unfair charge. From everything I have learned about this he wanted to be where he could affect the most change, and where he and his brother could affect change. He was not positioning himself to be where he could find the most glory. This is what sets you in a category so ill-equipped to disparage a man of this caliber. You don't understand his decisions? So be it. Most wouldn't have made the same choice, myself included. Belittle his decision, and call him insane? You won't need to kiss his ass. Kiss your own because right now you obviously don't realize that attitudes like his, from time-immemorial are the only damn reason you can talk like you do.

Journey, don't compare this man with someone who is filthy rich and never enjoys their wealth; the story to be learned here is that he had wealth and found the inner-need to make sure that the ability to achieve personally would be available to others.

Dr. Atkins, he may have had it all according to your register: that being money, chicks and fame. Maybe why so many of us are understandably upset about this is because he unequivocably showed that money, chicks and fame don't make the world go round. You belittle the man as a moron for doing the very thing that gives you the right to call him that, and affords you the opportunity to be just that.

Just to finish guys, maybe he was never finished because he truly believed he had yet to do enough to deserve it. As well kimchee, don't profess to know what his wife feels. A nearly unsurmountable loss for her of course, but you are hardly the person to state that she is not proud of him. Shame on you, not him.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jman, your comments really surprise me.... Best quote i heard yesterday and i forgot who said it.. "My God where do we get men such as these."

Pat truly represents what makes this still, the greatest country in the world..

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
I believe you were trying to spell it martyr. That is what kimchee meant not marauder. Two different words with two different meanings.

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