
SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I regret the DOS attack over the week-end that put us on the shelf. Thank you for your understanding and patience in the matter. I want all our posters to know that everything we do is in hopes of making your stay with us an enjoyable one. I don't usually do this but I also want to comment on other sites and some of the hateful stuff that is posted about us. Since I have recieved several e-mails on this matter I feel it is time to address this for everyone who posts here. The RX is not interested in site wars. At times when a hot item comes up there may be some back and forth but we do not sit and plan how to attack other sites and the people who own them. When other forums engage in the "your mom is a whore and your dad is a drunk" talk we do not get involved. I believe there is no winners in that sort of stuff. You do not see Shrink or myself over at these anti-RX places starting threads trying to attack people's character, it's a waste of time in our opinion. Over the internet anyone can write the most vicious thing they can think of towards someone, the recepient can talk for days and not ever "clear their name" fully. If someone writes you are a wife beater, how do you defend that? In the long run I believe most can make their own minds up on what is what. If you get a determined ex-employee who wants to extract revenge on you and the site there is little anyone can do about it. It's like a determined suicide bomber, they are going to destroy as much as they can no matter how you try and stop them. Just the way it is. Here at the RX we prefer to focus on improving what we are doing here rather than getting involved in this hate and anger some feel towards us. I suspect there is interest in that sort of stuff from some posters so maybe it helps to increase hits to talk poorly of people, just nothing we are going to do here. If any of our regulars really wants an answer to the enormous amount of personal attacks we recieve please feel free to write me. Most of this stuff I try and put in the Rubber Room if posted here but our plan is not to waste our time with it. The stories seem to get bigger and bigger as time goes on, I doubt that will end. We have come to realize with ex-employees, stiffs, scammers and other people we have banned along the way there will always be an audience for this sort of behavior. It's foolish to pretend it will ever go away.

In closing I do not want to necessarily paint anyone in a bad light. No one is perfect, certainly not us. Perhaps the attack and insult your competitors routine is the way someone chooses to go in order to build his business? When you understand where the hatred derives from it is easier to be patient with these sort of people. Who are we to say he is wrong just because some may not agree with it all? When someone puts a lot of time and effort in a job and then leaves it is probably aggravating to see the place continue to flourish long after you have gone. We all have a lot of pride in what we do so in that regard it's easy to understand the frustration. From the new owners down to the very last employee here all we want is to do the best we can for our readers. And believe me though we feel we have done a great deal we have a long way to go in that regard before we are satisfied. If the other sites ever want to shake hands and move on we are all for that as well, we have no bad feelings for anyone. We choose not to post much at those sort of places but acknowledge their right to conduct themselves in any manner they see fit. I want to thank both MW and Peep for the offer to use their forums during our down time. With all the anger and hatred directed towards us many chose not to particpate but it was a nice gesture, we thank them for it. Pop used to say - The HIGH ROAD is not a location, it's a way of life. We aren't there yet but we will continue to try and focus on positive things as much as possible. We are hungry to continue to make this a better place for all of us and only address this now because it bothers some readers we don't go over and attack them back. Not our style. Time doing that is time away from here, hope you all understand. Business here is GREAT (before this last week-end
) and the reason for that is because of all you posters. A very sincere thank you from the crew at the RX!!

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