O.T. How about all the impending natural disasters


W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
We got the Tidal wave coming to the Pacific Northwest

We Got that wierd Big Fault around St Louis and in the path of the Mississippi

God forbid Yellowstone goes off

God Forbid the Canary islands collapse in the sea

And even the interuption of the deap sea current and Ice Age coming

:smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :smoking:

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
No, but I've been watching MegaDisasters on the History Channel!

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
you forgot :

The Hazards of Mount Rainier
by Cory Zellers

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<CENTER>Mount Rainier, Photo by David Meunch.
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<DD>When Mount Rainier erupts it will have very devastating results. With Rainier being the largest volcano in the Cascades and located near large cities there is great potential for destruction. The potential hazards can be known by using Mt. St. Helens as an example and the stratigraphy of the surrounding landscape. These hazards include floods, lahars, landslides, pyroclastic flows, lava flows, and tephra fallout. These hazards can not only destroy an area, but also effect water quality and other health risks in places that survive.

<DD>Some of Mount Rainier's hazards are not associated with an eruption. Avalanches, landslides, floods, and lahars can be caused by any of the volcano's thirty earthquakes that occur each year. Avalanches happen frequently and are often caused by the melting of glaciers. Landslides and rock falls also occur with great regularity. Floods and lahars can occur at any time. These can be triggered by the steam escaping from the mountain and melting some of the nearly 4.5 billion cubic meters of snow and ice locked up in glaciers. Mount Rainier has more snow and ice than any other mountain in the lower 48 states.

<DD>The biggest dangers come when the mountain erupts. If Rainier erupts in the same fashion as Mt. St. Helens, there will be a large pyroclastic flow. A pyroclastic flow is a massive cloud of superheated ash and rock, up to 1,500 degrees fahrenheit, that can travel at speeds of up to 300 mph. The pyroclastic flow at Mt. St. Helens that was caused by the initial lateral blast affected an area reaching 13 miles from the summit. The first 3 to 4 miles of the blast destroyed everything in its path. The blast incinerated trees, leaving the landscape totally bare. The next 8 to 9 miles is known as the tree down zone. All of the trees in this area were either knocked down or carried elsewhere. If Mount Rainier has a side collapse triggering a lateral blast like this, much of the same damage can be expected. There has been at least one lateral blast from Rainier in the past. It triggered the largest mudflow the world has ever known.

<DD>Lava flows in Mount Rainier's past seem to have only effected areas on or very near the mountain. In some places ancient flows have been found up to 9 miles away from the base. If there is a large lava flow it will not effect any large cities. The first signs of volcanic activity at Mount Rainier appeared 2.9 million years ago. This was when a proto-Mount Rainier deposited the Lily Formation. This formation is a thick sequence of volcanoclastic debris west of the mountain. Early lava flows of the present Mount Rainier formed a small shield on a dissected surface of the basement rock, which has as much as 700 meters of relief. Approximately 270 cubic kilometers of lava have been erupted from the mountain in the last 1 million years.

<DD>Another hazard that can be shown in deposits surrounding the mountain is tephra fallout. Tephra is volcanic ash that is released during an eruption. A thick pumice layer northeast, east, and southeast of the volcano is interpreted to have erupted from Rainier between 70,000 and 30,000 years ago. During explosive eruptions in the Holocene, Mount Rainier produced 11 tephra beds totaling over 0.5 cubic kilometers. There are many factors in determining how devastating the effects of the tephra will be. Wind direction is the main consideration. One of the worst possibilities would be if the wind were blowing towards the Seattle and Tacoma areas. Tephra fallout in a big city would cause many water resource problems. After the Mt. St. Helens erupton the city of Spokane, Washington had a water shortage because of people washing off their cars and homes. Depending on building structure, tephra can cause roofs to cave in and buildings to collapse. 10 centimeters of tephra is enough to cause structural damage to a building. Tephra also clogs sewers, harms automobiles, and damages airplane engines.
<CENTER>Snow Covered Mt. Rainier, Photo by David Meunch.
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<DD>The greatest threat from Mount Rainier comes from the lahars. A lahar is a large mudflow that looks and acts like wet concrete and travels down river valleys at speeds of up to 60 mph. The lahars from Mt. St. Helens extended nearly 50 miles from the summit. Due to the great steepness of Mount Rainier, lahars would travel further than the Mt. St. Helens lahars. Mount Rainier has 5 major river valleys for lahars to navigate. The upper river valleys have gradients of up to 800 feet per mile while the lower valleys are up to 400 feet per mile. Each valley is in a canyon up to 3000 feet below adjacent divides. This gives the mudslides excellent channels to flow through with great speed. Along with the height and steep slopes, Rainier has more glacial ice than any other volcano in the Cascades. Nearly 4.5 billion cubic meters of ice and snow reside atop the mountain. When the volcano erupts it will melt this ice sending the water and debris down the river valleys. This would cause much damage throughout Mount Rainier's heavily populated surroundings. If a lahar reached the city of Tacoma the results would be catastrophic. Since the lahars from Mt. St. Helens traveled 50 miles, lahars coming down the steep slopes of Mount Rainier could easily travel the 50 miles to Tacoma. This lahar would bring an overflowing river full of mud, trees, and other debris into the city. In the past lahars have reached present day Tacoma.
<CENTER>A Glacier on Mt. Rainier, Photo by David Meunch.
<DD>The largest mudflow in the world was the Osceola Mudflow. It originated atop Mount Rainier 5,600 years ago. Its deposits are estimated to be 10 billion cubic meters and cover an area of 212 square miles. Many small cities are built on these deposits including Orting, Buckley, Sumner, Puyallup, Enumclaw, and Auburn. At least six other large lahars have come down the valleys of Mount Rainier in the last 5,600 years. The Electron Mudflow occurred about 600 years ago. The flow was more than 30 meters deep where it entered the Puget Sound lowland at the community of Electron. Its deposits at Orting are as much as 6 meters thick and contain remanants of old-growth forest. The Electron Mudflow destroyed the mature old-growth forest that covered the Puyallup River flood plain. It is predicted that if the same size mudflow occurred here now, it would cover 40% more area due to the now deforested plains.

<DD>When Mount Rainier erupts the effects will be much more devastating than Mt. St. Helens. With the amount of ice and the shape of Mount Rainier, lahars will be the biggest danger. With large cities nearby and numerous smaller cities built on deposits of great mudflows many more people will be effected.

Foxworthy, Bruce and Hill, Mary. Volcanic Eruptions of 1980 at Mount St. Helens - The First 100 Days. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper; 1249
Hoblitt, R.P. Volcano Hazards from Mount Rainier, Washington. United States Geological Survey Open-File Rport 98-428.
Scott, K.M. Mount Rainier - Living with Perilous Beauty. United States Geological Survey Fact Sheet 065-97.
Scott, K.M. Sedimentology, Behavior, And Hazards Of Debris Flows At Mount Rainier. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1547.
All images were taken with permission from Meunch Photograpy at http://www.muenchphotography.com/
<CENTER>This site was created on November 26, 2002, by
Cory Zellers
E-mail me at zellers_cory@emporia.edu

copyright 2002 © Cory Zellers and Emporia State University. All rights reserved.

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
I was just busting Badco about this and asking if he has checked where he lives according to both Pacific Northwest disaster scenarios because I know he lives near or in Seattle. A Lahar is some real scary stuff.

Anyway for those that are not aware of the whole fault in middle america thing that will devestate St louis and Memphis and much more, it airs tonight on the History Channel at 8 pm. It is a real threat barely understood and due anytime. What happened in the early 1800's here was huge and will happen again.

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
Wrigley said:
Al Gore claims Global warming is going to be a disaster

It will, watch the dimmer Sun on Nova. But it will be interesting to see if its 10 years or 100 years till major climate change. Either way its no longer something that your kids don't even have to worry about.

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
Even conservative estimates of Global warming have fishhead and the whole state of Florida under water by the turn of the century.

Rx Local
Sep 20, 2004
Dubpoet said:
Even conservative estimates of Global warming have fishhead and the whole state of Florida under water by the turn of the century.

Here is an image of Florida today.


This is what Florida would look like if Greenland melted or broke up and slipped into the sea, or if half of Greenland and half of Antarctica melted or broke up and slipped into the sea. Sea levels worldwide would increase by between 18 and 20 feet.


W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
Well this is not far off and I would either buy land that is at least 35 feet above sea level in Florida or just sell and move asap. Real Estate there is high and when this comes it will crash fast.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
So is it global warming or an ice age ? You have both coming to knock of Fishhead.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
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<!-- START STORY -->Scientists monitor risk of huge asteroid hitting Earth

Last Updated Tue, 02 Sep 2003 16:22:08 EDT

CBC News

LONDON - Scientists say a large asteroid is on a possible collision course with Earth. In theory, it could hit in about 11 years, British space agency monitors say. The agency was set up to warn people of potentially hazardous space objects. It says the potential strike data for Asteroid "2003 QQ47" is March 2014.
<TABLE class=hilite cellPadding=5 width=150 align=right hspace="4"><TBODY><TR><TD>Odds are one in 909,000 2.6-billion tonne rock will hit Earth

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>The odds of impact are one in 909,000, scientists say. American scientists first spotted the giant rock on Aug. 24.
"It's more than a guess," says Kevin Yates of the centre. "It's based on 51 observations over a period of just over six days. We're hopeful as we watch this over the next few weeks that its risk will diminish but, of course, there's always that potential it won't."
Scientists have also calculated the estimated size of the asteroid's impact. Yates say if it hits, it would release as much energy as 20 million Hiroshima atomic bombs.
"Certainly it could do country-wide damage and it would have global effects as far as the climate went," Yates said
The asteroid weighs an estimated 2.6 billion tonnes but it is only 1/10 the size of the meteorite thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
The British scientists are cautious, saying as astronomers continue to watch this asteroid and gather more data, they'll have a more precise estimate of the risk of impact.

New member
Apr 21, 2002
Global warming...

Shit... buy a house on a big hill in Florida. Then when global warming comes, your house will now be on an island and you can get a ton for a house on an island.

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