Sportsbook stories from the 90's. From degenrate to mature degenrate.


Jan 1, 2006
I did not drop out of college till the end of the first semester of my JR year
in 1990 which would have been Christmas time. I had worked an internship that summer at the Tropicana and while college interns can not be seen to making bets for themselves my bosses sent me to get there tickets in so I became familiar with the book there that way and is how I wound up there. This story picks up 1.5 years in but encompasses my general wide eyed mindset at the time. I will go back at some point and pick up from the begining as well as dip into my time at UNLV where going to college at from 87-91 was very diffrent than what going to college like anywhere else in the world was like and of course includes stories from the strip.

This story I wrote on MW Dec 6th. I was brand spanking new to fourms period and had never participated in anything offshore until the stroy that sparked this memory appeared there on the 5th. I also had no clue at the time that the very people I had always most wanted to know about, be around and then later where they had dissapreaed to were sitting in that fourm. Man was I ever happy to find the VOG. Scotty S. being chief among them by far.

OK. Before this thread dissapears let me tell you about a baby Sugar Bear who was working at the the Tropicana during the football season of 92 the day Billy Baxter and his wife come walking in 1 Sun I did not know it at that moment but then manager Bobby Davis now
long time manager at Leroys and his assistant the shoe box wise guy himself the fabulos Donny D, did. They stood on either side of me as he walked to my window and introduced him to me. I was like wide eyed and stunned at the same time as a legendary betting figure stood before me looking to make some bets. Now just a little background here. First before I ever came to Vegas I had absoutly no betting background at all and new nothing of point spreads and games. By 92 I did and also believed that the wise guys I had heard about and tried to read eveything about were about in there 40,s tops. Not the mid 60's or so he and the very first one I met and thought I wanted to be just like in Herbie Hoops. Man was I naive. So staying with the naive thing here now I am thinking man whats this going to bet and how much. Let me tell you, not as much as I thought and it showed on my face. So after making his bets and asking Bobby about my story he suddendly focuses in on me and says "son do not believe everything you hear and think about wise guys,
not every bet we make is on the grand scale the books and papers would have you believe." He goes on to say:" as it were my RV is parked out in the circle and me and my wife are going camping I just stopped in for a little action for the ride on down. He also told me
"son you are to smart for all this and this is not the life you want to live. Go back to school get your education and make something of yourself. Just remember to thank me later." Should have listened. In any event I sit there awed as he is walking away saying hello to his runner as he walks out the door. Later after my shift the Faboulos One sat me down and gave me a continuing education
on my ever expanding big time adjustment to the realities of the sports betting world. In short he told me when you get out into the real sports book world, do not believe everything you see and hear. With guys like Billy you never know there is so much they do. He said in that instance he was just stopping in for some action, (pause) Today. Now that does not mean it will not be buisness as usual Tommorow
and that he wont send Jerry over there to the counter to take advantage of us, but today he was after personal action and came to where he knew he can get it and at what prices without all the new books in town bullshit. The type of transaction you were involved in is how things used to be in another time and place when men could come to the bookie openly and talk out the transactions in speakeasy
voice thus comeing to a mutually satisfying situation for both parties on a given situation at the time.

I told that story because I was surprised to see Billys name in the paper that included Robert Walker in it. The reason why is upon seeing Billys name I was instantly whisked back to that day as well as others when he would come in and I was reminded of how far I have come since those days. I am Bobby Davis and Donny D trained in old school bookmaking principles and got to see first hand what the old
independent houses did to survive as we had no race book as well as he started as a writer at churchill I believe and worked under true
legends himself as well as along side a few that are directing books today and living in thailand in one persons case. I am also Robert Walker trained to the hilt as he spent a lot of time teaching me real world ways of running books as well as Joe Lupo and Bob Scuuci to boot. In the end I could see the the direct line of 13 yrs past in an instant as I am doing better than I ever have professionaly and a direct line can be drawn to the teachings of those 2 and my successes today.

I often wonder for those who have gone thru the process of getting to a place like this if they remember fondly there early wide eyed days when being on the very inside and current with the moves was life itself and is all you ever wanted to do and know about.

I also wonder if you had a chance to do it all over would you take the advice of someone like a Billy Baxter and go make something of yourself or would you do it all again?
Sep 21, 2004
This is going to be an awesome thread. Good stuff, Sugarbear. Looking forward to meeting you in a couple months. What is the surprise that is coming? Movie? Book? Book written by you? Or does it have to remain a surprise?

Jan 1, 2006
Ok now for those who missed it I started this thread at the request of Illini whom wanted to hear more stories after my reponse to Sportsmylifes tell me something amazing, crazy, scary gambling has made you do thread.

Well in short it made me drop out of college (I went to UNLV) and become a wanna be wise guy aka degenerate gambler. Here is how the story begins.

I came to UNLV in August of 87 to study Hotel and Resturant administration.
It was the number 1 school in the nation for that program and a logical place to go. When I came here I was a big sports fan but had no exposure to gambling on games or the like at all. That would include most of my friends I made that first semester. None the less being in Las Vegas.... and only a scant 2 miles from the strip.....

Before coming here however Vegas had 2 BIG things going for it at the time on the national level. 1. The Runnin Rebels fresh off there final 4 appearance
and the Stardust with Scotty Schettler in chair. Even though I came from a protected non gambing community everyone knew his name, that hotel and who the Rebels were. I WAS the man. I was going to the cool school.

Meanwhile back at the dorm being all tucked in and waved godbye to by our parents a full week in advance of school begining all hell broke loose. A full fledge Toga party broke out the very first nite. You should have seen the dorm directors face. I will spare you the rest.

In any event in short order we make it up to the strip for the Jerry Lewis telethon and right into the sportsbook at Ceasers palace thinking all the way that being sports fans and knowing about sports means you can win at sports betting. Thats exactly what we believed when we made those first bets I can assure you because all we did was go I got the winner, you aint got no winner as young aggresive men are givin to doing. So after the telethon and regrouping from our weekend losses we wind up at the Las Vegas Hilton as our spot to play and its down hill from there.

Now first I had a roommate named Jerry from Cinncinatti who was a smooth fast talking hustler in the wrong city for him. Also we had friends who knew people back east that could vouch for them so they had JR runner jobs mostly on the weekends. Jr runners only get x amount and are mostly planted at one book with everything having to be turned in when bet out, called in or the guy showed up. Can you imagine the stories they told and the way they told them.

Oh man let me tell you a guy comes running up to this guys bet 50 g's on this game, hes had people running all around, I bet this and this for this, then I had to run and...before... and a couple of plays haven't gone off yet......

Screeech, as my roomate was all in fast for everything but the rest of us were sports crazy and just trying to bet the hot info games like the wise guys did. Can you imagine a bunch of college aged kids running around the Hilton rooting in games for people we did not know, for money that was not ours, out knowing one single thing about how things really work, betting like crazy? OH man were those ever the days. At least up till Oct. 2nd which is my birthday which fell on a football Saturday in 87.

So like all the weeks before my roomate and I get up early to go put our tickets in only this time we are coming right back we say as we had projects due for mid terms soon and were a little behind so to speak. So I just throw on my slippers, sweats and shirt and zoom to the Hilton right quick. That was at 8am by 7 pm that night My roomate had long been gone and I was still at the Hilton having just gambled away the last of the 1600 I had left over in the bank when I came just the 5 weeks before. I was just crushed. Just crushed.

To add insult to injury I had to walk back to the dorm in those slippers, sweats and shirt I had left in the 12 hours before. Anyone who has been down that road outside the book entrance knows that, that is a long winding, curvy road that leads straight back to the University. Walking it in your slippers, on your birthday, on a dark night after losing all your money is BRUTAL. Positivly.

After that I did not lose more than 300 hundred total over the next 3 years and did not start my decent into this world in full until the summer of 1990 when 2 straight buses passed me by as I was trying to get to an interview for an internship at the Riv but I wound up at Little Ceasers instead.....

Jan 1, 2006
Illini said:
This is going to be an awesome thread. Good stuff, Sugarbear. Looking forward to meeting you in a couple months. What is the surprise that is coming? Movie? Book? Book written by you? Or does it have to remain a surprise?

It has to remain a surprise. I cant wait though. It wont be long. Movies and books will be decided by what the public wants. While plausible down the road its premature right now.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Bobby Davis?

Where is he at now.

Was a fairly good aquaintance of him.

Also Sugeabear, I must know the very least by face.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Fishhead said:
Bobby Davis?

Where is he at now.

Was a fairly good aquaintance of him.

Also Sugeabear, I must know the very least by face.

If you worked at Little Ceasers, I definetly know you!

I was a semi-runner there for your legendary boss(making runs to Ceasers for him) and ended up very, very good friends with one of your supervisers "Buddy"(who I actually worked with as a supervisor with at the old Alladdin for a short time in the late 80's/early 90's).

Small world,


Jan 1, 2006
Fishhead said:
Bobby Davis?

Where is he at now.

Was a fairly good aquaintance of him.

Also Sugeabear, I must know the very least by face.

Bobby Davis along with Don has been the long time point man behind the scenes at Leroys. Since about 93 no later than 94 I am guessing. I have not talk to him in a few months but I will soon as he is one I want to come out and tell some stories of the 70's ticket writers and what not, the fun they had and some of the true legends he worked beside long before they even had the idea that might make them what they are today. Roxy would be chief and the most known. Also I am sure Booby is off Sonny's line at that.

It is likey you know me by face Fish as I did not work at Little Ceasers but I was at the Dust from 94-2000. Not only did your guys use to come down to our place and hang out at times, I myself as a street running degenrate hung out at the Sands as it was one of the in places to be a degenrate at in the middle 90's. If you ran in 92 and came into the Trop you would know me from there also as runners abounded there.

I am positive on Sundays after you guys had your mini lottery, you and the guys came down to the Dust and observe ours. I remember talking to them on several occasions comparing notes on things and who did what etc.

I was the one who always sat in the one chair so named because no matter what direction you came from the first person you ran into is me and I answered all the questions as well as did the phones.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Thanks SB

Do you know Steve Scott(currently at the Frontier).

He worked at the Trop with Bobby Davis(and possibly you).

I worked with Steve at the old Castaways and for a short time at the Alladdin...............and all in all probably my best friend in Sin City.


ps- You attending the RX bash?

Sep 21, 2004
any stories about or guys coming in betting the ranch on ASU not to cover during the benny sillman/steven headAche Smith point shaving scandal in 94?

i often wonder if they would have gotten away with it by going offshore even though it wasn't widely used at the time rather than the flags going off at the brick n mortars

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
djking said:
any stories about or guys coming in betting the ranch on ASU not to cover during the benny sillman/steven headAche Smith point shaving scandal in 94?

i often wonder if they would have gotten away with it by going offshore even though it wasn't widely used at the time rather than the flags going off at the brick n mortars[/quote

Loved the movie that was put out on this, forgot what it was called.

Sep 21, 2004

Jan 1, 2006
djking said:
any stories about or guys coming in betting the ranch on ASU not to cover during the benny sillman/steven headAche Smith point shaving scandal in 94?

i often wonder if they would have gotten away with it by going offshore even though it wasn't widely used at the time rather than the flags going off at the brick n mortars

It was not the house being bet on the game as much as everyone in the house was betting on them. I mean non bettors clouding us at the counter
who did not know what they were doing calling out bets on them that the avg tourist/bettor does not normally bet unless its a Superbowl type event.

My mentor in this buisness D. Wayne mauldin was all over it the 2 weeks before. There are a lot of times your suspicions can be raised behind the counter on the littlest things that causes you to put things under a watch or highlight in your daily reports to keep an eye on.

I can not comment on the rest. Sorry.

Jan 1, 2006
Fishhead said:
Thanks SB

Do you know Steve Scott(currently at the Frontier).

He worked at the Trop with Bobby Davis(and possibly you).

I worked with Steve at the old Castaways and for a short time at the Alladdin...............and all in all probably my best friend in Sin City.


ps- You attending the RX bash?

Steve just like yourself Fish would be right before my time. You appear in my studies of the offshores Fish to be in the last and thus youngest of the
Vegas Old Guard or what I call the crossover goup.

Crossover refers to those who started in true old school joints under the old BM's whom as corprate Vegas started to emerge learned to adjust to the new ways of doing things. Thus they were able to crossover and keep there seats in the industry. Those who choose not to adjust are either long gone from the scene or at this juncture sit bitter and angry about things that happened in the past. As one who knows many of the participants of the fallout years its just not a good thing folks.

Its like time has stood still since the end of 91 for many. I have sat behind the counter and watch many of them die along the way. The games are the only thing that kept them alive or gave them any kind of hope.
Its emotionaly crushing at times beyond what many can understand.
These people who hang out in these are like family memebers after a time.
They are people you care about no more or less than many in your life and would trust them implicitly over many. Believe me when I tell you.

Not all my stories are good ones.

I will be at the bash.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Good analogy.................looking forward to hashing some stories with you at the bash.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
So you know Mauldin? I bet you have heard of Faye Gunter also. I heard Mauldin is working for some golf course now.

Jan 1, 2006
stuckinvegas said:
So you know Mauldin? I bet you have heard of Faye Gunter also. I heard Mauldin is working for some golf course now.

D. Wayne runs the pro shop at Shadow Creek for Steve Wynn. He has more juice in this town than 90 percent of the people including several high end executive types from the different casinos.

Faye Gunter = The queen of pucks maybe.

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