Pacman Jones suspended 1 Yr by NFL


Oct 22, 2004
Just heard on the Jim Rome show that Pacman Jones is being suspended 1 yr by the NFL commish Roger Goodell.Good Job Commish

Oct 22, 2004
Here is the story on and Chris Henry got 8 games:

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=head2>NFL suspends Pacman Jones, Bengals' Henry</TD><TD width=5> </TD><TD align=right><SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!--//var dclkFeaturesponsor=''+vTag+';'+vTarget+';'+uID+';sz=150x30;tile=5;ord='+random+'?';if (switchDclk != 'off') { if ('DCLK')>-1) document.write('<input type="text" value="'+dclkFeaturesponsor+'" style="width:150px">
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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- T10119161 --><!-- Sesame Modified: 04/10/2007 13:19:52 --><!-- sversion: 6 $Updated: alanh$ -->(April 10, 2007) -- NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has informed Adam Jones of the Tennessee Titans and Chris Henry of the Cincinnati Bengals that they have been suspended without pay for violating the NFL's personal conduct policy and engaging in conduct detrimental to the league on numerous occasions, the NFL announced.
Jones was suspended for the 2007 season, while Henry was suspended for the first eight games of the 2007 regular season. Each player must earn the right to be reinstated.
"We must protect the integrity of the NFL," Commissioner Goodell said. "The highest standards of conduct must be met by everyone in the NFL because it is a privilege to represent the NFL, not a right. These players, and all members of our league, have to make the right choices and decisions in their conduct on a consistent basis."
In a letter to each player, Commissioner Goodell wrote: "Your conduct has brought embarrassment and ridicule upon yourself, your club, and the NFL, and has damaged the reputation of players throughout the league. You have put in jeopardy an otherwise promising NFL career, and have risked both your own safety and the safety of others through your off-field actions. In each of these respects, you have engaged in conduct detrimental to the NFL and failed to live up to the standards expected of NFL players. Taken as a whole, this conduct warrants significant sanction."
Jones will be strictly monitored by the Titans and the NFL during the suspension as part of his opportunity to earn reinstatement through adherence to a set of conditions. His status will be reviewed after the Titans' 10th regular-season game to determine the extent to which he has complied with the conditions and whether the suspension should be affected by the disposition of any pending or prospective charges.
The specific conditions that apply to Jones' suspension include the following:

  • He must have no further adverse involvement with law enforcement.
  • He must fully cooperate with all required counseling, education, and treatment assigned under league or court-ordered programs.
  • He must adhere to the restrictions on his activities that have been agreed to by he and the Titans.
  • He may not be at the Titans' facility through May 31 and may not participate in any practices or organized workouts during the term of the suspension. Beginning June 1, he must visit the team facility once each week to meet with the team's player development director. Also, beginning June 1, he is permitted to spend one day a week at the team facility for conditioning, film study, and other similar activities.
  • In conjunction with the team's player development director and other professionals working with him, Jones must develop with the Titans a structured program of community service or other activity. This program must be submitted to the league office for review and approval.
Henry will be reinstated after the Bengals' eighth regular-season game if he meets certain conditions during his suspension that will be monitored closely by the Bengals and the NFL. Those conditions include the following:

  • He must have no further adverse involvement with law enforcement.
  • He must fully cooperate with all required counseling, education, and treatment assigned to him under league programs.
  • He is eligible to be at the Bengals' facilities during the rest of the offseason for customary activities and he must meet weekly with the team's player development director.
  • If he fully complies with all other conditions, he may participate in the Bengals' training camp and preseason games.
  • During the regular season, he is permitted to be at the Bengals' facility for team meetings and must meet weekly with the team's player development director, but he may not attend or participate in practice.
  • He must fully comply with all conditions imposed on him by any court, including requirements of community service.
Jones and Henry were told that any failure to comply with these conditions will result in additional discipline, including possible banishment from the league.
"I must emphasize to you that this is your last opportunity to salvage your NFL career," Commissioner Goodell wrote to Jones and Henry. "I urge you to take full advantage of the resources available to support you in that effort."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The NFL is so stupid. One year, and because this assclown decides to bring 80,000 in cash to a strip club because he wants to be a pimp, some guy doing his job is never going to walk again.

This guy should never play another down in the NFL again...hopefully he will get some prison time in LV.

Cui servire est regnare
Sep 21, 2004
This is a bit of a joke, he could have been caught using the most heinous drugs in his system and gotten 4 games, instead, he broke no real law i am aware of and gets a year? LOL

New member
Sep 28, 2005
Breaking no law? Didn't he beat the hell out of a women? Not to mention the other numerous times he's been arrested. This thug deserves everything he gets.

New member
Jan 18, 2006
I don't understand this either, hes never even been arrested? WTF?

this whole thing has been blown up by the media IMO, what happened to innocent until proven guilty? Just because he hangs out with the wrong people he gets a one year suspension?

and seriously, the NFL lets all the drug abusers slide and then slam this guy for....nothing?

Sep 20, 2004
Considering the fact that most athletes today think they're above the law, this is a great move and may save someone else down the road, the precedent has been set and for that reason alone it's a huge positive.

Sep 20, 2004
I don't understand this either, hes never even been arrested? WTF?

this whole thing has been blown up by the media IMO, what happened to innocent until proven guilty? Just because he hangs out with the wrong people he gets a one year suspension?

and seriously, the NFL lets all the drug abusers slide and then slam this guy for....nothing?

I wouldn't be surprised if he sued the league...he deserves the punishment though.

New member
Jan 18, 2006
The NFL is so stupid. One year, and because this assclown decides to bring 80,000 in cash to a strip club because he wants to be a pimp, some guy doing his job is never going to walk again.

This guy should never play another down in the NFL again...hopefully he will get some prison time in LV.

since when is carrying $80K into a strip club illegal?

someone just give us a rundown of the illegal activities he has been charged with? Because ESPN seriously has not said a word about it in months, everytime the story comes up its just "blah blah blah Pacman Jones was at this place when this happened"

Dec 17, 2006

Drug Dealer Says Pacman Jones Gambles, Uses Drugs

Posted Feb 27th 2007 7:59AM by Michael David Smith
Filed under: Titans, AFC South, NFL Gossip, NFL Police Blotter
When a convicted drug dealer is expressing concern that you're not living your life right, you've got some serious problems. So, we can conclude, Pacman Jones has some serious problems.

Convicted drug dealer Darryl Moore is a friend of Jones's. Moore even owned a car that had "Pacman" stitched on the headrests, and when the police seized the car in a drug sting, Jones bought it at auction. Now News Channel 5 in Nashville has obtained police surveillance tapes of Moore's conversations, and they provide a glimpse into the Moore-Jones connection: Including the fact that Moore was concerned Jones wasn't living his life right:

"We gotta slow down, man. We gotta get him focused on football, man. He's focused on too much other s****," Moore said. NewsChannel 5 obtained wiretapped phone conversations between Moore and his friends. In one conversation he talked about Jones throwing his money into gambling, putting thousands of dollars on college games to make a quick buck....
"You know, I was talkin' to him the other day about smokin', and he was like man, if I didn't smoke I couldn't take all the stress that I'm dealing with right now,'" Moore said....
"[Titans coach Jeff] Fisher's being as patient as a m*****f***** as he can. Fisher gotta win. Fisher trying to win...He ain't putting up with that s***," Moore said....
"He gotta concentrate on season...that ******* drug test coming up," he said. "We telling him he needed 33 days before he took his ******* test; dry-out, and he didn't...that's let me know right there that he ain't taking his ****** job serious."

"Pacman" Jones Faces More Legal Problems

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>var wn_last_ed_date = getLEDate("Mar 2, 2007 10:59 AM EST"); document.write(wn_last_ed_date);</SCRIPT>March 2, 2007 10:59 AM EST
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There are more legal troubles for the man at the center of the investigation into the All-Star Weekend shooting at a local strip club.
NFL star, Adam "Pacman" Jones, is facing charges in Georgia after cops say he took a swing at them during a traffic stop.


head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
I wouldn't be surprised if he sued the league...he deserves the punishment though.

i'm betting they hope he will, delay his reenstatement for a couple of years and he'll more than likely be done.....he has made the mistake of fcuking with the biggest cash cow in sports and will now find out what it is to be made an example other league makes as much money as the nfl and when you threaten that regardless of who you are they will bury you if that's what it takes.

Mar 5, 2006
Someone told me the other day that PacMan and Chris Henry were roommates at one time in college at WVU. Any truth to this?

If so...WOW - those must have been some wild times!


Sep 20, 2004
Naw, he hasn't done anything really wrong....LOL

NFL security is FBI like they don't slap one year suspensions for nothing.

Also gambling on games, that is interesting and we're to think no pro players gamble or throw games/plays?

The intellegence level of some of these guys just is not there, how else can you explain it?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
since when is carrying $80K into a strip club illegal?

someone just give us a rundown of the illegal activities he has been charged with? Because ESPN seriously has not said a word about it in months, everytime the story comes up its just "blah blah blah Pacman Jones was at this place when this happened"

Charges are are right, I would have prefered for the NFL to at least wait for the charges to come down. If he is convicted, maybe then they will drop the hammer and kick his ass out of the league forever.

This guy is a punk. Defend him all you want. This is at least his fifth off-field occurrance where the law has to get involved. He makes his employer look stupid regularly. Now there is a guy who can't walk because of the actions and decisions of Pac-man and his posse.

Call it what you want, if Pac Man Jones doesn't go to that strip club with $80,000 in cash, an innocent man would still be able to use his legs.

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