Standings For Head2Head Round of 32 Thru June 28



He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]2008 MLB Head2Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Round of 32 Matchups[/size]
[size=+1]Minimum 10 Plays by June 29[/size]
Low man from each matchup is eliminated.
[font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Seed[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]        	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]Low[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]Margin[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]Sat28[/u][/color][/size]
1	Don Melchor    	9	1	0	785		690	0
32	Italianole     	6	6	0	95	<--	x	-92
2	schlep66       	5	11	0	-630	<--	x	-300
31	msmith2179     	10	7	0	261		891	69
3	MIKEY.1TIME    	7	8	0	-304	<--	x	-100
30	soli           	9	8	0	67		371	112
4	terpsmd        	1	2	0	dq'd	<--out	194	0
29	ChuteBoxe      	4	7	0	-194		x	130
5	Gravy          	6	12	0	-348	<--	x	-300
28	CalvinTy       	7	6	0	153		501	-200
6	THE POSTMAN!   	7	11	0	-600	<--	x	-88
27	bailey         	6	6	0	39		639	0
7	bigmoney247    	2	10	0	-872	<--	x	0
26	quinnsft34     	11	6	0	722		1594	-83
8	ScreaminPain   	7	8	0	-225	<--	x	-131
25	leprechaun7    	5	6	1	49		274	-100
9	wayne1         	4	12	0	-550	<--	x	-300
24	jed4176        	8	5	1	207		757	-137
10	Warriorsfan    	10	5	0	414	<--	x	-385
23	cmoney17       	11	5	0	716		302	-116
11	Greenbacks     	6	9	1	-211	<--	x	136
22	djefferis      	8	7	0	-148		63	69
12	diogee         	7	5	1	183		454	0
21	dabuffman      	5	8	2	-271	<--	x	-98
13	jdigae01       	5	6	0	-142	<--	x	0
20	Boss Hog       	9	5	0	263		405	0
14	BigMike56      	8	9	0	-5	<--	x	134
19	Big 5 Sniper   	7	8	0	133		138	-77
15	Mr.Cover123    	4	11	0	-520	<--	x	-300
18	jpr24628       	7	5	1	226		746	100
16	FearTheRaven   	4	14	0	-831	<--	x	-300
17	VegasVic       	4	5	0	15		846	0


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]2008 MLB Head2Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Round of 32[/size]
[size=+1]Breakdown Of Yesterday's Plays[/size]<BR>
Post=Post #   R=Result   P=Rot Play   m=Moneyline   r=Runline   o=Over   u=Under
[font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Poster[/u]         	[u]Week[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][i][color=red][u]Post[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=2][i][color=green][u]R1[/u]	[u]R2[/u]	[u]R3[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=2][i][color=blue][u]P1[/u]	[u]P2[/u]	[u]P3[/u][/color][/i][/size]
Don Melchor    	785							
Italianole     	95	19	108	-100	-100	59m	78r	76r
schlep66       	-630	6	-100	-100	-100	56r	62r	76r
msmith2179     	261	16	100	-131	100	51m	63m	71m
MIKEY.1TIME    	-304	5	100	-100	-100	58u	62r	63r
soli           	67	14	100	112	-100	51m	57m	68r
terpsmd        	dq'd							
ChuteBoxe      	-194	15	113	117	-100	54m	67m	79m
Gravy          	-348	10	-100	-100	-100	60r	70r	76r
CalvinTy       	153	2	-100	-100		58r	63r	
THE POSTMAN!   	-600	7	133	-121	-100	51r	53m	62r
bailey         	39							
bigmoney247    	-872							
quinnsft34     	722	3	117	-100	-100	67m	70r	76r
ScreaminPain   	-225	20	-100	100	-131	62r	62m	63m
leprechaun7    	49	4	-100	100	-100	58r	76u	79m
wayne1         	-550	25	-100	-100	-100	70r	76r	78r
jed4176        	207	13	100	-121	-116	80m	53m	60m
Warriorsfan    	414	23	-125	-132	-128	56u	69o	72u
cmoney17       	716	21	100	-100	-116	56m	56r	60m
Greenbacks     	-211	8	113	123	-100	54m	64m	68r
djefferis      	-148	9	100	-131	100	58u	63m	73m
diogee         	183							
dabuffman      	-271	17	-100	102	-100	58r	63o	78r
jdigae01       	-142							
Boss Hog       	263							
BigMike56      	-5	11	122	-100	112	75m	74m	57m
Big 5 Sniper   	133	24	-100	123	-100	61m	64m	80r
Mr.Cover123    	-520	22	-100	-100	-100	56r	62r	76r
jpr24628       	226	26	100			80m		
FearTheRaven   	-831	18	-100	-100	-100	58r	70r	76r
VegasVic       	15							


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]2008 MLB Head2Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Round of 32[/size]
[size=+1]YTD / Weekly / Daily Composite[/size]
YTD Used For Re-Seeding Purposes
[indent][font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Rank[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]        	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]YTD[/u]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]Sat28[/u][/color][/size]
1	Don Melchor    	42	13	0	2706	785	0
2	Warriorsfan    	35	21	0	1247	414	-385
3	diogee         	35	25	1	959	183	0
4	MIKEY.1TIME    	39	25	0	847	-304	-100
5	Gravy          	38	44	0	746	-348	-300
6	ScreaminPain   	34	25	0	686	-225	-131
7	schlep66       	34	28	0	660	-630	-300
8	cmoney17       	34	28	0	644	716	-116
9	Greenbacks     	33	29	1	615	-211	136
10	BigMike56      	37	33	3	565	-5	134
11	jpr24628       	28	24	1	531	226	100
12	jdigae01       	28	21	0	485	-142	0
13	quinnsft34     	37	37	0	462	722	-83
14	THE POSTMAN!   	32	24	0	445	-600	-88
15	Boss Hog       	34	23	0	420	263	0
16	Big 5 Sniper   	30	34	0	382	133	-77
17	VegasVic       	24	27	0	370	15	0
18	wayne1         	26	31	0	288	-550	-300
19	bigmoney247    	33	29	0	155	-872	0
20	jed4176        	31	25	3	55	207	-137
21	Mr.Cover123    	32	38	0	35	-520	-300
22	leprechaun7    	28	33	2	-176	49	-100
23	djefferis      	28	25	1	-203	-148	69
24	bailey         	27	30	0	-232	39	0
25	CalvinTy       	29	31	2	-233	153	-200
26	dabuffman      	27	29	3	-296	-271	-98
27	FearTheRaven   	30	42	1	-373	-831	-300
28	msmith2179     	36	39	0	-601	261	69
29	soli           	30	40	1	-693	67	112
30	ChuteBoxe      	20	28	0	-719	-194	130
31	Italianole     	18	30	0	-1269	95	-92
32	terpsmd        	39	25	0	dq'd	dq'd	0


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]2008 MLB Head2Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Round of 32[/size]
[size=+1]Weekly Standings[/size]
For Your Entertainment Value
[indent][indent][indent][font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Rank[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]        	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/size]
1	Don Melchor    	9	1	0	785
2	quinnsft34     	11	6	0	722
3	cmoney17       	11	5	0	716
4	Warriorsfan    	10	5	0	414
5	Boss Hog       	9	5	0	263
6	msmith2179     	10	7	0	261
7	jpr24628       	7	5	1	226
8	jed4176        	8	5	1	207
9	diogee         	7	5	1	183
10	CalvinTy       	7	6	0	153
11	Big 5 Sniper   	7	8	0	133
12	Italianole     	6	6	0	95
13	soli           	9	8	0	67
14	leprechaun7    	5	6	1	49
15	bailey         	6	6	0	39
16	VegasVic       	4	5	0	15
17	BigMike56      	8	9	0	-5
18	jdigae01       	5	6	0	-142
19	djefferis      	8	7	0	-148
20	ChuteBoxe      	4	7	0	-194
21	Greenbacks     	6	9	1	-211
22	ScreaminPain   	7	8	0	-225
23	dabuffman      	5	8	2	-271
24	MIKEY.1TIME    	7	8	0	-304
25	Gravy          	6	12	0	-348
26	Mr.Cover123    	4	11	0	-520
27	wayne1         	4	12	0	-550
28	THE POSTMAN!   	7	11	0	-600
29	schlep66       	5	11	0	-630
30	FearTheRaven   	4	14	0	-831
31	bigmoney247    	2	10	0	-872
32	terpsmd        	1	2	0	dq'd

New member
Dec 21, 2007
My end is near. Thanks for doing the contest JOH. Just caught me on my worst week of the year. Interleague play is killing me.

I know this takes alot of time, but any chance we do this in the 2nd half of the season?


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
My end is near. Thanks for doing the contest JOH. Just caught me on my worst week of the year. Interleague play is killing me.

I know this takes alot of time, but any chance we do this in the 2nd half of the season?
This one runs thru the 10th of August. By then, football will be around the corner and from what I'm hearing, a heavy schedule of contests on tap. Stay tuned.
JOH this has been fun. Thanks for doing this!
Yup, always fun when you win... looks like we'll see you next week. Good job.


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
One matchup still in doubt...

11	Greenbacks     	7	10	1	-190
22	djefferis      	9	8	0	-207

Greenbacks has CWS ML -145
djefferis has CWS Under 9 +115

Raising 4 girls!
Sep 13, 2006
One matchup still in doubt...

11    Greenbacks         7    10    1    -190
22    djefferis          9    8    0    -207
Greenbacks has CWS ML -145
djefferis has CWS Under 9 +115
Am I getting this right? With the CWS win of 5-1 just now, this ends up a 2-point contest between these two!?

11    Greenbacks         8    10    1    -90
22    djefferis          10    8    0    -92

If so, what an amazing ending!

* CalvinTy

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