Where is a good place to get replacement cordless phones ?


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
keypads are not functioning well, but answering machine is fine.

Can I just buy the phones cheap somewhere ?

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</td></tr></tbody></table> Motorola MD491 2.4 GHz Digital Cordless Phone with Corded Base, 2 Handsets, and Answering System (Silver)

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2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
any handset should work right? phone just sets in cradle...what am i missing? the hand set just has phone cord itself plugged into it and the other end plugged into base..as long as little dodad thingy goes down when you hang up and rises when you pick up it should not matter what handset is used

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
oh i get it now..you were just wanting to show off that you have a fancy phone

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
It has 2 cordless phones that go with it. The #1 key is almost impossible to use on both.

I'd like to replace those, but I'm seeing like $40 each, so replacing the whole thing is a better option, unless I can find a place that sells the phones cheap.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
wait a minute doug? the phone in the picture has a cord..jeez give me another drink...ok i'll try again with the same response..any cordless handset should work as long as the 2 things at bottom line up with the 2 metal things in base...what i did when i needed to replace was went to office max etc and found a cheap one for phone for around 19 bucks or so,cheaper if it was closeout and just used the handset and put the rest in closet...all you have to make sure of is that it is also 2.4 GHz

sorry i got confused

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
That's the base unit, has an answering machine in it. I never use that as a phone ( unless power is out).

The 2 cordless phones have cradles, you can plug those in other rooms. They need to send a signal to the base to function.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
That's the base unit, has an answering machine in it. I never use that as a phone ( unless power is out).

The 2 cordless phones have cradles, you can plug those in other rooms. They need to send a signal to the base to function.

and they will still send the signal...as a side note you can plug this into google and get websites that will probably sell you a replacement handset for about 15 bucks or so email them and see..

Motorola MD491 2.4 GHz Digital Cordless Phone with Corded Base



Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I did try Google and ebay, not finding the handset for $15.

RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
First off...the expansion sets are called the MD41...not 491 but thats okay..if u dont know alot about phones it would make sense.

The reason why this series is so hard to find is 1. Its 2.4 GHZ and now they are two stages above that with majority of phones being standard at 5.8 ghz now anyway.


2. This is motorolas phone of the past and has been discontinued due to model age. Models have changed 7 times since the introduction of this phone, adn tradtionally that would range between 3-7 years, so as u can tell if would make sense why they quit making them.

Ur best bets are to buy a used one/ pay top dollar for new/ OR MY RECOMMENDATION is get on the new wave length of 5.8ghz and get much nicer looking phones/accesories...etc

here is some good examples...uc an jus have them as additional to ur current answering machine/corded phone..if u dont want to switch

but if u wanna keep looking here is some ideas.

Ebay auction ending in 3 hrs...think jus before 5pm EST


and here is the link to a search u may wanna keep checking if ur stubborn about price, or updating.


gl in ur search bud


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Thanks,I'll just replace it. I was just wondering if I could get the handsets only. No point in used since the keypads are the weak point. The two handsets would cost as much as a whole new updated system.

RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
Thanks,I'll just replace it. I was just wondering if I could get the handsets only. No point in used since the keypads are the weak point. The two handsets would cost as much as a whole new updated system.

100% agreed.

jus making sure u realized that...i didnt wanna pressure u into it...besides some people are stuck in their ways.

nice talking with u though bud..and gl in ur search.

any other questions feel free to holler.


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Murphy: Will this work ?

Can I keep the Motorola as an answering machine, and just use these phones as cordless phones ?

I don't see why not ?

<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td width="8%">[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Uniden
[/FONT]</td><td width="43%">[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]DXI8560-2 5.8GHz cordless phone. Call waiting Caller ID. Includes 2 handsets[/FONT]</td><td width="7%">[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$24.99[/FONT]</td><td width="6%">[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]7/20/2008 -
[/FONT]</td><td width="28%">[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Includes 2 handsets[/FONT]</td></tr></tbody></table>

RX Local
Jul 10, 2007

thats one hell of a price too..nice find...where did u find it?...is shipping alot?

The good thing bout doing this..is they will work as brand new ones in the two rooms u planned on replacing, and if the phones u have still are atleast functioning, u can add a line in the garage...or basement or spare bedroom..etc jus for handiness.

let me know the link of where u got that...I myself use two line phones, but that site must have some pretty nice pricing.


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