Searching the RX


A Separate Reality
Jan 14, 2002
I'm trying to search for this my posts in the NBA this year and all of last season. My searches for my posts only go back to December of 08. NBA started October 08. Is there some type of filter on that only allows serches till Dec 08?

I want to get all of 07/08 specially my playoff posts starting april 08 till Boston won the championship.

what should I do?

I also found some 04 posts of mine when I searched threads instead of posts. Help.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. In order to find old posts you need to learn how to use the advanced search forum to it's maximum ability to search for old threads.

What you need to do is used Advanced Search with a keyword that you think will be in the thread or post (generally keywords must contain 5 letters at least to work) and the posters name (spelled exactly as it is in his posts).

To quickly find a thread or post of interest anywhere on the site, click on the 'Search' link in the navigation bar at the top of most forum pages. Then, type in the keyword or phrase you wish to search for, and select either 'Show Threads' or 'Show Posts' to view the results. By selecting posts, you will be shown only the actual post in which the search word appears.

For more control over the search, select 'Advanced Search' from the drop-down box. The advanced search page allows you to restrict your search to individual forums, find posts or threads by user. There are also options to find posts from a certain date, or threads with a certain number of replies.

How do I search a specific forum or thread?
If you are browsing a forum, you can quickly search for a thread or post within it by clicking on the 'Search this forum' link near the top of the page (it's above the list of threads). You can also search for individual posts within a thread by clicking on the 'Search this Thread' link at the top of any thread view page.

Your best bet to find anything old is to use the advanced method with a keyword and the poster's username spelled exactly right.

If you wish I can find some of your old threads, all I need is a keyword and the Forum you posted in. Email me at and I will do what I can to link you to any old posts of yours that you have a keyword to.

Best of luck, wilheim


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
<FIELDSET class=fieldset><LEGEND>Find Threads with</LEGEND><SELECT style="WIDTH: 150px" name=replyless> <OPTION value=0 selected>At Least</OPTION> <OPTION value=1>At Most</OPTION></SELECT> <INPUT class=bginput style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" size=3 value=0 name=replylimit> Replies
<FIELDSET class=fieldset><LEGEND>Find Posts from</LEGEND><SELECT style="WIDTH: 150px" name=searchdate> <OPTION value=0>Any Date</OPTION> <OPTION value=lastvisit>Your Last Visit</OPTION> <OPTION value=1>Yesterday</OPTION> <OPTION value=7>A Week Ago</OPTION> <OPTION value=14>2 Weeks Ago</OPTION> <OPTION value=30>A Month Ago</OPTION> <OPTION value=90>3 Months Ago</OPTION> <OPTION value=180 selected>6 Months Ago</OPTION> <OPTION value=365>A Year Ago</OPTION></SELECT> <SELECT name=beforeafter> <OPTION value=after selected>and Newer</OPTION> <OPTION value=before>and Older</OPTION></SELECT>
<FIELDSET class=fieldset><LEGEND>Sort Results by</LEGEND><SELECT style="WIDTH: 150px" name=sortby> <OPTION value=rank>Relevancy</OPTION> <OPTION value=title>Title</OPTION> <OPTION value=replycount>Number of Replies</OPTION> <OPTION value=views>Number of Views</OPTION> <OPTION value=threadstart>Thread Start Date</OPTION> <OPTION value=lastpost selected>Last Posting Date</OPTION> <OPTION value=postusername>User Name</OPTION> <OPTION value=forum>Forum</OPTION></SELECT> <SELECT name=order> <OPTION value=descending selected>in Descending Order</OPTION> <OPTION value=ascending>in Ascending Order</OPTION></SELECT>
<FIELDSET class=fieldset><LEGEND>Show Results as</LEGEND></FIELDSET>
The trick is to choose "and Older" as the search option to go back further in time.

New member
Jun 11, 2009
Hi Merlyn,

I was searching in the lunge and I find E-zine, it was wonderful But I lost it, and I cant find again, please let me know how I can find this E-Zine.

Thanks again and have a good time

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