Manning vs. Brady... Settled... BRADY= MOST OVERRATED QB EVER!!!


Even DONKS win sometimes... Right?
Apr 4, 2008
Read this and you will know why PEYTON MANNING is a FAR superior QB over Tom brady... NO QUESTION... Brady is the most oeverrated player... ever.

In my personal opinion: Peyton Manning is the best QB in the NFL and I truly believe that he is the Best of ALL-TIME..

Now for Brady......

*****AS A DISCLAIMER.. I did not write or compile this.. Just picked it up from a friend.. However, I do think its the shit..*****

Tom Brady.

Is the single most overrated quarterback in the history of football, let alone the NFL.

Before you stand up and disagree, or tell me about the drive, or that somehow when Tom Brady didn't fumble he completly knew about the tuck rule, let me say what I have to say.
Let me give you my statistics proving you wrong,
my specific moments that you would have attempted to reference as glorious Tom Brady moments,
let me list my sources,
and let me remind you that he is the single most overrated quarterback in the history of Football Americana.

Tom Brady was a winner from the beginning. He has a championship ring from college.
Tom Brady was old for when he got his first career start by any NFL standards. Was this because he was the starter for 4 years of college, or a redshirt player? No.
Was it because he sat on the bench to develop for so long? No.
It was because he was drafted by the Montreal Expos, because baseball was his first true love. That has no relevance to why he is overrated, but before we can destroy our opponent with proof of why he sucks, we must educate those who think he doesn't.
He was drafted in the 18th round in 1995 by the Montreal Expos. After not getting much time in the farm system and wanting to become an actual player in something, he went back to college and "played" football.
Now why do I keep putting "played" in quotations?
Because he sat on the bench for 2 years. 2 years isn't so bad for an NCAA powerhouse like Michigan - and I'm not kidding you yet. I told you, educate, than tell you why he sucks.
He sat behind the bench because Brian Greise was a far superior quarterback in the eyes of coach Lloyd Carr. And you know what? Brian Griese won a national championship with that team. And it wouldn't have been a shared national championship if a certain other coach wasn't going to retire that year. But hey, it was shared, and Brian Griese's wolverines deserved to be the sole owners of it.
Jab number one at Tom Brady: he played with essentially the same team (15 out of 22 starters returning on both sides of the ball, and a worse record and no top 10 finish. Source?
tball/9031 ) In college, he couldn't make use of the weapons around him. But what? Okay fine. A lot of that is chemistry which you don't have time to develop in college. A lot of it is experience. Whatever. Avoid it than. Your ignorance is my bliss.

When he first started at Michigan, he was 7th on the depth chart. What? Most teams don't even have 5 quarterbacks, let alone 7. Yes, Tom Brady was behind every walk on quarterback in the state of Michigan. When he was kept on the team after improving throughout training camp, he hired a psychologist to help cope with the lack of playing time (ah, so that's where the baseball money went. Doubt me? Sooource:
_x.htm )
Brady battled for 1st string QB with Drew Henson (who would've been a #1 overall pick had he not also chosen to pursue baseball... and ended up being a smart compensatory pick by the Houston Texans years later.)
Brady gets the only overtime win in a game that matters of his entire football playing career in the Orange Bowl in 1999.

He was drafted in the 6th round in 2000. He wasn't groomed and sat on the bench like say, Carson Palmer, he was a late rounder who sat out for a year as the third string QB.
Who was the QB he surpassed? Why, none other than Damon Huard, 2nd string QB for the Kansas City Chiefs! Funny how a team that once thought it had 3 QBs who couldn't take a team to the playoffs turned out to have 3 QBs who did take teams to the playoffs.
Brady started out third, and again, in training camp, "jumped" to the 2nd string spot with his amazing season performance of 1 for 3 with 6 passing yards. Damon Huard's stats that year? 0 for 0. Drew Bledsoe took just about every Patriot snap that year. All except 5. (Source: pro football

Drew Bledsoe got injured at the end of the 2nd game of the season, and Tom Brady came in and gave a marvelous attempt at a comeback. Brady went an AMAZING 50%, going 5 for 10 for all of 46 yards, before throwing 4 straight incompletions and finishing 5 for 14.
PS, he got to the Jets 29 - once again proving he can't go all the way when he needs to, just within field goal range. It's not hard to win a game by a field goal. It's not an impressive 4th quarterback comeback when it depends on the most reliable kicker in NFL history's leg. So stop referencing it.

The third game of the season is expected to be horrible for the Patriots. Last year's losing season, they lost their only hope - a pro bowl QB who had taken them to a Superbowl before - and they're 0-2, right?
Tom Brady's statistics:
13/23. 168 yards. 0 Touchdowns. Whaaa?
The Patriots scored 44 points.
Tom Brady scored 0.
This would start a remarkable streak of luck for Tom Brady:
In 2001, he scored all of 18 touchdowns (or 108 points). How many did the Patriots score as a team? 351.
Tom Brady scored a little over 30% of all the Patriots points. Their offense was ranked 19th in total yards. Their saving grace was their top 10 running game.
And yet, he made it to the pro bowl that season and was widely considered the 2nd choice for MVP.
...anyone want to tell me why? No? Because there is no logical reason other than that everyone loves an underdog, and Brady was that. Thank you fan voting, and luck of the draw with what was the #5 ranked defense in points allowed that year. Very strange how he managed to win with a #5 defense and a #7 rushing game.

But wait, wait, wait, Tom Brady didn't step it up until the playoffs! He steps it up when its on the line, we all know that, right?

Patriots beat the Raiders, 16-13, because of the tuck rule. I'm not here to say it was actually a fumble, because it is a legit rule even if no one else knew it was and I agree with the call.
I am here to say, however, that he won by a field goal. Yeah, but Brady still performed under pressure, right?
6 yards per attempt. 0 Touchdowns. An Interception.
Friendly reminder: Rich Gannon put up better numbers against a much, much harder defense... in that same game.
But Brady got the credit. It was snowing, how could he not! Beats the hell out of me as to why he did, but life's tough and wear a helmet.

Surely Tom Brady deserves the credit for the Pittsburgh Steelers game that followed! After all, 24-17 final score - won by a TD, yes?

ah yes.
4th & 6 on the Pittsburgh 13. Pittsburgh punts a nice punt - all the way to the Pats 23!

...but Troy Edwards steps out of bounds and comes back in. Illegal procedure.
For the 2nd punt attempt, the refs lined up the ball at the incorrect hashmark (which the refs would apologize for the next day - an NFL trademark in oopsies! and boo-boos.)
55 yard touchdown return.
There's your game winning TD, folks. But I'm sure you knew that. Because Brady is God.
Wait wait wait, 24 points is more than one TD, Mr. Dan. Mister Dan. Why don't you tell me what the others were? about a rushing TD and oh, look, a 49 yard punt return. Hmmmmm...
Tom Brady was 12 for 18 (finally, a percentage above 50%!).
0 touchdowns.

And now, what people consider Brady's 2nd greatest superbowl victory (the 1st being ofcourse his most recent. You know... the one where he didn't win Superbowl MVP. Oh yeah, wow, my bad.)

20-17, Pats win. And we all know what happened. Brady leads "the drive" and gets a game winning field goal.
Except, lets recap the plays of said drive. I really don't feel it deserves "the" in its title. If anything, it should be called, "reasons why Adam V should still be a patriot", and then personally e-mailed to Bill Bellicheck, but I don't know. Hey, I only research football and watch 50 games every NFL season despite working an average of 6 hours each Sunday during the season. Who the freak am I to know.
Plays. of. "the". drive.

First off, before the drive. The two previous possessions Tom Brady
just kidding.
They went 3 and out.
The defense, being godly, can stop a top five high flying some of the greatest passing of all time offense with MVP Kurt Warner and 2 Pro Bowl WRs Isaac Bruce and Terry Holt and pro Bowl RB Marshall Faulk.
Not once.
Not twice.
THREE TIMES. In 10 minutes. I didn't know you could have 6 possessions in 10 minutes in the NFL until that game. The defense scored a TD, and got a 30 yard return that after Brady went 3 and out, Adam V got a field goal with.

But the drive. the defense gets the ball back on the Pats 17 yard line with a minute 21 remaining - impressive.
Tom Brady steps back 3 times, my god, no one's open! Drop to JR Redmond for 8 yards on the flat.
Brady steps back 3 times, my god, no one's open! Drop to JR Redmond for 5 yards on the flat.
Brady steps back 3 times, my god, no one's open! Drop to JR Redmond for 11 yards on the flat.
They're at the New England 41, which means its time for St. Louis to stop running a prevent defense (you know, prevent... where no one covers the flat.)

Brady needs to step it up. One things for certain, don't throw over the middle.
Well, whatever, we have a minute. Let's get this shit started.
5 step drop, CRAP, NO ONE's OPEN! Dump over the middle to Troy Brown for 4 yards. NO!
wait, wow, so what you're saying is, Troy Brown should be a pro bowl WR?
...Not really. But. I mean. There was a great play on this drive, that was it, and it wasn't Tom Brady's cause.
Super Bowl MVP Troy Brown? Naaaah. Super Bowl MVP Tom Brady. Moving on...

Brady wants to the endzone, we want to win with style here. Rams know it.
Dump to Jermaine Wiggins, who fights his way forward for all of 6 yards to get to the Rams 30 yard line.
Adam V kicks...

...what why? Because the defense can hold an all-time great offense to 3 stops, Adam can kick two field goals, Troy Brown can break a tackle and run 20 yards, and cornerbacks can run for TDs?
What did Brady do to deserve that MVP title? Nothing.
....or maybe that Tom Brady's a giant idiot for throwing in dead center 4 yards deep with a minute left to play. Hey, he broke it. OK, more yards to Brady's numbers. Let's continue. Perhaps it was his overall numbers for the game.

I'll give you a hint... 0 INTERCEPTIONS!!!
and the correct answer is 0 touchdowns to boot. Surely he averaged some long passes? A little over 5 yards an attempt.
In the entire postseason, the Patriots OFFENSE (including Field Goals) scored 23 points.
3 games.
23 points.
For those of you who failed basic divsion in 4th grade, thats close to 8 points a game.
8 points? But the Raiders scored 13, Steelers 17, and the Rams 17.
Yep folks, thats why its a team game. Because defense wins championships when your quarterback is Tom Brady and your coack is Bill Bellicheck (PS, thats a compliment to Bill B.)

OK, OK, Tom Brady has a 3 and 0 playoff record and is overrated for a friggen first year starting QB. No one ever said he was great (....psst... psst before I told you this you told me he was the greatest, or at the very least top 10...)
But he has a career outside of 2001, right? Right.

In 2002, Tom Brady led the Patriots to a 9-7 record... and failed to make the playoffs. Not his fault, the AFC is tougher than the NFC. But surely he was the reason for those 9 wins and not those 7 losses?
Tennessee Titans: Patriots score 7. Patriots score a few more points than Tom Brady throws interceptions.
Oakland Raiders: Tom Brady is given the ball in the 4th quarter, 20-27, down, losing. His team needs a touchdown... AND TOM BRADY DOESN'T GIVE THEM ONE! But man, does he get them in good field position for a 49 yard field goal.
Green Bay Packers: PATRIOTS SCORE 28! PATS SCORE 28! No, wait no, I read that in the wrong order. PATS SCORE 10, PACKERS SCORE 28!!
New York Jets: 44-7. I'm not even going to analyze it. I think everyone closed their eyes during gameplanning that week.

But Tom Brady lead the league in Touchdowns that year! HE's A GREAT QUARTERBACK!
Ah yes, folks; its true! He DID lead the league.
With 28.
Whats so wrong with 28?
well, okay, since the 1982 Player's strike (which had a shortened season), 2 years have seen the light of having a touchdown leading QB without reaching 30 TDs. Tom Brady was one of those years. So consider him just as good as those who... outshined his numbers in 7 less games.

We all know 2002 was Brady's off year though. I mean, it was only his career high in touchdowns, rushing yards, tied for 2nd in yards per attempt and within 100 yards of being 2nd in yards. He only posted 14 INTs - giving him a good enough QB rating.
Just, not good enough to, you know...
win enough games to get in the playoffs... make it to the pro bowl... be considered for MVP... etc.

Since 2002, there have been a few QBs that have attempted 2000 passes.
One is ofcourse Tom Brady.
Out of those QBs (atleast, those I examined), Tom Brady averages fifth in yards per attempt. 5th, not bad.
If you include those who didn't reach 2000 attempts, Brady falls a bit. But why?
Because Donovan McNabb, Drew Brees, Steve McNair, Trent Green, Daunte Culpepper, Carson Palmer, Ben Roethlisberger and Rich Gannon did get 2000 attempts.
They did, however, have a higher yards per attempt amount than Tom Brady.

But what Tom Brady doesn't do in the regular season doesn't compare to what he does do in the post, right?
Tom Brady's career playoff yards per attempt: 6.23.
Playoff QB rating: 86.8
Completion percentage: 60.6%

hmmm... these aren't too low, are they?
well, um, Tom Brady's regular seasons numbers (career averages):
Yards per attempt: 7.0
QB Rating: 88.4
Completion percentage: 61.9%

waiiiit... Tom Brady's WORSE in the playoffs than he is in the regular season (and his regular season numbers are above average, but sub-pro bowl. Hmm.)

So what, I'm ofcourse "THEORIZING" to be true is that, Tom Brady is an above average QB in the regular season with a good defense, who in the playoffs, becomes...
an average QB, with a great defense.
Prove me wrong.
, a part opinionated blog site, part factual statistic logger, part factual rankings giver, compiled the greatest seasons of all time by QBs this past summer.
Tom Brady's best year, was ofcourse, 2005.
It was the 85th best season any QB ever had.
His 2nd best season was 182nd.
He has never had a "great" season by what are considered standards.
In 2002, all of his numbers except for touchdowns (but, Dan, he lead TDs that year!... let me finish) were BELOW the league average.

But he stepped in other playoff moments.
2003: Patriots defense is top 5 in defense in terms of points allowed. Did I say top 5? I meant clear cut number one.
TOM BRADY FACES THE TITANS, and boy does he swear vengeance against them for making him look bad for that game in 2002 when he played really horribly on his own.
14-14, 4th quarter, Tom Brady leads the game ending drive for a GAME WINNING FIELD GOAL!
Dan... where's the sarcasm?
Oh, there isn't any.
The drive was 13 yards. The Patriots kick return took them all the way to Titans 43, and Tom Brady gave them 13 yards of SHEER TALENT (i.e. ...throwing to the flats when no one is open) to win the game. With an Adam V field goal. That his defense and special teams allowed him to get.
Because they won a game with 17 points. In the playoffs. Which should never happen.
Drew Bennett drops a catch in the final minute of the game that would've brought the Titans within field goal range.
But I guess Steve McNair is no Tom Brady. i.e., doesn't have luck up the bumhole to lead him to victory when he's having an OK-at-best game.

ah, Colts Pats. Funny how this one keeps re-occuring. Patriots win 24-14.
Manning Throws 4 interceptions and 3 of which went to Ty Law.
The Colts defense, horrible as it has always been in years past, allowed a whopping one touchdown to Tom Brady.
Tom Brady also forced a throw in the redzone that gave the Colts the ball back. Man, that guy just sure doesn't lose his cool under pressure.
Well, atleast Tom Brady manages the game. I mean, he leads the offense to... what, the 35?

Patriots score 24 points:
1 Tom Brady TD pass.
1 safety.
5 field goals.
Ah, thatsa how wea get aheada in the footballa.

So Tom Brady's 5-0 all time in the playoffs, and by god is he unstoppable. With more playoff interceptions, an OK QB rating, and a top 5 defense every game he goes into (that's lowest scoring game thus far has been that Colts game where they got a safety).
Man, that's one narsty QB.

Superbowl versus Carolina. Brady gets his first truly positive playoff game. 3 touchdowns, 354 yards, 1 INT.
Man, that's a great game!
Yeeeeah. Only took him 48 attempts to get to it.
Dan, 48 attempts, its not that much in the playoffs - look at what Manning did versus the Pats this year.
OK, OK...
its just that Jake Delhomme threw for 323 yards, 3 TDs, and 0 INTs versus the #1 defense (Psst: Carolina was 13th against the pass in scoring, while the Patriots were #1) and Tom Brady... took longer to put up what is a considerably worse game.
But ah, Tom Brady gets the credit. And wrongfully so.

2004: The Patriots defense is again top 10 in yards and top 10 in scoring allowed. In terms of scoring itself, it is again number 1.
Playoffs: Steelers: Tom Brady throws for 207 yards.
The defense forces four turnovers, and has a defensive touchdown.
Roethlisberger gets one of the few losses of his playoff career (by god, he has just as few playoff losses as Tom Brady! HE'S THE GREATEST QUARTERBACK OF ALL TIME. not.)
Eagles Patriots. Superbooowl.
Defense holds Brian Westbrook to 44 yards, makes the Eagles one dimensional. Forces four turnovers.

2005 (i.e. last year). Patriots have a subpar year by their Tom-Brady-is-great standards. The defense is FINALLY not top 20 in yards allowed, but in scoring is still middle of the pack.
They get to the playoffs, creamate the bipolar Jacksonville Jaguars (come on, remember, they would put up 7 in one game and 38 and 40 others. You never knew which team was gonna show up. And the Pats got the one that couldnt score double digits.)
Brady gets those 28 points against a crappy defense (yes, remember, it was the Jax offense that got them there that year) and then faces his first playoff loss.

His playoff loss to the Broncos. 13-27. Unforunately, because the defense wasn't that good this year, the 13-17 points Tom Brady usually puts up in playoff games wasn't enough for a victory. No 4th quarter comeback. No "drive". Just a loss in Tom Brady's playoff record for the first time. Crying shame.
The Broncos were a good team that year, I do agree. No insults to the pats.
My point is to prove that Tom Brady is an above-average QB, not to insult Patriots fans.
Most of my arguments are that Brady wins with a great defense and loses with anything short.
And... that's what the occurence seems to be thus far.

OK, what about this year?
whoa whoa whoa whoa.
You want me to tell you why I was impressed with a 37-16 Patriots over Jets victory?

Because Tom Brady shined in that game. He adjusted in the game plan with a worse set of WRs than he's had ever before in his career.
However I must note my disappoint that in the game where the Jets won in the regular season, Tom Brady did a 50 yard sprint to the lockerroom and Bill Bellicheck said nothing to Eric Mangini.
And in the playoff victory, oh what a suprise. Both were kind enough to grace them with their presence.

Infact, its been that way with every game. Even when he lost to Brian Griese's Denver Broncos in 2001 (former college teammates, you know.)

Chargers game, even a Pats fan should be able to admit Tom Brady did nothing to win this game.
Nor did the Patriots.
Infact, basically, the Chargers lost the game. With a record number of drops in a post-season game by a single player (Eric Parker, 4 - and a muffed punt by him to boot), Tom Brady throws 3 INTs when it should've been 5 if the Chargers could've caught the ball on either offense or defense...
and the Patriots win by a field goal.
Because Tom Brady leads another short, less than 20 yard drive. And gets less than 300 yards off more than 50 attempts.
Well, okay, the defense won it again by mind-forcing Eric Parker to drop the ball. Whatever. I wasn't really rooting for the Chargers, so whatever. No harm done to anyone's character.

But now, the Colts.
Brady's numbers would be probably about 15 yards and a TD higher if Reche Caldwell knew how to catch a ball (the Caldwell-Parker syndrome... hmm... lol on a funny note, DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE CALDWELL's EYES DURING THE GAME? Jesus christ.)

But for games in which Brady needed a 4th quarter TOUCHDOWN drive to tie or win the game in the final 4 minutes, Tom Brady fell short for the... 2nd time.

Tom Brady:
can go 13-30 yards to get you into field goal range. UNDER PRESSURE.... if there's a prevent defense involved.
Tom Brady:
can throw 300 yards if you give him 48-52 attempts to do so.
Tom brady:
can drop an above-average set of numbers to an average set of numbers for the post-season.
Tom Brady:
has had a top 10 defense everytime he's won the Superbowl. And has never put up more than 50% of the Patriots points for a season.
Tom Brady:
is not a great Quarterback.
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The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
What does Tom Brady being overrated have to do with Peyton Manning. He is also overrated

Even DONKS win sometimes... Right?
Apr 4, 2008
What does Tom Brady being overrated have to do with Peyton Manning. He is also overrated

It's been the big argument over the past few years, and whenever the Colts n Pats match up its all hyped up..

I just love Manning and think he's the best in the game, so it pisses me off when I hear: "Nah.. He's good, but Brady's better.."

It's not even close.. And this makes that debate clear..

New member
Jun 2, 2006
Tom Brady is a system QB that fits his team.
Bill Belichick tailors his offense around him.
I'm not a big Brady fan, but he's solid.

Even DONKS win sometimes... Right?
Apr 4, 2008
Tom Brady is a system QB that fits his team.
Bill Belichick tailors his offense around him.
I'm not a big Brady fan, but he's solid.

Props to Bellicheck on doing what he did with an average quarterback, and what he made him out to be.. The Man is a genius and deserves all the props in the world (Regardless of the fact that hes a terrible sport..)

New member
Mar 2, 2006
No need to read this article past the point of where he talks about Michigan in 1998 returning 15 starters.

I guess the dumbass author forgot to mention that the Heisman Trophy winner and one of the greatest player's college didn't return.

Charles Woodson.

New member
Jun 2, 2006
Brady is what he is, a solid system NFL QB.
What's up Tex?

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
Donkwin vs Railbird .. Settled .. They tie for 1st for forum idiot...

New member
Nov 21, 2000
logically, if Brady is overrated, Belichick must be Einstein.

New member
Oct 11, 2004
allright I couldn't even bring myself to read the 19 page manifesto on Brady's career but you people are nuts. I'm not gonna say he is better than manning. I don't know they are both great, but to call him the most overrated qb in history is f*ck nuts. The guy has basically the same stats as Peyton does but with more rings. I know peyton has more yards and more TD's and that but he has played in way more games. Look at averages and they are close to the same. Brady has a better winning %. Up until Moss and Welker Brady had way less talent the Manning has ever had. Manning has had studs on offense his entire career. Edge, Harrison, clack, wayne. Brady won super bowls with Troy Brown, Kevin Faulk, David Patten, Corey Dillon, and something called David Givens. Now he has real talent and he is putting up stats that have never been seen.

Also the most important stat: wins. Well Peyton is 7-8 in the playoffs Brady is 14-3. I don't know who is better but come on they are both in the discussion for best ever.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
You blasphemous retards. "a system quarterback" Every fucking team in the NFL has a system. Some of you dinks hear some ESPN chump say this buzz phrase and then use to make it sound like you know what the fuck your talking about.
First off a "system QB" has to execute the system.So thanks for making the point.
Brady has been an NFL starter for 7 years he lead his team as a "system QB" to playoff 6 times.5 times to the AFC championship.4 times to the SB. 3 times as champs.2 time SB MVP and 35 seconds from an an undefeated season and another SB MVP.
Tom Brady makes everyone around him better not the other way around.
Deion Branch 2004 SB MVP makes my point vs McNab and terrell Owens on the otherside of the ball.
14-3 in the playoffs against the best competition avalible....Maybe other teams might want to consider "systems"
Tom Brady is the ultimate winner thats what makes hime the best.

Oh in those all important bullshit passing stats that fantasy freaks jerk off over.Tom Brady IS the all time leader in TD passes for a year.

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
That was probably the most idiotic post Ive ever read on here ..

For the record .... MANNINGS Post seasons #s are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY lower than his regular season ... much bigger difference than Brady ...

New member
May 7, 2006
You my friend are a fool. If you win 3 and go to 4 super bowls in a span of 8-10 years you are not overrated. And he'll probably win 2-3 more.

Even DONKS win sometimes... Right?
Apr 4, 2008
Ahhhhh... Love the one man vs. an Army out there...

Just like Vegas, public is always wrong..

"Fade the public for life"

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
Ahhhhh... Love the one man vs. an Army out there...

Just like Vegas, public is always wrong..

"Fade the public for life"

So does that mean if I think Jon Kitna is better than Dan Marino, I am right because I am in the minority?

Aug 20, 2007
Tom Brady is a system QB that fits his team.
Bill Belichick tailors his offense around him.
I'm not a big Brady fan, but he's solid.

i am also not a brady fan but the guy is pretty good, he has always had junk to work with, finally gets a good wr and breaks the td record, set by manning... how are either of these guys overrated??

if you look at the all time charts, brady and manning are all over it

<table class="history_legends" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="header_classic"><th class="name" colspan="2">PASSER RATING</th></tr> <tr class="header_modern"><th class="name" colspan="2">Highest Passer Rating, Career (1,500 attempts)</th></tr> <tr class="" onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat">96.8</td> <td> Steve Young, Tampa Bay, 1985-86; San Francisco, 1987-1999 </td> </tr> <tr onmouseout="this.className='alt'" onmouseover="this.className='over'" class="alt"> <td class="stat">94.7</td> <td>Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2007 </td></tr></tbody></table>

<table class="history_legends" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="header_modern"><th class="name" colspan="2">Highest Passer Rating, Season (Qualifiers)</th></tr> <tr class="" onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat">121.1</td> <td> Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004 </td> </tr> <tr class="alt" onmouseout="this.className='alt'" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat">117.2</td> <td> Tom Brady, New England, 2007 </td></tr></tbody></table>
<table class="history_legends" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="header_modern"><th class="name" colspan="2">Most Yards Gained, Season</th></tr> <tr class="" onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat">5,084</td> <td> Dan Marino, Miami, 1984 </td> </tr> <tr onmouseout="this.className='alt'" onmouseover="this.className='over'" class="alt"> <td class="stat">4,830</td> <td> Kurt Warner, St. Louis, 2001 </td> </tr> <tr class="" onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat">4,806</td> <td> Tom Brady, New England, 2007 </td></tr></tbody></table>
<table class="history_legends" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="header_modern"><th class="name" colspan="2">Most Yards Gained, Rookie, Season</th></tr> <tr class="" onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat">3,739</td> <td> Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998 </td> </tr> <tr onmouseout="this.className='alt'" onmouseover="this.className='over'" class="alt"> <td class="stat">2,931</td> <td> Chris Weinke, Carolina, 2001
<table class="history_legends" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="header_modern"><th class="name" colspan="2">Most Games, 400 or More Yards Passing, Career</th></tr> <tr class="" onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat">13</td> <td> Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999 </td> </tr> <tr onmouseout="this.className='alt'" onmouseover="this.className='over'" class="alt"> <td class="stat">7 </td> <td> Joe Montana, San Francisco, 1979-1990, 1992; Kansas City, 1993-94
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2007 </td></tr></tbody></table>
<table class="history_legends" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="header_modern"><th class="name" colspan="2">Most Touchdown Passes, Season</th></tr> <tr class="" onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat">50 </td> <td> Tom Brady, New England, 2007 </td> </tr> <tr class="alt" onmouseout="this.className='alt'" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat"> 49 </td> <td> Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004 </td> </tr> <tr onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'" class=""> <td class="stat">48 </td> <td> Dan Marino, Miami, 1984</td></tr></tbody></table>
<table class="history_legends" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="header_modern"><th class="name" colspan="2">Most Touchdown Passes, Rookie, Season</th></tr> <tr class="" onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat"> 26 </td> <td> Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998 </td> </tr> <tr onmouseout="this.className='alt'" onmouseover="this.className='over'" class="alt"> <td class="stat">22 </td> <td> Charlie Conerly, N.Y. Giants, 1948 </td> </tr> <tr class="" onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat">20 </td> <td> Dan Marino, Miami, 1983
<table class="history_legends" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="header_modern"><th class="name" colspan="2">Most Games, Four or More Touchdown Passes, Season </th></tr> <tr class="" onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat"> 6 </td> <td> Dan Marino, Miami, 1984
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004 </td> </tr> <tr onmouseout="this.className='alt'" onmouseover="this.className='over'" class="alt"> <td class="stat">5 </td> <td> Dan Marino, Miami, 1986
Brett Favre, Green Bay, 1996
Donovan McNabb, Philadelphia, 2004
Tom Brady, New England, 2007 </td></tr></tbody></table><table class="history_legends" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="header_modern"><th class="name" colspan="2">Most Consecutive Games, Four or More Touchdown Passes </th></tr> <tr class="" onmouseout="this.className=''" onmouseover="this.className='over'"> <td class="stat"> 5 </td> <td> Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004 </td> </tr> <tr onmouseout="this.className='alt'" onmouseover="this.className='over'" class="alt"> <td class="stat">4 </td> <td> Dan Marino, Miami, 1984 </td></tr></tbody></table>

New member
Jun 2, 2006
I never said Brady is crap.
I always said Brady is solid.
Belichick tailors his offense to Brady's strengths.
If that makes me a blasphemous retard, so be it Pat.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You can't put those two wussie-assed bitches in the same room with Big Ben,who is the best broken play QB to this day! Never forget how Roethlisberger's tough luck back to back off-season when he had to endure after his worst Super Bowl win he had to overcame from nearly life-threatening motorcyle mishap involved some old lady with Massachusetts plates(weird coincidence where Patriots home turf) being in Pittsburgh in early June fateful morning of 2006 and 12 months later with another crushing blow when his college coach and mentor,Terry Hoeppner, succumbed to brain cancer. Manning and Brady would never survived in blue-collar environment in Steel City on a motorcycle like Big Ben does. He's down to earth to us common folks not like them 2 self serving selfish suckup pricks plus he's got 10 more years to play when he's healthy! Big Ben > Peyton + Brady = :103631605 It's great to be a Steeler fan on a draft day fresh off of most exciting finish to Super Bowl win. I'm glad to to have Dante to back this up with a thumbs up with ear to ear big grin! That game saving tackle (when QB never hardly tries) by Big Ben in Indy enroute to Super Bowl XL is his ticket to Canton along with 2 Super Bowls ring by the age of 27 with exception of Brady's tuckgate case.

New member
Jun 2, 2006
Big Ben gets every call in the book, Seattle got jobbed.

More so than Brady.

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