This Oil Spil is a HOAX Staged Event.....Don't Be So Naive...


Sep 18, 2009
BP, Illusion of a False Spill

June 20, 2010

The 'disaster' in the Gulf of Mexico is beyond a false flag; it's an illusion. What I'm about to reveal will more than likely go by the wayside, and the charade will continue. The reason for writing this is not for attention, games, or folly, but to expose the biggest scam in the 21st century, and to relieve some aching hearts. There is no need for fear as this is a staged event. I cannot reveal my sources, they do go straight to the top, but hopefully what I write will echo inside of each person reading this as the truth.

Much of the information I present here cannot be easily verified, fast checked, or ever presented as anything, but hearsay, as they are just words of an anonymous online entity. The Government, corporations, and the people behind them have pulled out all the stops to insure the truth doesn't come out. They are the reason why the beaches have private security contractors, insuring no one is able to gain access to the oil on shore. They are the reason the Gulf of Mexico is a no fly zone. They are the reason why the gulf states are being locked down by military. They are the reason why the well head you see is different in many videos that BP releases. Without this measure of control the illusion would fail. In this post, what I can do is provide leading evidence, or give clues to the truth; from there you can use something that has gone by the way side, common sense.

The large oil spills washing up on the shores are not from BP Deep Horizon. They are indeed from surrounding wells, that were already leaking by design. These wells can be verified through a simple online search. You'll notice that much of the oil is actually in the form of tar. Usually tar balls; sizes of these have reached 2000+ pounds.

From the start, BP, Halliburton, and co-conspirators knew where they were drilling. Using specific equipment, such as the German ship RV Sonne, they had detailed maps of the ocean bottom. The ship, and a specific college study from 2005, in the Gulf of Mexico, are your starting points to what's really happening in the gulf. Here's a link to what the study synopses

What BP, Halliburton, and other co-conspirators intentionally drilled into was an Asphalt Volcano. Sounds scary doesn't it? It really is not. In fact, after you read the above link you'll know that the Gulf of Mexico is literally coated in oil, tar, and methane hydrate at the bottom. The study went on to find that massive aquatic life has specifically adapted to living off of the hydrocarbons. That in fact these asphalt volcanoes are a natural part of the ocean ecology, and their eruptions actually benefit the sea life over the long duration of time.

Another aspect to what I was directly told is that BP, Halliburton, and other co-conspirators drilled intentionally into the 'mid side' of this particular asphalt volcano. Basically from what I understand, it is a soda bottle effect. If they had drilled into the top of the volcano, then all the gas would rise out, and explode as would bottled carbonated liquid. The effect of drilling into the side permits a safely controlled release of gas, tar, liquefied asphalt, and other related gases. What was done is a more or less controlled release; almost natural in fact!

The Asphalt volcano was a win-win situation for this false flag: as it presented the best illusion to all outside parties. Not only do the conspirators need to fool the general public, but also the oil industry, and scientific community. The public is easy to fool, but the latter two groups take a little more effort; this is the main reason why the Gulf is being isolated by security contractors, and military. Anyone well versed on this giant debacle in the Gulf knows that it is surrounded with stories, and claims of negligence. This was the first purposeful aspect to make the story seem credible to all outside parties; as the story is more easily believed, when it is chalked up to human error, or incompetence.

Besides using inferior, shoddy, or flat out negligent craftsmanship, as the well was intended to fail from the onset, the conspirators knew that the pressure produced from the volcano would blow out even better equipment. This was the second mechanism to fool other industry experts. All experts, and scientific communities only know what they are told, and that is the well tapped into a large high pressure hydrocarbon pocket. To even a trained eye, what they are being told appears to be a massive oil gusher, when in fact it's a controlled event.

In watching the videos, or live feeds looks horrible, and very ominous, but upon closer examination the tell tale signs of what it really is shows through, what you are actually viewing is a man made(well bore) large "Black Smoker". You should take note, as the evidence has built, the live feed appears to have been tampered with. I suspect it is because of the video below. The man narrating the video has it correct, it is a volcano! But those aren't flames. From the link provided above, they are a combination of gases; specifically Sulfur, and Iron are what create the flame effect. Since the airing of that video, several of the live feeds have been proven to be tampered footage, or faked.

You need to realize that an illusion is only as good as it's weakest link. All scientific evidence on paper coming from the government, and corporations is being fudged. In the case of this staged, and controlled event that weak link is the oil, or more specifically the tangible tar that can be collected. As I mentioned much of the oil that has been seen, or noticed is tar rather than heavy crude oil. Out at sea closest to the Deep Horizon site, "shrimpers" have been hired to boom the oil/tar together, and set it ablaze. There are several huge fires right now out in the Gulf. The reason is for this is to hide the evidence. The distinct asphalt volcano tar, is actually coated with naturally produced oil eating microbes, and other natural safe guards produced by Mother Earth; these types of organisms are not present in a regular oil well, but commonly in the Asphalt Volcanoes, and large tar flows at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

To continue with why the asphalt volcano was a win-win to drill into, is the heaviness of the tar. Read the linked article provided above, the tar will cling to lighter oil, and fall to the bottom of the Gulf at some point, near in the future. Also, the microbes, and other organisms that naturally occur from this will multiply. They will not only eat the tar, but the other control released oil that they are pumping into the Gulf.

We've all seen the videos of beaches not lined so much with oil, but with tar balls of varying sizes. Also, we've all noticed BP's overall lack of concern for cleanup. We've seen booms which aren't tied together. We've heard first hand account of staged clean ups on the beaches. As soon as a press conference, or media event is done BP stops work. The reason is simple, it's not that they don't care, but that they already know what's gonna happen. The oil will start naturally being cleaned up via decomposition, oil eating organisms, and falling to the already naturally tar covered bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

What's the benefit of this scam? MONEY, and population control. Read this article If you're still reading this article, and even beginning to grasp the sinister nature of the fraud being perpetrated, then you'll realize that the Corexit 9500, and other dispersant's are not needed. They are purposely being sprayed by Evergreen Air/CIA to cull the population along the Gulf Coast.

Also, explained to me, is the large amount of useless eaters, pond scum, or undesirables living along the gulf coast. These would be the Americans living off of the government. I will not beat around the bush with pleasantries, or politically correct statements here. This coastal area from Texas to Florida has the highest, or most dense population of targets of elimination by the US Govt., and corporations. These are the populations living on welfare(in this area dominated by African Americans), and the older population living on Social Security(mainly Florida). These people are going to start dropping like flies over the next few years, and greatly reduce the burden to government coffers.

In this respect, this is a doomsday event, but it's not the end of the food chain, death of the oceans, or as some have warned an extinction level event. It's only bad for the targeted populations.

To cover the money aspects of this fraudulent event, are somewhat self evident. Primarily, as President Obama (note he's not very worried, think about it) has just pointed out, they are using this false flag to move forward with the Carbon Tax, followed by Cap, and Trade. Another aspect of profit is the clean up of this disaster; those boats aren't running around for free in the Gulf. From there, is the very real aspect of banks calling their notes on the remaining mortgaged properties along the Gulf, and peninsula of Florida. Remember Katrina? They never gave the land back, but sold it to casinos, and other businesses. Almost all beach front property will end up in the hands of the banks, and government. They'll play this disaster off for a few years, and explain the mysterious disappearance of oil on kindness from mother nature.

The side effects of this scam are negligible; in the eyes of the perpetrators, they've done nature a favor. They've opened up an asphalt volcano from the side, and will shut it down in the next few months by equalizing the pressure. The equalization of pressure will come by way of the two relief wells; which are not wells, but vents. when they do this, I have no clue what excuse they'll use, but the current gusher will stop. I said stop, it will not slow down, but literally stop. Remember, all they have done is aided nature in something that is a very common, and naturally occurring event at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

That's about all I have to say. I will pop in to answer any ...questions. The reason I came forward with this information is that I myself was worried about the level of this event. Honestly, knowing the reasoning of what, why, and how has given me peace. Anyone who has family anywhere near where they are spraying these chemicals need to alert their family to leave; they are the target of this false flag. To anyone who finds credence, or a shred of truth in what I've written, please pass this on; as we all are the target on the grand scale. The target by way of the coming carbon tax, cap, and trade.

God Bless

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

Source: http://revolutionaspiritualtransition.ning...ruthstheveili...

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Ok I"ll go first. There are many facets of this whole "disaster" that do not add up. Maybe this is what Obama meant when he said I have been in control of the situation since day one. Who knows, but a secret of the maginitude you have described cannot be concealed very long. It all reinforces what Newt's daughter once said, "We were told to vote for change we could believe in and found we had elected people who wanted to change what we believe." People like this are capable of almost anything and Obama knows his time is running out and that his defeat in the next presidential election may be the only change that will have happened on his watch that was in the best interest of this country.

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
I cant really disagree with a lot of it....But a few holes i find.

#1....i dont believe they are trying to "cull" the heard in 1 massive attack like said here. They are slowing killing enough now, plus the leadership is nowhere to be found sothey really are not a stumbling block to the NWO. If chaos occured tomorrow the vast majority of avg working Americans would be killed with a few weeks tops....They are not a problem. The senior citizens are needed for their money. You cant get rich stealing from illegals.
#2...Welfare recipients are not a problem. Most of them welcome complete Govt control of their fact they have it now and just dont realize it. No need at all for the NWO to dispose of the lazy. Besides they need them to kill off the above once Chaos insues..
#3....Bobby Jindal is a BIG TIME member of the NWO and is in on all their plans. His helicopter flys over my house every morning at 9am taking him to the coast for photo ops....he stays there most of the day everyday running from camera to camera. If their were killer chemicals being released he would know it.....and wouldnt go near it.

I still say this is being allowed to continue because they want to destroy even further the economies in the RED states of the south possibly planning some false flag events in the areas around the election in Nov. They seem to have an especially bifg concern about the Fla races as well as some in Texas.....Vitter is no threat in La. and they dont give a crap whos in AL and Miss...they wont have any say in anything anyway...

I get almost all of my Chaos takeover theory from the actions taken in HAITI since the quake. They know exactly what it will take now to roundup without resistance every taxpaying god fearing citizen now.....They will walk right into any Camp they are told to go to once the Prisons are emptied, the Gangs and illegals start mass murdering and burning the cities down...

They believe once the Americans are wiped out the U.N troops can come in and put down the unrest....that wont happen either but thats the plan...The Islamists , teamed with the Russians have some nuclear options that will disrupt all these plans after the Americans are dead....

Apr 14, 2006
What a joke.

Cant believe I just wasted 12 minutes reading that trash.

"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
This doesn't look like a false flag if you've examined all the evidence, in my opinion. That is quite an accusation to make unless you have at least some evidence, and an "anonymous insider" with no previous credentials quite frankly doesn't cut it.

That said, this government time and time again has shown they will stage a crisis in order to speed up their agenda. So it's a legitimate possibility, but to say it's staged is a little far-fetched, especially with the evidence you presented.

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Put forth with a clarity that gets brighter with every paragraph, this is one of the most interesting posts I have ever read.

Thank you for taking the time to allay our fears.

Another spook story from the bowels of the same pieces of sh*t who gave us the word "terrorism", convinced us to give up our rights, and ripped the Constitution right out of our hands.

Corexit BTW is the satanic reference to the Kubrick film "The Shining" in which the ghost of a man who hacked his family to death in order to "correct" them tries to convince Jack Nicholson's character to do the same.

They would be in fact "Corecting" the large imbalance of "spoiled children" or "useless eaters on welfare or govt pensioners, who are all take on the one hand, and no more give on the other.

We are but insects to them now and theyve got a hatred for the people of the Gulf that goes back to the War of 1812 when President Andrew Jackson kicked out the British Bankers for about 15 years before they could weasel their way back in.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
regarding Corexit:

EPA finally has released the secret ingredients of more than 1.1 million gallons of chemical dispersants which have been sprayed in the Gulf since the disaster began.

The EPA has had the authority under the Toxic Substances Control Act to force the disclosure of the ingredients of the chemicals used in the dispersants in the Gulf. So why has it taken so long to get theses questions answered, A quote from Brian Turnbaugh an analyst at a government watchdog group OMB Watch wrote-
“Yet it took a public outcry and weeks of complaints for the agency to act and place the public’s interest ahead of corporate interests.”
Wilma Subra, a Louisiana chemist stated the lack of public knowledge of ingredients in Corexit has stymied Gulf cleanup workers who seek later medical treatment for symptoms that could be from exposure to the dispersants .
“They’re taken to the doctor and the doctor doesn’t know what they’ve been exposed to,” Subra said. “That’s a huge issue for medical people, having to be responsive and not knowing what it is they’re having to deal with.”

The ingredients known so far:
Corexit 9527, used in lesser quantities in the beginning of the spill response, is defined as a chronic and acute health hazard by EPA. The 9527 formula includes 2-butoxyethanol, said to be the cause of health problems experienced by cleanup workers after the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, and propylene glycol, a commonly used solvent.
In an interview with, Exxon Valdez worker Merle Savage said the symptoms included nausea, vomiting, liver damage, and dizziness. Cleanup workers in the Gulf are also reporting similar symptoms. What is unacceptable is more effective and less toxic products are available and have been around for years.
Corexit 9500, described by Nalco spokesman Charlie Pajor as the “sole product” Nalco has manufactured for the Gulf since late April, contains propylene glycol and light petroleum distillates, a type of chemical refined from crude oil. Nalco had refused to identify the third hazardous substance in the 9500 formula, but EPA’s website reveals it to be dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, a detergent and common ingredient in laxatives.
May 2010 report by the Centers for Disease Control stated: “because of the strict guidelines that must be followed to utilize dispersants, it is unlikely that the general public will be exposed (directly) to (the) product.” The report also said: “ingredients are not considered to cause chemical sensitization; the dispersants contain proven, biodegradable and low toxicity surfactants.”

Aug 6, 2006
I made it all the way through the article, right up to 'false flag.'

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Ill give you the real crazy.

If this had happened in British waters you would not see Corexit being used. Know why?

It's been banned for the last 10 years.

What does that tell you?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Ill give you the real crazy.

If this had happened in British waters you would not see Corexit being used. Know why?

It's been banned for the last 10 years.

What does that tell you?

It tells me that the Jones Act should have been waived on day one, the day Obama said he took charge of this whole fiasco. We should have been accepting advice and assistance from every corner of the world and the people on the Gulf coast deserved nothing less. The dispersants was a BP call but had to be ok'd by the Obama daisy chain of command.
Once again the Obama administration has over complicated something that needed immediate attention and when they discovered that red tape will not replace a boom they were simply in over their heads. I really think that if Obama would make one more useless fly over then the oil might just disappear as a result of his presence. If those were democratic governors the whole situation would have been handled differently.

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
It tells me that the Jones Act should have been waived on day one, the day Obama said he took charge of this whole fiasco. We should have been accepting advice and assistance from every corner of the world and the people on the Gulf coast deserved nothing less. The dispersants was a BP call but had to be ok'd by the Obama daisy chain of command.
Once again the Obama administration has over complicated something that needed immediate attention and when they discovered that red tape will not replace a boom they were simply in over their heads. I really think that if Obama would make one more useless fly over then the oil might just disappear as a result of his presence. If those were democratic governors the whole situation would have been handled differently.

That's really funny. That they are flat out trying to kill you and you are still playing the woulda shoulda coulda game. Getting them to stop the killing of everything that breathes clean air to live, from Marine life to Humans in the Gulf is secondary to your establishing who is to blame.

I'd call that misplaced priorities. If you want to live you must get them to stop using a banned product, because why do you think it was banned?

It kills people.

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