Got into a Fight at Casino today...unreal


New member
Apr 18, 2011
So I am playing poker at the casino and one of these younger douchelord retard kids with the hoodie and the glasses and the whole poker pro getup is at my table... I have A8d on the button and he raises to 10...I call...2 diamonds hit the flop and he way overbets the pot.I have seen him attempt 3 unsuccesful bluffs and then be critical of the callers....just a complete loser who has seen to many WPT's on TV..

Anyway I instacall his absurdly large bet for the pot size (around 50) which put him all in...The river is a diamond... He completely loses it and throws his AJ right at the dealer and flips out...I am just sitting there calmly collecting the pot and this fuckface challenges me to a heads up for all the money I have. I really dont have the time for this and I say I would but I have to pick up my daughter in a few minutes....Then this guy says he feels bad for my family that they have to be with a loser like me....

I am no superhero tough guy by any strectch but if this was anywhere on the street i would have fucking beat the shit out of him right there...So i tell him why dont you leave right now and we can figure out whats the problem outside the casino...This puss just gets louder as security gets closer...I am very quick tempered as it is...I am really losing it now..So they send me to cash out and leave... As I am walking out I go right up to the dude and whisper to him that I will be waiting outside and if he is a man he will be out there....Of course he doesnt show...

What a fucking joke....I would have gladly paid every dollar I had to have 5 minutes with this faggotor outside...

New member
Apr 18, 2011
Where was this at Isle of Capri ? Seminole Casino ??

Seminole Creek....where i NEVER play but decided to give them a chance bc they just remodeled the whole thing....still the same scumbags playing....Isle is my usual...great room and playing there
Jan 17, 2007
Seminole Creek....where i NEVER play but decided to give them a chance bc they just remodeled the whole thing....still the same scumbags playing....Isle is my usual...great room and playing there

Yeah, that's why I stopped playing Poker at most of these places. You will always get the Kid that thinks they are a Real PRO. :>(

New member
Jun 3, 2009
That sounds bad. You got people like that who are so angry and thinks anything is a challenge to their manliness. It's guys like that, that wait outside and then attack you with his group of thugs.

"i had a hundy but i bet a grand"
Mar 21, 2005
i'm not for violence BUT, if he had words about my family this douche u described would have been french kissing my tire's one thing to rag on guys but leave the lady friend/wife and kids out of the end of the day your a man...and he is most likely pulling his pudd in his parents basement..good on ya for not letting it get to the next level..but if you did, i would hope u fuck his world up..sorry for the outburst..just hate pussies that can't back up talk and drag a man's family into it...been there and didn't have the patience u did and paid the price in the court of law...cheers


New member
Sep 4, 2009
dude sounded like a real douche. probably lost money he couldnt afford to lose. glad you beat him

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
Weird but ive never seen a fight at the poker room. heard about a few but never 1 when i was there.

I was playing in a tourny at harrahs and there was a real jackass at the table. He was shooting every angle in the book and bitching the whole time about everybody else. Finally the fucker calls the floor over and starts whining about who knows what...but then he starts telling the guy im holding the game up playing to slow...there is him and maybe 2 other guys arguing with the floorman, but he keeps pointing at me and trying to get me into it. Finally i had enough and i stand up and tell the guy "you mention me 1 more time im throwing your ass over the rail"...we were up on an elevated platform. The guy stands up...1st time i really saw him cus we were sitiing on the same side of the table... Well the guy is about 6'6" 300lbs....looks a lot like junior samples if you know who that is. The whole table busted out laughing cus it was pretty obvious i couldnt throw his shoe over the rail much less
By the time everyone quit laughing they couldnt remember y they were arguing so it actually helped diffuse the situation....gotta admit i was looking over both shoulders when i left the casino that night

Dec 6, 2008
Better off he did not show gmen... You might of beat him so bad you would have went to jail....

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
sounds like that dude must have been a Giants fan


New member
Apr 18, 2011
you see this more and more since the poker boom....these kids read a few books and watch a bunch of WSOP on espn and they think they are all pro level...what they dont understand is that at small stakes games luck will play a bigger factor because they just dont have the bankroll to let the skill they may have catch up....

and young immature kids cant handle losing a few hundred like we can...thats their allowance for the month and they are mad at you for not playing the way the "book" says you should...i see it all the time....but mother fucker...this kid needs a beat down so bad...i am just hoping the universe will see fit to have me run into him again in a more fitting place....i will never forgot this kid..

New member
Apr 18, 2011
Weird but ive never seen a fight at the poker room. heard about a few but never 1 when i was there.

I was playing in a tourny at harrahs and there was a real jackass at the table. He was shooting every angle in the book and bitching the whole time about everybody else. Finally the fucker calls the floor over and starts whining about who knows what...but then he starts telling the guy im holding the game up playing to slow...there is him and maybe 2 other guys arguing with the floorman, but he keeps pointing at me and trying to get me into it. Finally i had enough and i stand up and tell the guy "you mention me 1 more time im throwing your ass over the rail"...we were up on an elevated platform. The guy stands up...1st time i really saw him cus we were sitiing on the same side of the table... Well the guy is about 6'6" 300lbs....looks a lot like junior samples if you know who that is. The whole table busted out laughing cus it was pretty obvious i couldnt throw his shoe over the rail much less
By the time everyone quit laughing they couldnt remember y they were arguing so it actually helped diffuse the situation....gotta admit i was looking over both shoulders when i left the casino that night

you play in Vegas right?? I have played there often and since tourists mostly occupy the tables I play at I dont see the same level of douchebaggery as I see down here in the more local for some reason poker has started to attract a lot of thugs and wannabee tough guys..I am not really sure why...can you even remember the time in your playing past where you became overcome with emotion over a $75 hand?? just crazy

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
sounds like that dude must have been a Giants fan

sounds like there would no way id ever want to mess with Gmen.. guys seems tuff as nails...

sounds like there would no way id ever want to mess with Gmen.. guys seems tuff as nails is ready to throw down in a moments notice.. ...

New member
Aug 12, 2006
I get into a lot of confrontations when I play poker because I play an unconventional game of Texas Hold Em. I try not to win every little pot out there. I go for the big heads up pots by slow playing and letting the cocky guys over bet and when I call and they realize they have been dominated these local punks get in my grill about I should have bet and not checked on the flop or turn cause I had the stronger hand. Fuck that this is poker not black jack everybody is not supposed to play the same game. I may not win many hands of poker going up against 2 or more players but if you want to test me heads up that buying the pot shit won't work against me.

Oct 31, 2004
cant stand the wannabee pros with there Poker stars gear and sunglasses who gets pissed off everytime you dont fall for there mistimed bluffs.

New member
Feb 8, 2012
Yup, these youngsters are almost impossible to deal with now. The constant agro conditioning of our society since the 80s has created extremely violent, ignorant and egotistical generation. Surprised more of them are not seriously hurt on a day to day basis considring the amount of seasoned military war veterans walking around nowadays, is just better to be respectful to everyone as much as possible, ignore the retards and sympathize for the sadness of the life they must have. My father told me a story about one of his special forces buddied from Vietnam who was on leave in the US. Kid started mouthing off at a bar and he broke his back on the spot. Went to court and the military was there explaining the situation and how he had long term special combat training and exposure. Thne guys brother lost it in the courtroom and took a run at him before he could be stopped. The vet killed him right in front of the judge... was released to military custody for extended deprogramming. Some of these guys are not even really held accountable, military just shows up and scopps them up and takes them to the shrinks...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I get into a lot of confrontations when I play poker because I play an unconventional game of Texas Hold Em. I try not to win every little pot out there. I go for the big heads up pots by slow playing and letting the cocky guys over bet and when I call and they realize they have been dominated these local punks get in my grill about I should have bet and not checked on the flop or turn cause I had the stronger hand. Fuck that this is poker not black jack everybody is not supposed to play the same game. I may not win many hands of poker going up against 2 or more players but if you want to test me heads up that buying the pot shit won't work against me.

This always kills me because it happens to me pretty often too. I take a pot off some stupid schmuck, then he's going to give me advice about how I should have played it. Gee, sorry about time I'll just show you my cards and you can tell me what you think I ought to do.

One time I said as much to a jackass in the PH poker room. He just wouldn't shut up about what a great player he was. He was also giving everyone advice on how to play, and finally I said something along the lines of "Keep it coming...I can't wait to find out more about your style of play so I can get knocked out of tournaments faster and spend more free time with the wife." I'm as non-confrontational as anyone, but I couldn't stand listening to this punk anymore. The whole table laughed at him, he swore he'd kick my ass if he saw me, blah blah. When he got knocked out a few hands later, the dealer even told the rest of the table he was growing really tired of this guy's act and was getting close to asking a pit boss to take him away, which surprised me because dealers usually don't talk bad about players like that.

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