and This is one of the Reasons Why I Won't do a Carnival Cruise ......

Jan 17, 2007
[h=1]Stranded Carnival cruise expected to dock in Alabama after four days with limited power, running water[/h] Published February 14, 2013

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    Feb. 11: a small boat belonging to the Coast Guard Cutter Vigorous patrols near the cruise ship Carnival Triumph in the Gulf of Mexico. (AP)

The Carnival Triumph, a cruise ship passengers compared to a shanty town due to reports of vile conditions onboard, is expected to dock in Mobile, Ala., Thursday, four days after a fire in its engine room.

The ship is being towed by three tugboats and the 3,143 passengers and 1,086-person crew will have the option of boarding buses to Galveston or Houston, Texas. They can also spend the night in New Orleans and fly out to Houston tomorrow.

Carnival Cruise Lines said Wednesday all guests on board will receive a full refund for the cruise, as well as a future cruise credit equal to the amount paid for the trip and an additional $500.

"No one here from Carnival is happy about the conditions onboard the ship," Carnival President Gerry Cahill said Tuesday. "We obviously are very, very sorry about what is taking place."

The conditions on the ship appear to be deteriorating. Passengers complain of smelling raw sewage and eating a steady diet of onion sandwiches. Some passengers, seeking refugee from the smell, reportedly opened what is referred to as a shanty town on the deck.

Vivian Tilley, whose sister, Renee Shanar, is on the ship, said Shanar, of Houston, told her the cabins were hot and smelled like smoke from the engine fire, forcing passengers to stay on the deck. She also said people were getting sick.
The company has disputed the accounts of passengers who describe the ship as filthy, saying employees are doing everything to ensure people are comfortable.

Mobile Mayor Sam Jones questioned the plan to bus passengers to other cities late Wednesday, saying the city has more than enough hotel rooms to accommodate passengers and its two airports are near the cruise terminal.
"We raised the issue that it would be a lot easier to take a five-minute bus ride than a two-hour bus ride" to New Orleans, Jones said. Jones said Carnival employees will be staying in Mobile, adding he was not told of the company's reasoning for putting passengers on extended bus rides after their experience at sea.
"I don't know if the passengers even know that," Jones said.

Earlier Wednesday, Carnival Cruise Lines canceled a dozen more planned voyages aboard the Triumph and acknowledged that the crippled ship had been plagued by other mechanical problems in the weeks before the engine-room blaze. The National Transportation Safety Board has opened an investigation into the cause.

"We know it has been a longer journey back than we anticipated at the beginning of the week under very challenging circumstances," Cahill, the company’s president, said. "We are very sorry for what our guests have had to endure."
Carnival spokesman Vance Gulliksen acknowledged the Triumph's recent mechanical woes, explaining that there was an electrical problem with the ship's alternator on the previous voyage. Repairs were completed Feb. 2.

Testing of the repaired part was successful and "there is no evidence at this time of any relationship between this previous issue and the fire that occurred on Feb. 10."

Debbi Smedley, a passenger on a recent Triumph cruise, said the ship had trouble Jan. 28 as it was preparing to leave Galveston. Hours before the scheduled departure time, she received an email from Carnival stating the vessel would leave late because of a propulsion problem.

Passengers were asked to arrive at the port at 2 p.m., two hours later than originally scheduled.
The ship did not sail until after 8 p.m., she said.

"My mother is a cruise travel agent so this is not my first rodeo. I have sailed many, many cruises, many, many cruise lines. This was, by far, I have to say, the worst," said Smedley, of Plano, Texas.

Communication with passengers on the Triumph has been limited to brief windows when other cruise ships with working cellular towers have rendezvoused to deliver supplies, but some relatives have reported being told of uncomfortable and unsanitary conditions.

Robert Giordano, of the Oklahoma City suburb of Edmond, said he last spoke to his wife, Shannon, on Monday. She told him she waited in line for three hours to get a hot dog and that conditions on the ship were terrible.
"They're having to urinate in the shower. They've been passed out plastic bags to go to the bathroom," Giordano said. "There was fecal matter all over the floor."

Even more distressing, Giordano said, has been the lack of information he has been able to get from Carnival, a complaint shared by Tilley, of San Diego.

Carnival, she said, has not told families what hotel passengers will be put in or provided precise information about when they will arrive in Mobile. And that came after the cruise line switched the ship's towing destination from Progreso, Mexico, to Mobile.

Passengers are supposed to get a full refund and discounts on future cruises, and Carnival announced Wednesday they would each get an additional $500 in compensation.

Once docked, the ship will be idle through April. In addition to the dozen voyages canceled Wednesday, two other cruises were called off shortly after Sunday's fire.

Jay Herring, a former senior officer with Carnival Cruise Lines who worked on the Triumph from 2002 to 2004, said the ship was not problematic when he was on it.

The Triumph takes five generators -- with one on backup -- to power the ship, and 80 percent of that energy is needed to simply push the massive vessel through the water, Herring said.

Each of those generators is the size of a bus, so it's unrealistic to think that the ship could have enough backup power on board to run services when the engines die, Herring added.

"It's one of their bigger ships. It's certainly on the top end of Carnival's fleet," he said of the Triumph. "There are so many moving parts and things that can go wrong."

The Associated Press contributed to this report

Jan 17, 2007
Not that it Can't happen to Other Cruise Lines.... because it Does..... But More so with Carnival

New member
Nov 17, 2011

What cruise line would you recommend? Trying to plan a trip for the summer.

Sep 21, 2004
Going on CArnival 2 weeks to the day!!!!

Would have rather gone to our usual all adult all inclusive but this was the other couples idea and hey the port is 15 minutes from the hut. Prob could get a good deal now, lol.
Jan 17, 2007
Going on CArnival 2 weeks to the day!!!!

Would have rather gone to our usual all adult all inclusive but this was the other couples idea and hey the port is 15 minutes from the hut. Prob could get a good deal now, lol.

Which Ship ?? Because there's one other ship Carnival has, that's out there... that has had past problems

This one ( Triumph ) should have never been out to Sea. It had problems on Feb. 2th

Jan 16, 2010
Yea, ill never do Carnival again either, and my mind was made up before this incident. Carnival basically ruined my vacation and admitted they didn't handle the situation correctly and still wouldn't give me a dime of my money back or any discount or anything towards another vacation.

Royal Caribbean and Celebrity are 10x what Carnival wants to be. With that being said though, I think I'm done with cruises for awhile, if not forever. Would love to do the Alaskan one, though.
Jan 17, 2007
I have done Princess as well, but an older crowd ..

Outside of the Top Tier Cruise lines ( like Seabourn )

celebrity is #1 ( but a little more towards an Older crowd )

Royal Caribbean #2 ( All Ages )

and Princess #3

Food is about the same for #1 & 2

we have been doing Royal Only....the last 2 years because it's the last Cruise line that allows Smoking on your balcony

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I have heard quite a few carnival horror stories from some of locals here. I have yet to take a cruise but it sure wont be a carnival one when i do

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
My brother is a cruise hound...................he says to avoid Carnival at all costs, even it were free.
Jan 17, 2007
Some reports have it Delayed now until Tonight.....

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Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
The CEO was photographed at the Heat game last night.

Not good PR
Jan 17, 2007
They are now talking about the Ship not coming into port until 10-11pm TONIGHT

Love to be a Fly on the wall when they tell them, you can't leave the Ship until the Morning because they have to set up US Customs !!

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
I heard that they were giving away free alcohol. Can you imagine what that is like? LOL

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
The passengers do not have to go through normal customs. They will be expedited off the ship
Jan 17, 2007
The passengers do not have to go through normal customs. They will be expedited off the ship

Meanwhile, officials in Mobile were preparing a cruise terminal that has not been used for a year to help passengers go through customs after their ordeal.

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