So Most People Are Ok With Michael Sam's Announcement Except His Own Dad

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Michael Sam Sr. troubled by news news services

While Michael Sam has mostly received an outpouring of support since announcing that he is gay, his father is struggling with the news, according to a published report.
Sam revealed to his Missouri teammates he was gay last August, but he didn't disclose his sexual orientation to his parents until last week. He said Sunday in interviews with ESPN's "Outside The Lines" and The New York Times that he is gay.

Michael Sam Sr. told The New York Times that he received the news last Tuesday when his son wrote in a text: "Dad, I'm gay."
Sam's father took the news hard. He said he was eating at a Denny's restaurant but had to leave after receiving the text.

"I couldn't eat no more, so I went to Applebee's to have drinks," Sam Sr. told the newspaper. "I don't want my grandkids raised in that kind of environment."

Sam Sr., who described himself as "old-school," told the newspaper the idea of a gay player in the NFL bothers him, even when that person could be his own son.

He told the newspaper that late Hall of Famer Deacon Jones, the leader of the Rams' Fearsome Foursome who is credited with terming the word sack, "is turning over in his grave."

He told the newspaper, however, that he loves his son and hopes he makes it into the NFL.

"As a black man, we have so many hurdles to cross. This is just one he has to cross," he told The Times.
Sam led the SEC with 11.5 sacks, and 19 tackles for a loss. Many NFL draft projections see him as a likely mid-round pick, with some saying Sam could go as high as the third round, with a possible position switch to outside linebacker. He is rated as the 12th-best outside pass rusher in the draft by ESPN Scouts Inc.

His upbringing in Hitchcock, Texas, was filled with adversity. As such, he told ESPN that his decision to come out seemed easy compared to the tragedy he has had to endure.

"I endured so much in my past: seeing my older brother killed from a gunshot wound, not knowing that my oldest sister died when she was a baby and I never got the chance to meet her," he said. "My second-oldest brother went missing in 1998, and me and my little sister were the last ones to see him ... my other two brothers have been in and out of jail since eighth grade, currently both in jail.
"Telling the world I'm gay is nothing compared to that."

On Sunday, the defensive end told ESPN that his parents, who are no longer together, took the news well, which contradicts the comments from his father to The Times.

"I told my mom and dad last week, and they just pretty much said, 'We knew and we love you and support you,'" he said. "I'm their baby boy. I'm the first to go to college. I'm the first to graduate college. Something like this is just another milestone."

The Times reported that when Sam returns to his hometown he usually stays with friends instead of his family.
"I'm closer to my friends than I am to my family," Sam told the newspaper.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
In my opinion you support your own child no matter what.

Sounds like his disappointment might be from a selfish standpoint, excited about his kid going to the NFL and worried now that him being homosexual could hurt that...

New member
Feb 12, 2009
Why is this ESPN headline news...its natural for a straight father to be disappointed upon first hearing that his son his gay. No man is going to jump for joy in that situation. Obviously a real father would learn to accept it but not overnight.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I don't understand what his father said. He said he wouldn't want his grandchildren to be brought up in that environment. Since when can two gay males have a baby? Or is he talking about other grandchildren that his other children have?

Feb 19, 2008
"I couldn't eat no more, so I went to Applebee's to have drinks," Sam Sr. told the newspaper.

Thought this was pretty funny.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
I don't understand what his father said. He said he wouldn't want his grandchildren to be brought up in that environment. Since when can two gay males have a baby? Or is he talking about other grandchildren that his other children have?

I think Shdw adopted. I'm not sure if one or two children, but I know he and his partner adopted.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
to me it's not even fucking news :)

we'll never have a color blind society, we'll never have a judgement free society until we stopped talking about race and the like as if it's some major news event

also need to stop creating victims too

and while I'm on my soapbox, let me say leave political correctness to the politicians, they're losers anyways (no, seriously)

New member
Nov 7, 2009
I wouldn't want him baby-sitting my nieces and nephews.
his father or sam? and why not he's not a pedophile he's gay so what ? on the other hand i get that he came out and is getting a lot of credit for doing it before he gets drafted but does anyone think maybe thats part of his plan so everyone knows who he is better chance to get his name out there?

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
his father or sam? and why not he's not a pedophile he's gay so what ? on the other hand i get that he came out and is getting a lot of credit for doing it before he gets drafted but does anyone think maybe thats part of his plan so everyone knows who he is better chance to get his name out there?

A couple of scouts caught wind of it and were goin to out him.
Sep 21, 2004
his father or sam? and why not he's not a pedophile he's gay so what ? on the other hand i get that he came out and is getting a lot of credit for doing it before he gets drafted but does anyone think maybe thats part of his plan so everyone knows who he is better chance to get his name out there?

How do you know he's not a pedophile? The statistics for child abuse and pedophilia are *staggeringly* higher for the homosexual population that their heterosexual counterparts, that is a fact.

The media paints the homosexual culture as being so happy and normative, but the facts show that both mental health problems and physical health problems are much, much higher among homosexuals, and I can post page after page of statistical proof to back this up.

Feb 2, 2010
No father wants to hear that their son is a fairy. I am sure it will be water under the bridge as time passes, but the initial shock must be brutal for papa. It's probably human reaction.....nothing more or less. Also it has nothing to do with being a homophobe. I have 2 boys and couldn't fathom being in papa Sam's shoes. End of the day they are still your kids.
Sep 21, 2004
his father or sam? and why not he's not a pedophile he's gay so what ? on the other hand i get that he came out and is getting a lot of credit for doing it before he gets drafted but does anyone think maybe thats part of his plan so everyone knows who he is better chance to get his name out there?

I wouldn't want Sam baby-sitting my nieces and nephews; wouldn't mind if his father did. As Zit said, pedophilia is much more common among the gay crowd than the straight one.

What? Me worry?
Mar 11, 2012
How do you know he's not a pedophile? The statistics for child abuse and pedophilia are *staggeringly* higher for the homosexual population that their heterosexual counterparts, that is a fact.

The media paints the homosexual culture as being so happy and normative, but the facts show that both mental health problems and physical health problems are much, much higher among homosexuals, and I can post page after page of statistical proof to back this up.

Got any studies that are NOT conducted by the religious right? The study cited in your link was conducted by Regent University ( Regent University is a private coeducational interdenominational Christian university located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States) Hard to take a scientific study by them too serious since they do not believe in science (ie: evolution).
I do not believe for one minute that this study is correct and not biased to find the outcome they choose to find. Also you state that "phyiscal health problems are much much higher among homosexuals" ... really???? does that include all of the diabetes and heart conditions that effect 1 in every 10 people in the high fructose loving USA?
BTW - I am not a "liberal" nor am I a "conservative" ... registered INDEPENDENT since 1986 when I registered to vote. I think for myself and will never follow ANY party lines, nor will I EVER fall for any of the religious rights mumbo jumbo.
Sep 21, 2004
Got any studies that are NOT conducted by the religious right? The study cited in your link was conducted by Regent University ( Regent University is a private coeducational interdenominational Christian university located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States) Hard to take a scientific study by them too serious since they do not believe in science (ie: evolution).
I do not believe for one minute that this study is correct and not biased to find the outcome they choose to find. Also you state that "phyiscal health problems are much much higher among homosexuals" ... really???? does that include all of the diabetes and heart conditions that effect 1 in every 10 people in the high fructose loving USA?
BTW - I am not a "liberal" nor am I a "conservative" ... registered INDEPENDENT since 1986 when I registered to vote. I think for myself and will never follow ANY party lines, nor will I EVER fall for any of the religious rights mumbo jumbo.

ROFL. So if someone doesn't believe in macro-evolution (we evolved from a common ancestor to the modern ape) then they don't believe in science? ROFL.

Please tell me you aren't serious?

Now, if I post health statistics from the US Dept. on Disease Control and other "non religious" sources, are you going to post the same blather, hmmm?

What? Me worry?
Mar 11, 2012
Now, if I post health statistics from the US Dept. on Disease Control and other "non religious" sources, are you going to post the same blather, hmmm?

I have yet to see them if you so choose to produce I will be happy to read them. Like i said I wont be swayed by a "party" or a "religion". I will look at the facts and make up my own mind.

Jan 16, 2010
Is this not a conflicting article of events?

Michael Sam Sr. told The New York Times that he received the news last Tuesday when his son wrote in a text: "Dad, I'm gay."
Sam's father took the news hard. He said he was eating at a Denny's restaurant but had to leave after receiving the text.

"I couldn't eat no more, so I went to Applebee's to have drinks," Sam Sr. told the newspaper. "I don't want my grandkids raised in that kind of environment."


"I told my mom and dad last week, and they just pretty much said, 'We knew and we love you and support you,' he said.

Leads to...

The Times reported that when Sam returns to his hometown he usually stays with friends instead of his family.
"I'm closer to my friends than I am to my family," Sam told the newspaper.

Maybe Pops has known for a long time and he absolutely hates it. The amount of love he shows from here on out depends on the size of the signing bonus...

Sep 21, 2004
  • Homosexual Alfred Kinsey, the preeminent sexual researcher in the history of sexual research, found in 1948 that 37 percent of all male homosexuals admitted to having sex with children under 17 years old.[SUP]4[/SUP]
  • A very recent (2000) study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that "The best epidemiological evidence indicates that only 2-4% of men attracted to adults prefer men. In contrast, around 25-40% of men attracted to children prefer boys. Thus, the rate of homosexual attraction is 620 times higher among pedophiles."[SUP]5[/SUP]
  • Another 2000 study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that". . . all but 9 of the 48 homosexual men preferred the youngest two male age categories" for sexual activity;' These age categories were fifteen and twenty years old.[SUP]6[/SUP]
  • Yet another recent study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that "Pedophilia appears to have a greater than chance association with two other statistically infrequent phenomena. The first of these is homosexuality . . . Recent surveys estimate the prevalence of homosexuality, among men attracted to adults, in the neighborhood of 2%. In contrast, the prevalence of homosexuality among pedophiles may be as high as 30-40%."[SUP]7[/SUP]
  • A 1989 study in the Journal of Sex Research noted that " . . . the proportion of sex offenders against male children among homosexual men is substantially larger than the proportion of sex offenders against female children among heterosexual men . . . the development of pedophilia is more closely linked with homosexuality than with heterosexuality."[SUP]8[/SUP]
  • A 1988 study of 229 convicted child molesters published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that 86% of pedophiles described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.[SUP]9[/SUP]
  • In a 1984 Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy article, sex researchers found that "The proportional prevalence of [male] offenders against male children in this group of 457 offenders against children was 36 percent."[SUP]10[/SUP]
  • Homosexual activists Karla Jay and I Allen Young revealed in their 1979 Gay Report that 73% of all homosexuals I have acted as "chicken hawks" — that is, they have preyed on adolescent or younger boys.[SUP]11[/SUP]
  • In a 1992 study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, sex researchers K. Freud and R. I. Watson found that homosexual males are three times more likely than straight men to engage in pedophilia, and that the average pedophile victimizes between 20 and 150 boys before being arrested.[SUP]12[/SUP]
  • A study by sex researchers Alan Bell and Martin Weinberg found that 25% of white homosexual men have had sex with boys sixteen years and younger.[SUP]13[/SUP]


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