I have taken a beating at a Casino before, But NOTHING like this one ....

Jan 17, 2007
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Jan 17, 2007
They are calling it the vacation from hell -- a trip to Atlantic City that was supposed to include pool-side fun, boardwalk entertainment, and maybe some poker winnings, instead the Binns family from Florida said they were left battered and bruised at the hands of Harrah’s Resort hotel security officers.

“It was miserable. It was absolutely miserable,” said Renee Binns of the experience she, her husband and their 17-year-old daughter Andrea had when a front desk disagreement over a room key suddenly turned violent.

Video surveillance footage shows how the guards surrounded each of them, threw them to the ground and dragged them on the floor without any obvious physical provocation.

Andrea left with a broken nose. And they were not the only ones to tell ABC News about rough treatment received at the hands of Harrah’s security.

WATCH ABC News’ full report tonight on “20/20” at 10 p.m. ET.

In recent lawsuits, the Binns and two young men allege that Harrah's security guards used excessive physical force to subdue them in separate incidents. All three altercations were captured on hotel surveillance cameras.

“No sane person can explain the conduct that we see in those videos,” said Paul D’Amato, one of the New Jersey attorneys handling the cases against Harrah’s.

The casino and its corporate parent company Caesars Entertainment would not provide anyone for an on-camera interview for this report and declined to comment on specific cases or the videos. But in a written statement Harrah's said, "Our security personnel are trained to use the least amount of force required to manage any particular incident while ensuring they are taking necessary steps to protect guests, employees and themselves."

The shocking images of tourists being beaten or violently manhandled comes at an inopportune time for Atlantic City, a former gambling mecca that has suffered a sharp decline in business in recent years, according to Mayor Don Guardian.

Two of the city’s largest casino hotels, the Atlantic Club and Showboat, announced plans to shut down recently, with a third, the gleaming 70-story Revel Casino Hotel, is on the block and could shutter if a buyer is not found. All the closings are a result of a downward spiral in gaming revenue that comes as newly-legalized rival casinos have sprouted up in surrounding states.

When ABC News showed Guardian the surveillance footage, he said he was shocked by what he saw and dismayed that the incidents could create a further deterrent for tourists looking for a fun place to spend a few days.

“This is a city that needs to be hospitable,” Guardian said. “That type of activity can’t occur. When that occurs, we’re in the wrong business.”

Harrah’s appears to be pursuing a strategy to attract a younger crowd. The hotel hosts packed weekend pool parties with throbbing music and free-flowing booze.

Sean Oaks, 26, a University of Pennsylvania neuroscience student and classical guitar player, said he was persuaded by a friend that the casino had a great party scene.

His friend told him, "'You should come! It’s a great chance to meet girls.' So I was like 'fine, let's go!'" Oaks said.

After waiting in a long line, Oaks said a security guard took hold of his driver’s license and began to study it closely. On the video, the guard appears to be bending the license in half, with Oaks objecting and trying to grab it back. Guards surround the lanky college student. The altercation that follows is just of out view of the cameras, but as Oaks describes it, he was almost instantly rendered helpless.

“A whole gang of people jumped on me and piled on and kicked me and hit me in the back of the head,” he said. “They were whaling on me. And it was just this shock of force that came down out of nowhere.”

“I had no idea what was going on,” Oaks said. “One guy is like, trying to grab my leg and bend it backwards. I thought he was trying to break my knee. They started to do the same thing to my shoulder. I’m in a turtle position on the ground. And one guy was like -- I heard a voice behind me say -- "Break his arms if you have to.'"

Within minutes, Oaks can be seen on surveillance footage being dragged, handcuffed, into a holding room, with a bloody laceration under his eye. He, too, is now suing the hotel.

A gruesome beating involved Rob Coney, whose 6-foot-7 height made him a standout basketball player in school. An off duty Atlantic City police officer working for the hotel said in a police report that Coney’s size made he and other guards fearful when Coney refused to leave the pool area during one of Harrah’s late-night parties.

Coney said a guard wrongly insisted he had exited the pool party and could not return. Coney acknowledged he had been drinking at the time, like most of those at the party, and said he became upset and used rough language. As his friends tried to calm the situation, Coney said Harrah’s security, including the off duty police officer, surrounded him.

“The next thing I know this officer strikes me in the my throat and then he brings out his baton and strikes me right here on my head,” Coney said. “And then he chases me and beats me.”

Coney can be seen being dragged, collapsed and apparently unconscious, and bleeding from his head. The off-duty officer later alleged that Coney pushed him twice and charged him in a fighting manner, something not seen on the video provided to ABC News by his attorney. Coney later pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor disorderly person count. No charges were brought against the off duty officer who beat Coney with the baton and Coney has now filed a civil suit.

Nick Casale, a retired New York police officer and security expert, watched the videotapes for ABC News, and expressed deep concerns about the use of force by the security guards and off-duty officer.

“I mean that, that’s an assault,” Casale said.

Casale said no one using foul language, no matter how offensive, deserves a baton beating.

“They may be obnoxious,” he said. “The worst thing you can imagine does not justify you hitting someone with a nightstick – and not just him them, he whaled at ‘em.”

Mayor Guardian said he has been pushing to do more to make the resort a welcoming, family friendly place. He said he had not seen the videos from Harrah’s until we showed them. And he did not like what he saw.

After watching the actions of the off duty Atlantic City police officer with the baton, he said he was going to bring the matter to the attention of his police chief. The mayor added that when he took office at the beginning of this year, he prohibited police officers from moonlighting as casinos bouncers.

“Beating can’t be tolerated. It’s not acceptable. Violence can’t be tolerated,” he said.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
I couldn't get your video to work.

I don't know if it's my phone or not.

Sep 21, 2004
reading that was crazy im actually staying there in 3 weeks with my buddy and plan on going to that pool after dark wednesday night bc it looks like a great time thats the reason we are staying there.
Jan 17, 2007
reading that was crazy im actually staying there in 3 weeks with my buddy and plan on going to that pool after dark wednesday night bc it looks like a great time thats the reason we are staying there.

Guess you better check everyday and make sure you are still on the Guest list :smoking:

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
I couldn't get your video to work.

I don't know if it's my phone or not.
It must have been my phone, the video worked for me this time.

Wow, what a way for that family to end thier vacation.....they had already been there for 2 days....

Nov 21, 2008
Jersey trash security guards, yeah I can see where there could be a problem.

Sep 20, 2004
Watching this makes me want to go there and fck with the security a little bit.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I think a high percentage of lawsuits brought against big corporations are BS.

Not this one, though.

Unless the old guy told security he was going to blow up the place or kill someone, security was way out of line to do what they did...especially in plain sight of everyone near the casino floor. I'd imagine wrestling someone to the ground in that situation is only supposed to be done if there is some kind of real imminent danger to other guests...don't think this situation qualified.

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
But yet you heard nothing about the Rx Bash riot behind Imperial Palace in the parking lot in Las Vegas some years back.

Those political forum guys sure gone crazy... (Start at 1:35 mark)

Jan 17, 2007
I think a high percentage of lawsuits brought against big corporations are BS.

Not this one, though.

Unless the old guy told security he was going to blow up the place or kill someone, security was way out of line to do what they did...especially in plain sight of everyone near the casino floor. I'd imagine wrestling someone to the ground in that situation is only supposed to be done if there is some kind of real imminent danger to other guests...don't think this situation qualified.

and how about them ( security Guards ) taking his Daughter down ?? I think she was only 15 years old....

Sep 18, 2006
Breaking a 17 year old girls nose while taking her down with her parents for no apparent reason looks like an easy $5 to $10 million lawsuit.

Security guards gone wild......what's going on in the world now a days. It seems everyone is living on the edge & are high strung.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
and how about them ( security Guards ) taking his Daughter down ?? I think she was only 15 years old....

That's going to be the bread and butter for the prosecution's case. As well as it should be...can't imagine a 15-yr-old girl posing some kind of major threat. This will be an interesting case to follow.

The closest I've ever come to seeing this was watching a guy get led out of the Venetian poker room in handcuffs a few years ago. I had no clue what he did and obviously wasn't about to stop the officers and ask.

As for myself? Last summer, I got into a pretty heated argument with a Wynn pit boss at a craps table. I was stuck in the corner of a packed table and when I rolled, the dice bounced off the table mirror first before hitting the back wall. I was shooting diagonally from one corner to the other. I went on a hell of a run, must have made at least 8-10 straight points. Then the table supervisor starts bitching at me not to hit the mirror with the dice. Ok, fine...so I scoot over into the middle, and on my very first roll from there, the two dice hit each other in the middle of the table as they land. One rolls to the wall, one bounces off to the side and smacks the mirror. That wasn't what I intended (try it if you think it's easy to pull off -- it isn't), but that shot made the point. Now the guy gets really pissed off. He calls his pit boss over, who grabs me aside and tells me "You're a big, tall guy. You're strong enough to throw them against the back wall first." Meaning what, did they want me to start throwing 90 mph fastballs? I accidentally rolled a few more against the mirror because that's just how they bounced from the middle of the table. Then, security brings new chips to the table, and I tell them I'd like to wait until they are finished instead of shooting around those giant plastic cases. At this point, the table boss' entire face is red. I accidentally hit the mirror again on a roll, and the guy tells me that's my last warning...then some older Korean guy at the other end of the table betting blacks, lavenders and yellows starts telling the table boss to shut the fuck up and let me roll. I finally sevened out, then the Korean guy starts arguing with the pit boss about harassing players, etc. I guessed he was one of their VIPs because a few suits came over to try to calm him down. I walked away having won a nice amount on my run, and every time I walked past that asshole table boss' station for the rest of the night, I just winked and smiled when he make eye contact. While I was playing though, that was the only time I've ever genuinely wondered if I'd get tossed from a casino.
Jan 17, 2007
That's going to be the bread and butter for the prosecution's case. As well as it should be...can't imagine a 15-yr-old girl posing some kind of major threat. This will be an interesting case to follow.

The closest I've ever come to seeing this was watching a guy get led out of the Venetian poker room in handcuffs a few years ago. I had no clue what he did and obviously wasn't about to stop the officers and ask.

As for myself? Last summer, I got into a pretty heated argument with a Wynn pit boss at a craps table. I was stuck in the corner of a packed table and when I rolled, the dice bounced off the table mirror first before hitting the back wall. I was shooting diagonally from one corner to the other. I went on a hell of a run, must have made at least 8-10 straight points. Then the table supervisor starts bitching at me not to hit the mirror with the dice. Ok, fine...so I scoot over into the middle, and on my very first roll from there, the two dice hit each other in the middle of the table as they land. One rolls to the wall, one bounces off to the side and smacks the mirror. That wasn't what I intended (try it if you think it's easy to pull off -- it isn't), but that shot made the point. Now the guy gets really pissed off. He calls his pit boss over, who grabs me aside and tells me "You're a big, tall guy. You're strong enough to throw them against the back wall first." Meaning what, did they want me to start throwing 90 mph fastballs? I accidentally rolled a few more against the mirror because that's just how they bounced from the middle of the table. Then, security brings new chips to the table, and I tell them I'd like to wait until they are finished instead of shooting around those giant plastic cases. At this point, the table boss' entire face is red. I accidentally hit the mirror again on a roll, and the guy tells me that's my last warning...then some older Korean guy at the other end of the table betting blacks, lavenders and yellows starts telling the table boss to shut the fuck up and let me roll. I finally sevened out, then the Korean guy starts arguing with the pit boss about harassing players, etc. I guessed he was one of their VIPs because a few suits came over to try to calm him down. I walked away having won a nice amount on my run, and every time I walked past that asshole table boss' station for the rest of the night, I just winked and smiled when he make eye contact. While I was playing though, that was the only time I've ever genuinely wondered if I'd get tossed from a casino.

Funny thing you should bring this up. had almost the same problem at the Mirage 2 years ago. I was on the back corner and shooting diagonally across the table.
Only thing ( maybe different ) between you and me. I was hitting off the Mirror on purpose.

after hitting multiple numbers and making 4 points, Pit guy comes over to me and says, could you please not throw off the Mirror.
I said what's the problem ? I'm over here in a tight spot. i have two choices, I either hit the dealer ( or whatever he is called ) down the table on the Right, or I throw towards the other corner near the mirror....

unless you don't want me to hit the wall, I'll throw in the middle and it will probably still hit the mirror

anyway, same thing. He was pissed all night. and all the Pit guys, you saw talking about me and looking.

The best part was the players on the other side tried doing it too.. that really pissed them off. lol

Sep 30, 2008
they hit the jackpot. hotel security can give me a good beating if i make a few mil out of it.

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